June 2024's Writer Support Thread

Actually, if it’s not overextending her I will suggest keep on writing. Writing is a form of stress dump for many creative minds.

About finance, I was negotiating with check and invoice cashing out with factoring companies. Somehow my calculations were always accurate and small amounts were always retained. I can give suggestions in PM if you want to share a bit still keeping your privacy.

Read this as a motivation tool a small bite at a time : How to Get Rich

My former(I prefer to keep it that way) career and work life will be a fantastic and crazy COG. But I will probably try to evade that matter.

Keep on fighting…

edit: morning session ended, fixed some stuff through playthroughs brrr. Turning out somehow smoohtly. Breaking and fixing is bit annoying thouhg.
Content level %52.5, last scene is still on 30% max.



(the code, for reasons involving multi-replace nesting not being allowed, has a choice sending you into one label for a paragraph, then the listed *if sending you straight back to where you came. hence, scuffed)


June was supposed to be my month, but once again, life has gotten in the way. I hesitate to raise my hopes for July, but if I don’t have hope, what do I have?


Virtual hugs!



Sympathy from someone whose post tomorrow is going to be pretty much identical to yours? :slight_smile:


Night session still on, while working on scene I also implemented some logic update to the algorithms of prematch preps.
To keep it short had to think a bit, will smoothen it later. Basically a coefficient multiplier for fanbase. Affecting income for now but many other things in the story later.
Also while checking my related gosub file, I realized a potential issue that would effect a use of a feat;
the stand costs were relied only on MC’s personal finances, fixed it with adding more choices including clubs’ .

Due to some choices last scene will need more work than previous game scene, only need to work some more and it will be complete. :robot: Getting some light coffee and back to my editor :coffee:
(for percentage & statistic lovers already passed 55% mark ^^)


I’m having this weird urge to write a scene where two characters casually discuss (and complain) about their opinions of lingerie. :person_facepalming:


It is statements like this that makes me feel absolutely inadequate as a programmer, because I have no idea what it means. XD good fodder for me to figure out how to get to your level! Thanks for the inspiration!

Dude lingerie sucks. XD it’s uncomfy. XD


That feels like Chekhov’s lingerie, to be honest :joy:


Well… this is a lesson in humility. I technically achieved none of these things, though some advancements were made towards each of them. Unfortunately right now I don’t have access to Diaspora (for arcane reasons not worth getting into), so I suspect I shall simply set myself a word goal in BotL for next month and be happy with anything else I’m able to do on top of that.


pheww I was working a bit more to make it on Sunday, but as I wrote on the “game development” topic I hit a technical issue.
I did it with manual labor and multiples of lines instead of one for now.
it’s just stolen from my sleep near 2 hours :robot:

I will continue on the last scene - it’s a bit loaded than it’s predecessor.
That’s why I also have a sub to put many stats there - so the story will be more easy to edit for my eyes :see_no_evil:

But I will not use same multiple choices for such events afterwards probably. It’s too much on one take. What I am doing is a bit much, but worth experiencing.

So I’m some way done, will take a bit more but than I hope to update.

Have a nice sunday :sleeping:

edit: 11:35 AM after some technical jungle, labyrinth I am back on scene contents and enjoying adding some commentations with Patrick Dovonough and George Costanza
It’s going to be a good addition. I will play it from the start to see the paths for the las scene are ok and will update.
I will have some rest now but it’s going fine.
Happy to announce content objective already hit 62,5% it’s going to be a little more since I am laying the ornaments, details.

But I will not have multiple choice for this (can’t explain to avoid spoilers) soon :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sparkles:


Just remember that will break your potential hide_reuses and temp variables!


luckily I didn’t use them ^^ thanks for the warning @LiliArch or lilipad :smiley:

edit: actually yup some temps were affected so I played with their contents and did it to the point where nothing is affected. Thanks for the heads up :100: :100: :100:


10,000 words and change for the month. Most I have written in a month for about two years exactly, I imagine, since I finished the first draft for Day After around this time in ‘22. Feels good. I still can’t shake the feeling that Grandparenting is creakier than Parenting was. I hope it’s just the difficulty in writing a sequel and not that I actually am not as good a writer as I was. I guess that will become more apparent one way or the other when I move on to story #5 in a couple years. For now, well, creaky and existing is better than not existing.


Finally started feeling better about midway through the week. I hate being sick for so long and so glad I’m better now. On more positive news I managed to hit my word goal for this week.


Happy June 30th, everyone!

It is good that I have a few more hours left in the month. I am finishing up an in-depth editing pass, which might break the + 4,000 word mark.

Combine that with the 2,000 word prologue I wrote in the last pass, and this last week has been as productive as a normal “creative writing week” usually is.

Now to reflect back on my monthly goals:

Done. I have, perhaps, received my most useful batch of feedback with this round of testing, and I plan on using every scrap of it I can so that I can…

Now to the more back-end and unglamorous details:

I have my lists (yes, multiple lists) now made and I’ve already reviewed and changed some of them. Moving pass 7 up the list to pass 2’s position is less exciting than it may seem, but hopefully it means I am more efficient and productive in my editing.

I am in the process of modifying the mechanics of awarding souls and writing changes to the narrative (such as the prologue mentioned above), so these goals will carry over, most likely for a few months out.

Editing, in general, is harder on me than creating. This will no doubt add to my imposter feelings and the amount of self-pressure I put on myself.

May everyone have a good wrap up today, and I’ll see everyone tomorrow in the next month’s thread!


For those that wanted to know, here is a screenshot of one of my lists that I am working on:

. :revolving_hearts:


In June, I wrote 10k words which was below my goal, but I’m still reasonably happy with it. I also put out Chapter Three of Meteoric like I wanted to, and got some good, actionable feedback


I know I’m posting lot lately :sweat_smile: but after 3:00 last night I started working on it again on 10:00 am.

Since then since small breaks I am working. Found so many bugs and fixing them. 
Some easy ones like  gender = "male" which should be "Male" etc.

Tracking the subs so I spent a lot of time to understand why orders on scenes were mixing. Found that and solved as well. Thanks to quick test order tracking and random tests.
Side path checkings are on progress. I will probably do check, update and rest for a while.
Bug solutions

After the update I will add bugs and solutions with samples, starting with the one who drove me crazy .

Hope to publish today. Cheers^^


I only have one more scene to finish before my game has a fully completed first draft :smiley: After that I’ve got a bunch of editing items, and then it’ll be beta-time. I was kind of hoping to get the draft finished this weekend to end June with, but I’m exhausted from all the writing I did this week and have people coming over today, so I think I’m going to give myself a much-needed break and aim to finish it in the next 3 days.

Congrats to everyone on their June progress!


Here’s my monthly release and update digest for June! Well done to everyone who’s made something this month, whether you’ve shared it publicly or not.

Choice of Games Release:

Hosted Games Release:

Neo-Twiny Jam Games

New Choice of Games WIP:

New Heart’s Choice WIP:

New Hosted Games/Hobby WIPs:

Choice of Games WIP Updates:

Hosted Games/Hobby WIP Updates:

AletheiaKnights Reviews:

New Steam Pages:

Current Full-Game Closed Beta Testing:

Author Interview: