"Werewolves 3: Evolution's End"—The ultimate battle of humans vs. werewolves!

Originally published at: “Werewolves 3: Evolution’s End”—The ultimate battle of humans vs. werewolves! - Choice of Games LLC

Werewolves 3: Evolution's End
We’re proud to announce that Werewolves 3: Evolution’s End, the latest in our popular “Choice of Games” line of multiple-choice interactive-fiction games, is now available for Steam, Android, and on iOS in the “Choice of Games” app.

It’s 33% off until November 21st! The first two games in the “Claw, Shadow, and Sage” series, Werewolves: Haven Rising and Werewolves 2: Pack Mentality, are also on sale, 30% off until November 21st!

It’s the ultimate battle between werewolves and human supremacists, and your werewolf pack is caught in the middle of a four-way fight!

Werewolves 3: Evolution’s End is the third installment of Jeffrey Dean’s acclaimed “Claw, Shadow, and Sage” series, where your choices control the story. It’s entirely text-based, 680,000 words and hundreds of choices, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

After years of conspiracies, secrets, and escalation, the fight has finally come out into the open.

In one corner, there’s the Human Sovereignty Movement (HSM), a paramilitary mercenary force, dedicated to eradicating all werewolves, led by your father, Colonel Williams, who is secretly a werewolf.

Opposing them, there’s Packleader Sonoma, a werewolf supremacist who would gladly kill and even torture HSM operatives. She plans to deploy an experimental bioweapon to turn humans into werewolves (never mind that most humans don’t survive the transformation), starting with the HSM.

The US military is fighting both sides, as high-ranking werewolf undercover agents inside the military try to stop the HSM and Sonoma’s bioweapon, even if that means killing your entire pack.

And then there’s Maker, the mysterious scientist who developed Sonoma’s bioweapon, performing cruel and unforgivable experiments on humans and werewolves alike in her obsession with “accelerating evolution.” When your pack fell prey to a mysterious disease that unleashes feral rage, Maker developed a weekly injection to suppress your inner beast. Now, the pack must protect her until she can discover a permanent cure for the disease. But Maker’s true motivations are unknown. Is she your pack’s last hope or its greatest threat? Will your greatest enemy turn out to be your own feral self?

What future are you truly working towards? Do you wish to bring about peace between humans and werewolves, or to destroy humanity so that wolves can reign in the ashes? Choose your friends carefully, and keep your enemies at bay, because the ultimate battle is coming.

  • Play as male, female, or nonbinary; gay, straight, or bisexual.
  • Continue all five romances from the first two volumes of the trilogy, and deepen your relationships with your favorite characters.
  • Return to the Nail, the top-secret prison facility, fighting your fears as you search for answers.
  • Battle against your own feral nature as you race against the clock to save your pack.
  • Work with activists and journalists to shape the public perception of werewolves: will humans see you as friends in need, or fearsome foes?
  • Aid Maker in her groundbreaking scientific research and discover long-buried truths – or turn on her in retribution for the harm she has done to werewolf-kind.
  • Navigate your fraught relationship with your father, help your friends uncover their own families’ secrets, and start looking ahead to future generations.

What fate awaits you as you race towards evolution’s end?

We hope you enjoy playing Werewolves 3: Evolution’s End. We encourage you to tell your friends about it, and recommend the game on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and other sites. Don’t forget: our initial download rate determines our ranking on the App Store. The more times you download in the first week, the better our games will rank.


Congratulations @GreekWinter! What a huge behemoth of a game - it’s an incredible achievement to continue your series with such drama and responsiveness to previous games’ events and decisions!


Playing through them all at once so I can keep everything fresh in my mind and I come across an 80s reference I never noticed before

I appreciate the classics


Awooooohhh!!!, it’s time to release my inner alpha, dominate some betas and tear apart my enemies. FELLOW FURRIES UNITE!!!

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I think you may be the first reader who noticed my nod to Joe Dever!

I had the pleasure of talking with him a few times before he passed. He was a great guy–very influential to my writing and interest in interactive fiction.

I had just started writing Werewolves 1 in 2016 when he passed, so I put a small tribute to him in the very first chapter of Haven Rising in the form of a sign with a wolf’s head indicating ‘Dever Hall.’


Aww, that’s lovely :heart:


Ironically it was some Lone Wolf app on the play store like 10 years ago that led me to these games.


Jeffrey Dean is one of the all-around best authors writing in ChoiceScript: solid prose, genuinely compelling characters (including frighteningly plausible villains and ROs who feel like more than a collection of tropes), exciting stories with a good balance of action and character development, and rich themes to explore. Where he excels most of all, perhaps, is in creating fiendishly tough choices. There are no obvious authorial mouthpieces or straw men in his work. His characters have the courage of their convictions, and the arguments to back those convictions up. He explores the tough questions: how much freedom is it worth giving up in exchange for security? is it important to take the moral high ground when resisting oppression, or is it a no-holds-barred kind of fight? should you support a dangerous fanatic to foil the plans of someone even more dangerous and fanatical? are there some lines you don’t dare cross, even for the greater good? These are the kinds of questions he explores, and we’re the lucky players who get to answer them.

Werewolves 3 is a solid entry to this justifiably popular series. It’s full of surprising reunions, narrow escapes, new lore, and places to explore. You could probably play it a dozen times and still discover new things. I certainly have a few ideas in mind for future playthroughs!

I hope my fellow fans will enjoy this new chapter of the story as much as I did. And if you’re not a “Claw, Shadow, and Sage” fan yet, do yourself a favor and try the first few chapters of Werewolves: Haven Rising.



I dont recall few things mentioned in that ‘about’. I gotta start again. Some of it i do but not all.

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Me too. Lone Wolf was my first foray into IF.

I just downloaded and started playing Werewolves 3 and when loading the save for the previous game there were so many (I didn’t even remember I played it so many times) and they were all appropriately named “playthrough1”, “playthrough2”, “playthrough3”, etc. I’m amazed at my past self to think I would remember what happened at any of these playthroughs. :rofl:


Fortunately, you can choose to start your playthrough with an extremely thorough recap.


Just in case anyone is interested, I’m writing even more stories set in my Werewolves world on my Patreon.

My most recent story was set 16 years before the events of Werewolves 1 and spends time from Colonel Williams’s perspective. There are also stories about the dark underbelly of the Haven program featuring Jolon and Dena’s parents (and a cameo from an adorable young Jolon.) There’s also several chapters of my new (entiely free and unofficial) novel about Sheriff Qui from Parliament of Knives. That one can be viewed for no money at all and is updated every Monday. Werewolves material usually drops Thursdays or Fridays.

Thank you so much! It’s always exciting and somewhat terrifying to put a story you’ve worked on for years, isn’t it? So many emotions all at once! :sweat_smile: I can only hope folks like my game half as much as they do your work (and I love your work :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: )

I’m blushing. Really. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face: I’m so glad you liked it!


Congrats, @GreekWinter on the release!

Thank you for sharing your writing with me.

. :revolving_hearts:

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Slayer better stop making eyes at my girl.

I appreciate how reactive the game is. For instance, Inferi mentioning both Bly and Jolon near the fridge if you helped the both of them. Those small details make all the difference.


Awww thank you so much! :heart_eyes: I feel like it never gets less scary no matter how many times it happens… But I predict you have nothing to be terrified of and people will love it!


Can someone remind me where to post bug reports ? I encountered a minor one.

Best to email them to support (at) choiceofgames (dot) com so they can be triaged and documented.

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Which girl

Thank you for the bug report. I just fixed it and submitted a patch to Jason.

That was actually a pretty major issue depending on how you come about it, cause it can lead to a redundant scene by accident. Thank you so much for catching it and sending it in so early! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Question, i romanced tiva in book 2 but its looking like CoG didnt keep any of my saves. Do i gotta go through book 2 again? Cause there didnt seem to be an option for it during the recap unless i missed it. Thanks.