Thank you all for the advice and motivation to keep going.
I did it! I made my monthly update to my WIP. I am really proud of myself.
I did not come close, in any way, to my stated goal - post the first chapter. That was for two good reasons: 1. I had to spend a week revising my manuscript for my other book 2. I had to develop the core game mechanics and reading mechanics for the entire book all within the first chapter (which is not yet done). So I revised my monthly goal to posting a full reader journey from start to finish tracing the readers first visit with their family to the Museum and their first time adding to their family album. And that goal I achieved.
I did not have a word count goal - I had no idea what I might shoot for - and added 17,000 words, which feels good to me.
During this time I re-engaged a collaborator who will advise me on the game design. I also did major content research and began a dialogue with a rights owner.
Most importantly, I had so much fun! I loved discovering the characters through writing, I loved coding, and I deeply appreciated all of the help that was provided to me through the kind and generous members of this forum.
I loved posting my first update - my debut, as it were - and receiving reader’s initial responses to the concept. Now I am besides myself waiting reader feedback on their first encounter with the EXPERIENCE.
I got the partially-secret outline completed and revised; I’m waiting back for that one. The top-secret one is mostly revised and just needs a little bit more done on it, so that’s not too bad.
Here’s a digest of November’s releses and WIP updates! If I’ve missed anything, please let me know. Congratulations to everyone who’s created something this month!
Thank you for the mention.
I’ve been kind of on the fence about reopening the thread over the last few months because whenever I looked at it back when it was open the views kept trickling in, but the responses were few and far between which led me to assume that it was just too boring to grab people’s attention, which is probably the worst kind of reaction one can receive.
Well, I was planning to take a big break from writing (like a year or something) and lasted less than a month. I didn’t set goals for November but managed to get over 15,000 words down in my new WIP. I suppose that’s pretty good.
I’m hoping to have 2-3 solid chapters before releasing a demo, so I’m still a ways away from that, but perhaps for Christmas or in the New Year, depending on how much time I find to write. It’s hard to be patient with the process, honestly.
Well, here it is, the end of the month, and I feel like I haven’t made any progress on my goals, AT ALL.
My Goals:
Progress on my 2024 goals
Complete Phoenix Rising - No where NEAR.
Begin Editing Phoenix Rising - It’s laughing at me.
Participate in at least 1 game jam - I’m beginning to think this is a pipe dream for me
Complete at least 1 game jam - definitely thinking this is a pipe dream
Learn Spanish enough to be able to use it at work (earn a $2 raise by doing this) - I have no idea if I even want to continue doing this…
October’s Goals
Finish Chapter One of Phoenix Rising - I have not finished the daydream section. It’s still making me want to rip my hair out with how repetetive it is. BUT IM CLOSER TO THE END. ONLY TWO SECTIONS LEFT.
Get the game to a point where I can ACTUALLY POST AN UPDATED DEMO, GODDAMMIT. – stares balefully at it It’s mocking me, I know it.
Bonus at work. - Bonused this month! Right before vacation time! Now I’m having nightmares about it not sticking, though…
Keep up with my Accountabili-Buddies so that we all make progress on our games. @RascaldeesV2 @Phenrex @eveelution @levviathan@Suyin @Eiwynn . Also looking for more accounta-bilibuddies too! Apply now!
I did meet my 30k word goal! I did not get to the map making, but I’m okay with that because this month saw a bunch of unforeseen doctors’ visits (accompanied by several problems), and frankly I’m impressed I finished the word count goal.
Wow, it’s already the last day of November. Writing was sporadic for me—it always is, really, but this month I was actually (mostly) keeping track of how often I was writing)—but some pretty decent progress was made and that’s good. I didn’t have any writing goals outside of a casual NaNoWriMo word count goal, which I definitely didn’t meet, but I’m happy enough with how it went. I even did a bit of research for my main project! With actual library books! I should probably double-check the return date though, don’t wanna miss it. I’m probably not gonna finish off this last day with any writing, due to going out for dinner with coworkers and also trying to focus on going to sleep at a reasonable hour, or as close as I can get to such a thing (I’ve been often sleeping at around 3am this past while).
XD Honestly, I’m probably gonna just copy and past them until I finally achieve those fuckers. XD Thanks for that though! I’m up for advice/suggestions any time!