This was really awesome! Look forward to more.
Just updated the prologue. If you continue with your saves you’re going to keep getting errors. Just delete your saves, refresh, and restart. But now all the errors shooould be good? If you keep getting some after you’ve fully restarted then please let me know.
I can’t believe you finally getting my favorite boxer MC back as a boxer myself I love boxing as a sport but fuck you bringing the mob or the cult into this I’m not going whimpering to them Even if my character likes a good fight in a boxing ring or trying to get out of it personally me and the character I like playing as is trying not to get into criminal activity because of mother hey I’m a good kid XD
I’ve never written in these forums before, but this was AMAZING! The characters were amazing, and the options were surprisingly diverse (so many options…I’m living for it!). I’m definitely following with this and I’m cheering your on from the sidelines! Keep up the great work.
Will it be possible to change houses later in the game?
This is SICK!!! pls continue and don’t fade
Oh hey I remember seeing this pop up on Tumblr! Glad to know it’s coming along, the concept was really intriguing.
Hey!!! Your story was sick to be honest with you I hardly reply to any story I come across but yours was different like seriously if the name wasn’t #GOD SYNIDICATE# I would say it was the new version of wind breaker.Thank you for the story I really enjoyed it continues it please
Yes, but I want you to feel really really low before actually getting better. So that’s why you start in such a bad position.
I loved everything in the IF, especially the fact that I can just take my money and leave at the end or take up the knife but still choose whether or not to hurt Pete.
I would say this game was good BUT it’s
I just love finding promising stories lile this one.
Awesome game so far, hope to see more in the future.
This is a bloody brilliant story! I actually struggled with the choices i had to make.
Found a small mistake, don’t know if these are supposed to be choices or what not.
Other than that, really good so far.
Gotcha, thanks friend. I’ll fix that in the next update.
Holy smoking shit, Batman! I said good luck on the project but I didn’t think it’d be THIS DAMN GOD!! I absolutely loved this read. Like, I was hooked from the get go and now I’m wondering what’s gonna happen next, what classic myths about the gods will ending up being true, and hoping that this is a hobby OP won’t grow out of. It’s good. It’s damn good.
Side note: Arcane-induced depression incoming but I couldn’t help but see my Ares as pit fighter Vi xD
So which stat/strategy choice did you folks gravitate towards? Tough guy, perceptive strategist, stealthy dirty fighter, charismatic trash talker?
@stsword The Ares I played as is a giant strong dude who is quite obvious about where he’s throwing his punches.
Personality-wise, he’s working hard to control his anger and is doing his best to be kind.
Mom tried her best.
The “Ro” I’m striving for is Jackie.
Woof, Woof
If not then it would be Rebel
You know what gotta catch 'em all!!!
You mean like Alice Cooper? What names can be used for what gender may be broader than you think.