For the past couple of years, I’ve been working on a fantasy CoG called Choice of Rebels. Like all self-respecting epic fantasy, it’s going to be a series… say, four or five games, when all’s said and done? That kind of scale seems to be working out well enough for JimD.
Anyway, I’ve now got more than two-thirds of the first game written. It’s enough to give a pretty good flavor of the world, characters, and plot – but there’s enough unfinished that I can still make major course corrections. (Indeed, I’ve just got through a pretty major overhaul based on helpful feedback from @FairyGodfeather on an early draft. Thanks, FG).
As a previously published author, I’m aiming to get it on the official games page. But unlike most “official” authors, I want to make sure I get feedback well before beta or even alpha testing on a complete draft. Let’s get the criticisms out there while I can still respond to them without having to ditch three months’ worth of coding!
June 3, 2017: just took down the alpha version link. We’re passing Randomtest and on our way to beta at long last…
Here’s the draft world map.
A couple disclaimers up front:
* If you complain when CoGs get too long and novelistic, this may not be the game for you.
* If genderswapping characters annoy you, just stick with a single sex and orientation. Bi MCs have a wider range of romantic opportunities than non-bi MCs, but otherwise you’ll miss nothing in terms of replayability by not changing your sex and orientation.
* My goal is to get Game I finished by the end of the year. (Edit: Ha. Sorry.) That said, thanks to my day job, I don’t expect to update this very frequently. Apologies to anyone who reads it and is hungry for more…
Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read and comment!
Edit: As the game is now being frequently referred to with our preferred abbreviation of “XoR” on other threads, here’s an explanation for that joke.
Edit2: Thanks to Dashingdon for rescuing me from the demise of Dropbox…
Edit3: And we now have a Facebook page…