It is not, because again I normally don’t metaplay. It’s an information I would expect the gane to give anyway in some later chapters during the regular path. And if not I don’t see why I should need it.
Yeah, but “bad” choices should make sense for the player. Especially if they mean a restart of the whole game what it will most likely mean for a choice game.
And this choice is not bad because it leads to a “bad” ending, but because it’s execution is bad, for the points I already mentioned: It comes out of nowhere and heavily breaks the immersiom of the story.
First unrealistic doesn’t mean a worse game, second that MC would die in this fight is because you decided so, not because of realism and third the problem is that it comes out of nowhere, breaks immersion and the reward is very, very small in a way that’s not foreseeable when taking that option. MC can die in a choice game, but it should make sense and considering it will mean a restart of the game should be at least somewhat predictable for the player in the way that we can see what caused it. Choice of Rebels is a good example of a game that has the possibility for the MC to die, but it never feels cheap, it’s always a result of MC’s faults in contrast to this choice that just seems random. And as it only is meant to streamline the story and has no influence on the character building I just think that there are better option.
I tell you why a scene isn’t working for me. If that leads to you deciding to change the story or to just change the scene is always your decision.
But if you just don’t want any feedback to things like pacing or gameplay then okay. Won’t annoy you further with it.