God Syndicate (WIP) - 90k

I’ve begun work on my new game God Syndicate

In it you play as the god of war Ares reincarnated. Without the memories of your past lives you have to navigate a mortal world all while keeping your humanity. It’s a romance game.

Here’s the demo!

Here’s my Tumblr!

Currently it’s about 90k words long. I do not have any set in stone schedule, I work on this daily but this is my first major writing project and it’s only a hobby at this point. I’m going to be more active on my tumblr so please check in there for updates.


Rage comes naturally to you. With how much life has messed with you it’s only fair that you use your anger. That’s why you became a boxer. The thrill of breaking an opponent. And hoping they might break you in turn. They never do though. Every fight is a disappointment, almost as much of a disappointment as they pay for each fight.

Enter Jackie Roth, club owner, mob boss, and former god. When she offers you a job you can’t say no. Not that you would, not when she and everyone in her gang feel so familiar to you. At least with this job you’ll be able to use that rage inside you more.

As you learn the ways of the criminal underground you reconnect with people you never met. Reforge bonds that you’ve never made. And recall memories you’ve never had. You were a god once upon a time, can you become one again?


Hermes: Riley Liao Zhi - Gender Selectable.

The Messenger of The Gods. Or in Riley’s case, the ever bored personal assistant to Jackie. Riley’s an adrenaline junkie with a heart of gold. As the one who found you they feel almost responsible for you. But why do they also seem so afraid of you?

Apollo: Franco Valerio - He/Him.

As expected of The God of Music, Franco’s your classic rich and famous rock star. Well he would be, if only he could get out of Elysium. His love of singing and love of his family are two chains he can’t break that tie him here. Will your arrival help break those chains or tighten them?

Aphrodite: Damiana “Dame” Rivette - Gender Selectable.

Quiet and Serious, Dame is no longer The God of Love they once were. The passion of their life faded and now bitterness grows where love should. The only friend they have in Elysium seems to be their fiance, Johnny. To make their life even worse, you arrive.

The Mortal: Sigourney Hawthorn - She/Her.

Newly divorced from a god, Sigrouney struggles with juggling her (demigod) child, relentless job, and love life. As her daughter, Claudia, grows she wonders if she can keep up or if she’ll be left behind. And now with your arrival Claudia’s godly family gets bigger and her presence gets smaller.

Artemis: Rebel Reyes - Gender Selectable

How can The God of the Hunt thrive in the city? The prey here are either too weak or too annoying to hunt. The only thing Rebel craves is to feel that thrill again. With your arrival they have a perfect chance, who better to hunt than the God of War? They can’t wait to meet you.

The Old Flame: Harper Ward - Gender Selectable

A friend from a better time. Harper and you were once inseparable. They saw you at your darkest and kept you calm. Years after an explosive break up they’ve reemerged into your life far different than you knew them. Can you find the dying embers of your old friend? Is it even worth the pain?

Other Important Characters

Zeus: Jackie Roth - She/Her.

Jackie is The King of The Gods and she makes sure everyone knows it. Her word is law in Elysium and beyond. Fail her and you’ll have a storm waiting for you. In the years since your disappearance Jackie’s love for her family has seem to only grow. But she has a criminal empire to run and you’re just the weapon she needs.

Nemesis: Verne Mercer - They/Them.

Protective? Vindictive? As the God of Retribution Verne can be described as both perfectly. As the bouncer of Elysium and Jackie’s right hand Verne refuses to allow a threat near them or their friends. And what are you if not a threat?

Dionysus: Mitch Dorsey - He/Him.

It’s almost cliche that Dionysus is the bartender for Elysium. But if Mitch needs to fall into old habits to help pay for his daughter’s life then he will. He’s tired of his life here and has never tried to hide it. Now with you coming back he wonders how long he can protect his daughter from The Gods.

Nike: Johnny Noble- He/Him.

How can you beat the God of Victory? When fate itself decides that it’s special little boy gets to win then he wins. In any competition you can name, love included, he wins. You can’t beat him so don’t even try. He’s engaged to the God of Love, friends with everyone in Elysium, and worshiped by everyone who meets him. You might as well join. No matter how insufferable he might be.

  • Customize your MC, play male, female, or nonbinary. With transgender options and pronoun selection. Customize your appearance and develop your personality.
  • Romance or befriend a cast of characters, including gods with more issues than you can count or even a mortal! Asexual and Aromantic options available.
  • Show the gods why you were feared all those years ago or prove that you’re better than your past lives.
  • Uncover the mystery of disappearing gods as well as the mystery of your past.
  • Help out Elysium, the club where you’ll practically live from now on. It seems to attract gods and that isn’t always good.
  • Take out your anger on people who might even deserve it.
Side Stories

Side stories are typically short, unedited interactive stories. Typically they are to be considered non-canon, unless specifically said that they are canon.
These include…
Franco Side Story [4.7k words]
Damiana Side Story [5.3k words]

General Updates

(11/15/2024) - Prologue was posted to Dashingdon and Chapter 1 writing began.
(11/29/2024) - Final edits were done to fix the bugs and grammar in the prologue.
(01/16/2025) - Changed the link from Dashingdon to Cogdemos.


Been following this on Tumblr for a while now and played the demo when it was posted on there.

Definitely a good read so far so I’m looking forward to more of it.


I’m getting some manhwa vibes so I know im gonna love it


I love the story, and I can’t wait for more. I’ve been following it on Tumblr for so long, and I’m really happy it’s finally out. Great work! :grin::+1:


@Morgan_J Found an error

prologue line 5707: invalid @{} at letter 1; ‘trans’ is equal to 3 but there are only 2 options


Thanks friend, I’ll fix it. The gender stuff I added pretty late into development so thats unsurprising.


The coding woes are just the best aren’t they :smile:

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I liked the demo, I don’t know if it’s a problem with me, the game or dashingdon but I can’t load my saves.

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Its a me and dashingdon thing. If you update the game to fix a bug it ruins saves. Nothing I can fix about that exactly, but the bugs should have been caught. Sorry but I’m glad you enjoyed it! :sparkling_heart:

If you run into the issue its best to just do a FULL restart. because otherwise you’ll keep your stats and that could mess with things. (my coding is bad, but i’m fixing it now.)


Does this mean I will have to start the game again?

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Unfortunately yes. I’ll probably post this on another website soon that doesn’t have these issues. but doing a full refresh in the mean time should fix it. I’ll post an actual update that fixes the issues I have later tonight as to not ruin other runs.


Totally forgot to mention along with the error report, but this was EPIC! Loved everything about it so far, can’t wait for the next bit. My MC, named Ares, who was born in Greece, cause why not, just took the money and left. But not before breaking out into laughter and being concerned about the cultishness of the whole thing.


That was really good


I love it


I follow you on tumblr and loved the demo. I was waiting for you to release it and it was worth every second of the wait. It is so good. Its such a great concept and I really like who we turn out to be and how its revealed. Ah, so good. Sorry kinda fangirling out here.


This was amazing! I love it and am looking forward to seeing where it goes!


OMFG! THIS IS SO GOOD! I love the story and can’t wait for more, good luck!


I really enjoyed playing as a complete asshole with zero social skills that is on the path of romancing Aphrodite and decided to save our shitty boss in the end despite the odds. This was so fun! Thank you for sharing.

Also, I burst out laughing at a lot of this. Most notably the ‘cult’ options at the end if anybody wants to give them a try. The boss lady was really going through it with my bratty Hidan (from Naruto) inspired character.


This was a lot of fun. Look forward to more, I love my Ares! I’m a little confused at the name Damiana for a man but I will pretend it is Damiano or Damian in my head, not a big deal it just sounds wrong. Like meeting a dude named Al but it’s short for Alice. Idk. Also, there is a bug when I try to tell the little girl she’s not a very good artist, had to restart and go with the grumble and not say much lol, no way I was gonna praise the squid dog.


I’m collecting all the bugs right now and will be fixing them later. I have a big list i’ve already fixed but haven’t updated yet. When you update the game on Dashingdon it messes up the saves. As for Damiana, I knew the name was going to be an issue with people and it’s alright. Generally I feel like Dame is someone who wouldn’t care about their name too much.
On a meta level, I just like the name Damiana a lot and I really didn’t want to change names for different genders.