Unsupervised—Once, you were a sidekick. Now, you kick ass!

Originally published at: Unsupervised—Once, you were a sidekick. Now, you kick ass! - Choice of Games LLC

We’re proud to announce that Unsupervised, the latest in our popular “Choice of Games” line of multiple-choice interactive-fiction games, is now available for Steam, Android, and on iOS in the “Choice of Games” app.

You and your friends were teenage sidekicks of the world’s greatest heroes. But now, the heroes are missing. It’s your turn to kick ass and save the world!

It’s 40% off until June 20th! 

Unsupervised is a 660,000-word interactive superpower novel by Lucas Zaper and Morton Newberry, where your choices control the story. It’s entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination. Which is not as cool as an actual superpower, but you get the idea.

The Omega Responders were the mightiest heroes in the world, defending Earth with their powers—time manipulation, elemental mastery, teleportation, and more. You and your friends were their sidekicks, their best and brightest. Then the Omega Responders left to face a mysterious anomaly in outer space—and never returned.

Without your mentors to guide you, it’s up to you and your fellow sidekicks to decide what kind of heroes you’ll be. You’re not old enough to have a beer, but you sure as hell are old enough to save the world… and have your first kiss. Or your first kill. Puberty just hits different when you have superpowers.

Lead your team, travel the world gathering allies, navigate the ups and downs of public opinion, and confront villains at every turn. Will you smash and fight until there’s nobody left standing? Will you help the villains talk about their feelings to understand how they went astray? Or will you turn to villainy yourself?

Meanwhile, government regulation of people with powers grows more intense every day. How will you deal with PARENTS: the Paramilitary Agency Responding to Extraordinary Non-compliant Threats and Supervillains? One of your former sidekicks is already working for the government. Will you join them?

And what will you do when the truth about the Omega Responders’ last mission starts to emerge?

• Choose your powers: super speed, exceptional strength, heightened senses, elemental mastery, or time manipulation!
• Romance any of several fellow heroes, including an idealistic teleporter, an ambitious rapper, a half-ghost, or a sidekick-turned-government agent!
• Deal with hero regulatory agencies: fight the power, find loopholes, turn their agents to your side, or work for them yourself.
• Name and design your secret lair high in the Himalayas.
• Follow a heroic legacy, or dive deep into villainy!
• Teleport around the world, confronting villains and uncovering conspiracies from New York to Paris!
• Customize your supersuit, choose your team name, and manage your fellow heroes’ strengths to make them into the best team they can be!

Every teenager wants to change the world. But only you can save it.

We hope you enjoy playing Unsupervised. We encourage you to tell your friends about it and to recommend the game on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and other sites. Don’t forget: our initial download rate determines our ranking on the App Store. The more times you download in the first week, the better our games will rank.


Huge congratulations to @Nerull and @MahatmaDagon! Hope you get to do something fun to celebrate your fantastic achievement!


my best summary of the games


congratulations :wine_glass::moyai:


Congrats @Nerull and @MahatmaDagon on writing an addictive game and releasing it into the wild!

I truly enjoy becoming a lightning elemental master in your story.

. :revolving_hearts:




Congratulations, @MahatmaDagon and @Nerull !!! :tada::tada:


I still feel like “@$$” in the tagline should be censored.



just bought the game, So happy. Also congratulations on release.
Also quick question are all the romances we played during demo still available? Because only 4 are mentioned in the above description. Just confirming would be a real bummer to lose Telltale


Yep, they’re all available :slight_smile:


Calling it now: it’s the biggest non-World of Darkness CoG release in a long time. This one’s going to be big. Hope sequel plans are already in the offing.


This is certainly one of the stories that will cause a buzz. ITFO was probably the last big hyped release?

I didn’t realize today was release day! I can’t believe it! On the same day Kingdom Hearts comes to Steam.

Easy day one purchase.

Congrats on the big day, Author. You deserve this.


Congratulations and all the best to the authors! This one had already took off even before beta testing started, so it’s likely to stay around for a long time.


I was a big fan of The Vampire Regent, so when I learned that Lucas Zaper and Morton Newberry were writing a game for CoG, I was so excited. My expectations were high … and yet somehow Unsupervised has managed to exceed them again and again. The characters have all become so real to me. The story is complex and full of the best kind of twists - the kind you don’t see coming but make absolutely perfect sense. The writing is excellent and frequently laugh-out-loud funny. The result is a game that is utterly gripping and enjoyable whether the characters are battling supervillains or hanging out at a party. I love this game so much, and I’m beyond excited to see how the story continues to develop in the future.


How many endings are there in total from all the paths?

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Really enjoyed this one, though the cliff-hanger came as a surprise. I didn’t realise this was going to be a series.


yea, the ending kinda feels incomplete tbh. probably wouldnt’ve gotten it if id known it was going to be a series


I loved to play the demo, congrats for the release !! I go but this one without any hesitation

love this game, i will replay it at least 4 times! But only one fem!RO… That’s frustrating.

Where are you getting that? There are several female ROs. Up to four, I believe.