Last month didn’t turn out so well for me
I was unable to upload an update or even reach my 15k target (only got about 11k done)
It’s weird to think that the time I decided to lower my goals, I actually failed at them. Nevertheless, I’m always grateful for the folks who keep supporting my WIP, even at its early stages.
Goals for May
UPLOAD AN UPDATE!!! I was frustrated I didn’t manage to do that last month, and I might hit myself in the head if I don’t do it again this time.
Another 15k word count goal (not gonna stop setting this )
Flesh out some scenes in the first chapter
Increase story’s exposure (I am now well aware that I’m so bad at it, but eh.)
Keep up with my writing streak - barely got it back, so yeah.
By the way, thank you for continuing this thread. It’s been very helpful so far, and has probably given most of us here a lot of motivation and a chance to express our writing struggles.
Thanks for spinning this up again Eiwynn. By the end of May, I want to have my book done and submitted to HG. The first week of the month, i’m planning to finish up my second draft. Second week, send it to beta readers and relax just a little bit. Third week, get an insane amount of feedback and work long nights to hack everything back together, send out the final version for review and put final touches on it as the month ends. If i’m still talking about Interstellar Airgap when June starts, something has gone horribly wrong lmao.
I got a job! Now that that stress is over, I hope I may be able to do some writing. So even though I haven’t really been participating in these topics much, I thought I could give it a try.
I hope to get my outline finally designed, but I’ll be happy if I can just finally get the structure mapped out.
I wanna join in too, because my old man’s turning to a senior citizen this month, which means he can finally get discounts and free movie tickets on Sundays.
Hopefully I can finish the outline and start on writing my WiP. I’m more excited to code than to write
I am in a moment that I want to write, but I have no idea what I am supposed to do. I want to make a serious game. But I am too scared to have to deal with the forum testing, mainly because it is not the place it once was.
This is one of the few places where I can feel safe and welcomed.
So I don’t know what to do, and I am stressed about it.
Probably I am not good enough for this forum, and I should stop trying.
Good luck this month, y’all! I lowered my goal to 5,000 words last month, to give a bit of a break after the first three months of the year. I will admit though, I was still hoping to hit 10k, especially after notching almost 1,000 words on the first day. But in the end, some expected things (I knew I was taking some time to indulge my Gemp addiction a bit, plus beefing up the eBay store and my usual unpredictability when it comes to my sleep schedule) combined with some unexpected things (Slay the Spire has entered my life with a vengeance, I lost a few days to some powerful vaccine side effects) and I just barely eked out the 5,000 minimum last night with all of 3 hours to spare. Still, a threadbare win is a win nonetheless, I suppose.
My goal last year that I failed so spectacularly at was writing at least 100,000 words; I’m already around 37-40k for this year so hopefully there won’t be any similar issues this time. Depending on how long my current story is, I might even have something to publish by year’s end, but I’m not going to make that an official goal because I only have a nebulous idea of what the overall length should be, and I don’t want to rush out something unfinished.
My goal this month is to get the first draft of UnNatural Season 2 finished. I was hoping to get the third case finished by the end of April but had a setback and had to start again. So hope to get it finished by the end of today. Then have 30 days to get the finale done so I can do some serious testing in June.
1 Thank you for continuing the threads @Eiwynn
2 Short recap of April: 5 of 6 readers liked the scenes, and the reveals, that I wrote back in March, good thing otherwise I should undo half of the plot and lore;
wrote 1127 words (2 pages and a couple of lines) of my thesis, not good since the final goal is around 200 pages.
3 Goal of the month: finish at least chapter 1 (of 4, not counting introduction and conclusion) of my thesis
i like to make my goals flexible for many reasons, with my Main goal at all times being to kick my ADHD’s ass because it really makes writing a huge slog sometimes. that being said, i’d like to update my WIP within the next two weeks and finally get the bigger points of the story to take shape around the finer ones I have planned (i do everything so backwards i know it helps me stay engaged) because otherwise I’ll probably lose steam and i don’t wanna risk that. i hope everyone else feels pleased with themselves and accomplished by the end of the month regardless of what it is they have planned to do
You’ve given a lot of time and effort to support other people and it’s greatly appreciated. But you also need to focus on your own goals as well.
Perhaps an evolution into an emerging writers round table where the efforts in supporting each other is more roundly shared amongst the group. We can share excerpts of our writing, compare best practices, do timed writing sprints in tandem on occasion and compare notes afterwards. That way it’s more like a writers group.
I can shoulder some of that. In particular I’d like to announce open to all comers writing sprints.
Forming a writer’s round table is a great thing to consider. I think this thread should still exist as is, but you are also spot on in saying I need to focus on my goals too.
That is kind to offer. I know others in the community would also be interested in such an event orientated to motivate in other ways.
I’m not sure how you want to structure such sprints, but if I can help you get organized or whatever, please let me know.
It is very nice to offer your time and effort doing these.
I’m going to move these posts to the May thread, so hopefully more will see this. Also, I think @poison_mara has experience with jams and sprints, so you might want to contact her about your sprints too.
I think the best way to do it is to simply announce a time, short notice is fine. For example, i’m startig a 20 minute writing sprint in one hour at X o’clock. Then anyone who is available (even if it’s just one person that’s fine!) chimes in, we do the sprints and then compare notes afterwards. I’ll do one later on today and I’ll announce it in this thread or May if it exsist.
I’ll do a 20 minute sprint today at 3pm GMT. That’s in 1:19 minutes. If anyone wants to join me (no pressure) feel free to join in. We can compare notes.