Orphic Love (WIP) – Chapter 5 now LIVE – Play Chapters 1-5!

Hi everyone! First-time Heart’s Choice author here currently working on Orphic Love, a Greek mythology-inspired romantasy game. Making a post to introduce myself and tell you a bit more about the game. Chapters 1-5 are also available as a demo, scroll down if you fancy giving them a go.

The game

As the goddess of nightmares and the daughter of King Hades and Queen Persephone, you have many duties to fulfil. Among them are securing mortal worship through nightmares, attending Messengers’ Council meetings, and honoring the long-standing alliance between the Underworld (home to Chthonic deities such as yourself) and Olympus (home to the Olympian gods). Your parents are keen for you to do the latter through marriage. A match with King Zeus’s son and the god of war Ares would certainly solidify the relationship between your two realms. It doesn’t hurt that you’re childhood friends, and that he’s outrageously handsome. Though perhaps your heart is set on the clever mortal lord who doesn’t fear your nightmares, and who shows you what life away from the gods’ games could be. On the other hand, you may turn out to be the biggest player of them all. Intent on consolidating your own power, or perhaps rule the Underworld unchecked. A union with Morpheus, the smug yet dashing god of dreams, would be a good place to start. Shame he’s been a thorn on your side since before you both joined the Council. But could your mutual hatred hide a deep and dark desire? The Fates may have already spun the thread of your destiny, but only you can unravel it.

The tropes

:fire: Potential for slow burn (take things slow, be all angsty, fight with your rival to your heart’s content)
:running_woman:t4: Or jump straight in (give your heart – and body! – free rein)
:hot_pepper: High spice
:couple:t4: Friends to lovers
:broken_heart: Star-crossed lovers
:crossed_swords: Enemies to lovers
:eggplant: F/M romance

(Some of) The fun stuff

:bow_and_arrow: Interact with characters and monsters based on Greek myths in addition to the ones already mentioned, including Hermes, Iris, Zagreus, Cerberus, Aphrodite, the Argonauts and more
:imp: Control a horde of daemons; choose what animal shape they take as they help you terrorize or soothe mortals
:love_letter: Support or hinder Hermes as leader of the Messengers’ Council
:dragon: Earn a bunch of epithets, including one based on how well you can pretend to be a dragon
:butterfly: You can fly!

The vibes

Artist credit (Left to right): The Minttu, Pierre-Maximilien Delafontaine, Cicy Illust, James Coleman, Michael Z Tyree, Jan Davidsz de Heem, Akshay Misra, Lombard School

The love interests


Ares (he/him): Despite being the god of war, Ares is a bit of a himbo – stupidly handsome, rather guileless, and kind-hearted. Because the Olympians value cunning and strategy above brute force, he is often dismissed and mocked by his siblings and parents. Additionally, he isn’t widely worshipped by mortals, due to representing the more distasteful aspects of brutal warfare and slaughter. He sees this as an advantage, however, as it leaves him free to pursue his own interests, which include drakon rearing and baking. He has an on-again off-again affair with the goddess Aphrodite (more on her below).

Theron (he/him): As ruggedly handsome as his island kingdom, Theron’s first duty is to his people, who chose him as their leader. He’ll do anything to protect them, including standing up to the gods. Unlike them, he has had to learn everything he knows, which has made him a resourceful and innovative thinker. He’s a craftsman at heart, and his ship designs are famous across the land. His parents’ marriage was happy and loving, and though he is content with his role and doesn’t shrink from the responsibilities it carries, he secretly longs for the same thing they had.

Morpheus (he/him): Like the PC, Morpheus is a member of the Messengers’ Council. He delivers prophetic dreams with the aid of his Oneroi, shadow daemons that take the shape of moths. He himself has beautiful moth-like wings. He’s sharp-witted and even sharper tongued. But his irreverent exterior is mostly a front (a very annoying front, mind you). He has grown tired of his gift being used to serve the Olympians’ whims, and corrupting mortals as a result. He believes Zeus and his ilk should keep their noses out of dreams, and the Underworld shouldn’t bend to their wills, diplomacy be damned.

(Some of) The other characters


Zagreus (he/they): PC’s younger brother. Ever the hedonist, Zagreus spends his days in pursuit of pleasure, whether it be hunting, drinking or sex. He is charismatic, mischievous and intent on delaying having to step up and become a productive member of the pantheon as long as possible. The only thing he takes seriously is archery and flirting, and he excels at them.

Hermes (he/him): The leader of the Messengers’ Council. He relays the Olympians’ wishes and delivers messeges between Olympus, the Underworld and the mortal realm. He’s the ultimate trickster, manipulative and clever, skilled at twisting words and spreading lies. As relations between the kingdoms evolve and worship wavers, Zeus has increased his workload, and he is always stressed and tired.

Iris (they/them): Hermes’ aide, they leave a rainbow in their wake when they deliver messages between the realms. They are everything Hermes is not – principled, kind and sweet. They take balance between the realms very seriously and understand the importance of both worship and honoring those who provide that worship.

Aphrodite (she/her): vain and incredibly petty about it, she’s the ultimate mean girl. Her good looks are the only thing she’s ever been valued for, yet her husband ignores her. She can either hinder the PC’s quest for love, or help her – if she’s willing to put in the work.


The author

I’m a fantasy writer based in Edinburgh, Scotland, though originally I hail from Mallorca, Spain. I write prose, comics, interactive fiction and also dabble in film and arts & culture journalism. You can check out some of my work on my site www.lidiamolinawhyte.com, or, if you fancy, follow me on Instagram @lidiamwhyte.

Thanks for reading!

Update 1: Hi everyone! Chapter 5 has now been uploaded to the demo :slightly_smiling_face:
Quick content warning for explicit descriptions of sex. I’ve made some little tweaks throughout as well to make sure world-building is consistent, and have expanded some choices.

Other than that, I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone for all the incredible feedback and support so far! It has been so helpful and encouraging as I continue to write the rest of the story :heart:


Welcome to the community, and thank you for introducing yourself.

Now I have two demos to try to read this weekend.

If there is anything the moderator team can do to help, please let us know.


Hi! The game seems really interesting, and i will definitely keep it in mind :^)
But there is a problem, after firstly getting to Olympus (in chapter 2 i think) and choosing the way to saulte zeus and hera it just sends me back to the cerberus part, i think its a bug?

What a fantastic start! I didn’t get to finish (gotta get ready for work :skull:) but I’m going to be thinking about this one for a while.


Hi, thanks for flagging! I think it should be working now :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for the warm welcome! Hope you enjoy your weekend playthrough :slightly_smiling_face:


So glad you liked it!

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Welcome to the forum, and congratulations on the game! I hope progress is going great!


I enjoyed this greatly! :smiling_face:

A couple of things that probably don’t look like they should:

And Prince Ares, the god who {@(marriage) is to become your husband|might become your husband|they would have you marry|will never be your husband}.

Would that happen to you and Ares, should you go ahead with a marriage? {@(marriage) And would it matter, if the realms were safe?|And would you care, if you had power and wealth because of it?|You doubt your heart would recover|It certainly makes you glad you have no interest in doing so}.

[Melinoe], it begins.

“{$name}!” Your mother gasps. “I thought you had drowned.”

“Splendid,” he settles on before turning to you. “I expect the same can be said for you, {$name}?”


Thanks for flagging this – should be all fixed now! So glad to hear you enjoyed it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks :smiling_face:

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I’m so excited to see another Greek Mythology themed IF! I can’t wait to try it.


I do love me an arranged marriage and some greek deities. I’m excited to read this when I get off work! :two_hearts:


OOOH, I love everything with history and mythology, especially with the premise to be a goddess :smiley:
I love the interaction with Zagreus and Cerberus so much xD and I love the small detail that our bath(?) has cats decorations/ornaments (I think mostly decorated after our little daemons xD)
bookmarked the story, I cannot wait to
Hands down, Ares is my favourite now xD (I read chapter two now)

small writing mistake:
(when we are bathing after talking to our brother Zagreus and getting a scolding from dear mother xD)
Not because you turst their judgement above all things, but because you trust your own. This is your purpose by choice, as well as by design.
I think the turst should be trust :slight_smile:


@Cat-Toes Thanks! It’s such a great well to draw from, isn’t it?

@levviathan Perfect combo! Excited for you to read it too :slightly_smiling_face:

@Queen_Zelda so glad you’re enjoying the story so far! And yes, the bath decorations are absolutely inspired by the little daemons! Thank you for flagging that error, it has now been fixed :blush:


This sounds great! I love Greek mythology and I’m sure I’ll have a lot of fun with this one.


and I found and gathered some music to listen to the story, happy listening :smiley:

and the best for last:


This is exactly the type of game I’ve been wanting from Heart’s Choice! Love Greek mythology and politically advantageous marriages - plus, I’ve always wanted to romance Ares :yum:

I’m so excited to try the demo tonight. All the best with your writing :purple_heart:


Finally! Time to give Ares the love he deserves (me thinks he deserves it and more). Thank you so much!!! :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


Oh my god, an if where you can romance Ares? Sign me up, will give it a read as soon as I can!