June 2024's Writer Support Thread

Not that I know of.

You can only upload 20 files to dashingdon at a time, but you can easily get around this by uploading files in groups of 20 if your game is over that number.

I don’t think HG has any limits on text files, but obviously try to keep your scenes well organized and at a reasonable number vs the wordcount.


Aaaand today marks one year anniversary since I finished it… and I still haven’t found a publisher.
Yuppieeeee :partying_face: :partying_face:


This morning, I relearned two valuable lessons while messing with scripting…

I learned: don’t try to jam in a fix while I am rushing about trying to do my morning routine and also, instead of trying to “retract” a fix by relying on my memory what script I had before, to go into the backup and see what was actually there.

I’ll give a status update (hint: editing and changes) on the 30th, so I’ll skip it today.

Everyone, have a lovely and productive weekend!

. :revolving_hearts:


Also keeping files shorter is something always suggested. The old match file on the site now is probably 1100lines, too much.
It’s less than %50 of it now probably.

To see it clearly you need separate files. Also sort of feels lighter and easier to fix if there is a problem, in my opinion.

Besides I didn’t upload yet will try 20files bunch


Sort of a productive session so far. I am writing the last scene for the update. Just wrote warming up part of the update’s final scene.
I am around on 50% of my previously set content goal, so it will be a nice update providing more.

Still some more to write for the last scene for sure. I wrote a good bunch in a short time because technical base is sort of laid out. So it also keeps my mind trained for another project :nerd_face: :sunglasses: :robot:


Current chapter is going great!

*if (hurtbysurpass)
            *goto lmaothislabelisscuffed

Right, gosh? Any time I try to fix something without my full attention I inevitably bungle something else. This is a valuable lesson.


Trying to write my IF while also working full time feels impossible sometimes. I’m so eager to wrap up my update and share it but it’s hard when all of my energy goes into work.

I am glad it’s the weekend, though. Hopefully I’ll be able to get some writing in… although I’m feeling like the odds of finishing the update this month are zero. I hope the end of the month is going better for everyone else!!


I’m really pleased - I finished my first draft of Chapter 11 of Honor Bound, and with that, along with the scene additions and expansions I did last week/earlier this week, the game is now just over 475,000 words! That’s approaching the length of Royal Affairs including the expanded epilogue!

Some of Chapter 11 will definitely need polishing, but it feels great to have it down on the page.

I probably won’t do much work over the weekend, so I’ll do my June roundup now:

This is done, even with some additional freelance work that came up - I’m feeling very good about how things are progressing.


Grats Harris! Heck of a milestone!

Hey, anything you’re able to put down is something more than you had before.

Progress isn’t always as fast as you’d like it to be, but you gotta take care of yourself too! It’s more important to do what you can than hold yourself to an arbitrary deadline of the end of the month.


When I have time I try! I feel like we all need the encouragement, because writers. :wink: Good luck with the update!

This is so important. Also why I haven’t been present much on the forum. Life goes in waves.

Today’s task is to read through and polish my first draft of chapter 8 for Ink and Intrigue. It’s a shorter chapter so I should be able to get that done, but momlife always comes first so we’ll see. I am pleased to be where I’m at with the project. After falling behind deadline with chapter 7 I’m back on schedule now and that feels good.


I’ve been sketching some images that have nothing to do with anything (well, anything I’m actually working on), and trying to not get a heatstroke. And going through my Steam library to find something I could manage playing longer than five minutes.

All in all, not a great day,


Congratulations, that’s an awesome milestone!


June’s coming to a neat end and it was a wonderful break month after exam. It was nice to de-stress and just enjoy the newly found free-time. But hopfully come July I should be able to get back to actually writing. Account shenanigans notwithstanding that is. I hope you all have had a wonderful June and have a wonderful July. And be wary of those heatwaves. I know I am dreading those…


accountabili-buddiesssss… ACCOUNTABILI-BUDDIES!

Opens maw to infodump all over this chat

HATOFUL BOYFRIEND! it’s a dating simulator (which is a genre of videogames typified and mostly created by Japanese creators where in the MC is given the opportunity to date/fuck/sometimes murder multiple different Romantic Options. They are usually in the form of Visual novels, which is mostly a reading experience where you make choices in dialogue options which allows you to affect the RO’s interest in you (sound familiar?) and quite a number of them are in fact pornographic.) where in the Romantic Interests, and in fact everyone except the MC (who is human and lives in a cave, btw.) are birds of some stripe. Most of them are pigeons. One’s a partridge.

ANYWAY. this game took the internet BY STORM one fine day, and has in fact been Let’s Played by the finest of Youtubers such as JackSepticeye, Markiplier, and several others I can’t think of right this moment. It’s a silly, fun little game that is quite intentionally mind-fucky.

closes maw

HORSE PRINCE DATING SIM. hahahahah omg, I loved seeing people freak out about this.

(if you can’t tell, Dating Sims is one of my Autistic Hyperfixations)

I laughed so hard omg


I’m sitting here staring at my document and have the same mental feeling as when you try and press two magnets against each other by the wrong sides. It’s absolutely awful because ALL I HAVE WANTED TO DO TODAY is work on it.

June is scuffed, I’ve barely worked on it at all. BUT! I’ve got another Accountabili-Buddy, so that’s helping to keep my morale up!


  • Finish Chapter One of Phoenix Rising - Oddly enough, I’ve not only got to answer questions on it now, but also people have been asking questions on Tumblr too!
  • Get posts on the Nascent Souls Tumblr up to July. - DID NOT succeed in this. I just straight up have not had the time.
  • Get the game to a point where I can ACTUALLY POST AN UPDATED DEMO, GODDAMMIT. – I wish we could post gifs here, because I would post one of sadness crying on the floor.
  • Bonus at work, because I can’t afford rent anymore if I don’t. They raised our rent by 300$ and I’m the only earner. - I did not bonus this month. I’m… actually really worried about that. But not gonna get into it here.
  • Keep up with my Accountabili-Buddies so that we all make progress on our games. @RascaldeesV2 @Phenrex @eveelution . Also looking for more accounta-bilibuddies too! Apply now!

Progress on my 2024 goals

  • Complete Phoenix Rising - not even close to on track for this one.
  • Begin Editing Phoenix Rising - or this one
  • Participate in at least 1 game jam - I’m beginning to think this is a pipe dream for me
  • Complete at least 1 game jam - definitely thinking this is a pipe dream
  • Learn Spanish enough to be able to use it at work (earn a $2 raise by doing this) - I lost my streak and I am now at 6 day streak. Yay.

Can I sign up even if the only thing I’m regularly working on right now are the strolls from the writing group? :raised_hand: (Reminder: Deadline is tomorrow. And I solemnly swear I will run all my feedback through my partner from now on.)


I am happy to have finished the demo of my WIP The Catalyst, and I even made a banner for it. But I still hope to post the rest of the chapter before the end of the month, considering that I’ve written out the most part. The editing & polishing, however, seemed to take forever- and I won’t be surprised if it gets delayed.


RT was telling me it hit a line too many times (it wasn’t a loop and there were four options, but it was getting confused for some reason). I used this code and it worked! Yay!

I just wrapped up my first pass through chapter 8. Going to schedule an email with ch 7 & 8 to my editor now. That would be me meeting my writing goals for the month, which I wasn’t sure I would do!

Only one more chapter to write!


I was planning to finish the rewrite of my WIP this month. I did it, and I finished the first draft for the rest of the chapter, and I’m almost halfway through editing/coding it. Yay.
I’m going trough another “lolwhocares” phase, but focusing on writing helps so I’ll manage :melting_face:


Great answer, to keep it as a secret inbetween us please;
this pigeon dating thing is a bit scary :nerd_face:

also reminds me two amateur comedians who were mocking work life in Istanbul where the pigeons were regular workers in an establishment, asking for a raise in their minimum wage and transportation fees. :smiley: It was funny if you now the context.

edit: the pigeons were post employees and asking for raise for long flights and more rest & quality susames in their feeds :sweat_smile:

edit2: Actually I will consider a funny short project for the issue, Labor to Power - Post pigeons are organizing for a massive strike against their owl, hawk, eagle managerial class :rofl:


Now that I’m done with the update for Scarlet Sorceress, I can move on to updating my released game. Unfortunately, I’ll need to replay it a few times to get up to speed (and I’m not looking forward to that since I’ve already played it a billion times before publishing it :sob:, but I do what I gotta do). I’ve already sketched out the plot for the DLC in my mind, and can start writing soon.

I’m sorry to hear that. Check if there’s anything in the contract and/or local renter laws which can help you fight the rent increase. Otherwise, try negotiating down the increase with the landlord, especially if you’ve been a reliable tenant or have a good relationship with the landlord. In case all else fails, you might need to plan for the worst by finding a cheaper place.

Most importantly, if you need to take a break from writing, just do it. Always take care of yourself first.