The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Three (WIP -FINAL DEMO)

This was something I thought about last night, previously I was a lot more lenient with Wayhaven. The story just started and I had a lot of hope it could get better. Book 2 left a very good impression on me when I finished it, so I wasn’t worried about Book 3. The three year gap in between, I would definitely say my taste has changed.

I crave more mature romances and strong character progression now, I’ve basically shed any and all YA romances behind me. Though I still do love me a messy and toxic relationship here and there( as long as it’s actually entertaining).

So when I started book 3, I was expecting something more. A big part of me blames myself, as sera has said this is a romance series, first and foremost. I don’t like critiquing romance books because it’s usually the author fantasy but with how book 3 ended up. I can’t ignore it anymore.


The MC hasn’t changed, it’s just becoming more and more obvious that the stats with which we build our MCs are completely ignored in the romance. Considering this is a romance game, the personalities should really be considered in the interactions with the LIs. They aren’t, though–the MC is forced into being a blushy anime character, no matter their actual stats, forced into feelings they may or may not be experiencing yet, and–worse–it’s completely one-sided and the LIs aren’t shown to have the same over-the-top reactions to the MC.

And that’s the problem with A’s route. There’s no growth and any progress is immediately reset. The character itself isn’t the problem, it’s the fact that the build-up to A and the MC getting together feels forced and stunted because Sera decided to drag it out for six books before allowing them to be together.

I’ve said it before, and the fact remains, that A’s route should have an earlier exit ramp that can be triggered by the MC’s words or actions. As it stands, the entire “romance” is dependent upon A deciding, so the MC is basically a non-entity in it. There should be ways to speed it up, things that would trigger A into ending this seemingly never-ending cycle of push/pull with the MC as a doll that has no actual agency.

Yeah, F is F. I don’t think anything will ever change with them and they won’t “grow” as a person. And it will always be fun and non-angsty (except for their mom).

Well, in b3, N’s prim and proper went out the window. N is a horndog, really. It just didn’t come out until they were in a relationship and sure of the MC’s feelings. With N, there is somewhat of a disconnect in their behavior in b3, IMO. But I think that is Sera’s way of showing that N is better than M in every way, including sex.

Like you said, M is the exception. It may be because Sera was forced to explore M past the crabby exterior and sex-driven attitude. M’s one-note, cartoonish build from b1 just wouldn’t work if it was going to be a romance, so she had to figure out who the hell M is. With the other three, she sees their one-note, cartoonish build as acceptable–F is the bff snarker who is almost always happy and fun, A is the tortured slow-burn (asshole), and N is the soft, sweet, caring one with something dark in their past. So that’s what you get.

These are symptoms of plot bloat and forcing the progress to a snail’s pace in order to fill seven games. She could very easily let the romances progress at a more natural, quicker pace and focus on external forces for the source of drama and tension, but she wants to drag them out as long as possible. And the problems with doing that are getting more blatant with A, N, and F’s routes.

M’s route got obvious progress because we’re beginning to see beneath the surface of M (and that progress will apparently be negated in b4 so it can be dragged out longer). With A, N, and F, what you see is what you get–there’s nothing deeper below the surface, apparently, except for whatever happened in their past.

Wayhaven would’ve benefited from being a five-game series instead of a seven-game series.


Well, I know I haven’t been with this series for its entire runtime of 5 years or so. It’s only been, I want to say around 2-3 years. Having a toddler distorts time as it is, add a pandemic on top of that and I just remember jumping in sometime around Book 2 coming out. I don’t feel like I’ve changed much (in fact, I feel like I’m stuck in time) but I suppose no one ever feels like they are the ones changing.

It just feels like the experience I was getting from the first two books wasn’t the same for this one. It’s like it started out grittier then kept using a file to smooth things out while ignoring all the shavings it left behind. The romances haven’t been able to keep me from noticing the shavings.

So, we’ve got a wait. Any IF recommendations? I like everything: from scifi to fantasy, romance or none, lighthearted to grimdark, silly to serious. They don’t necessarily have to be CoG/HG recommendations. I’ve currently got Tally Ho and its sequel queued up and will probably grab the Relics series so I can read the 3rd one from that author’s Tumblr. Any other good/fun ones I should check out (or is this not an appropriate place to ask such a question)?


I recommend Sordwin, great trilogy and also Breach Archangel. @EvilChani has a great list herself


I can always recommend Mecha Ace. Short, sweet, engaging. Like an ice cream cone. Slammed! is longer and branchier and happens to be a great standalone book too.


Both the A Mage Reborn and the Pon Para series. Oooh, and the Werewolves series. Out for Blood. Insert Rich Family Name. Fernweh Saga. A Tale of Heroes WIP. The Bureau WIP. College Tennis: Origin Story WIP. Golden WIP.

@Requiem - Wayhaven discussion

I’m like you. I haven’t changed much, it’s that my patience is wearing thin with the intentional snail’s pace of getting to know UB (not just the RO, but the rest of the team as well) and complete disregard for the MCs we’ve built. B4 is midway through the series, and there’s been practically zero progress with A (and a complete reset at the end of b3 with the “I’m through with you!” bullshit), awesome progress with M in b3 that will be retconned, N being weird, and F still the same old F.

Add in the fact that we’ll get a “the MC and LI have never seen each other in the past few months despite working together constantly and the MC being on the same team” explanation at the beginning of b4 to show why the “connection” has remained stagnant over the time jump. Of course, that also means A acting like nothing in the last three books happened unless it’s to use it to hurt the MC, and M resetting to sometime in b3 before things started picking up because they aren’t allowed to understand things just yet, since we aren’t close enough to the end to be allowed a fucking relationship with M or A.

I think it feels that way because more attention was played to the overall plot. Maybe it’s because the plot was more focused–in b1, we had not-Murphy and in b2, we had a disease that turned out to be caused by Falk and his group. There was no extraneous crap, no keeping the big bad completely untouchable until the very end, and no trying to up the tension with a plethora of nameless “victims”.

In b1, we knew the ones Murphy killed from Wayhaven. It started with a murder and quickly had another murder of a child. There were other victims, but they weren’t from a 500-1000 person town. In b2, there were a lot of victims, one of which was someone the MC knew–who ended up lying in a hospital bed suffering from the disease that was inflicted on them halfway through the game. Even if your MC hated Bobby, that hits close to home.

What do we have in b3? Addie being kidnapped? Addie is quickly forgotten about until near the end. No search parties were really sent out for her, just for the Trappers. My husband, when Addie was mentioned again, asked (in character), “Who the fuck is Addie?” When I stared at him, he shrugged, “Seriously, who the fuck is Addie?” And I had been reading this story word for word to him.

There were what? Twelve people missing from Wayhaven? That’s a huge deal in a town that size. People would’ve been freaking the hell out, and rightly so. But we never saw that (unlike, in b1, Kate showing up to the station crying about her dead son). People would’ve been freaking out over the one missing kid, too. And what is the MC doing? Hiding in the warehouse for a week or more.

The problem with b3 was the fact that the plot made no sense. It felt like something got dropped or forgotten along the way and, instead of using the kid being taken by human/supernatural traffickers, a dozen faceless Wayhaven residents were thrown into the mix to create tension. The only problem is the narrative didn’t make me give a damn. I was more concerned with that kid than a bunch of ghosts.

Plus, as much as Sera hates spoilers, she spoils her own bloody plot by showing the bad guy so early and showing that poor Sin was forced into subservience to the evil, greedy human. Instead of infodumping it, it should’ve been held back–just like she holds everything back from the damned romances, only not for so long that we’re tired of it by the time we get there.

As for recommendations, try these:

My long ass list of recs

Fallen Hero
The Fernweh Saga
A Mage Reborn
The Shadow Society (b1 is done, but I’m not sure if there will be more or not)

I’ll also throw in a rec for Breach: The Archangel Job, just know that it’s very gamey, with dice rolls and such. Be prepared to die. Thankfully, you can reload.

Played the demo and loved it, but either haven’t yet played the full game or it’s not out yet:

Blood Moon
I, the Forgotten One

The Bureau
Defiled Hearts: The Barbarian
The Voice of Silverking
Replica: Between Universes (warning, this one is dark)

Non-choicescript games:
Aloners Redux
Wilder Ran
Wilder Badhur (you may like this one better… I prefer Ran)
Superstition (not a VN, but an IF using twine)
A Tale of Crowns
When the Night Comes
Cinderella Phenomenon
Tailor Tales (I only suggest the paid for version–the free version doesn’t have a lot of the romance scenes that get very steamy–but the storylines are really great, and it is now on Steam)
Ebon Light (I freaking LOVE this game)
Demonheart (another one that is awesome–and it has a sequel that is an old-style RPG)
Demonheart: Ice Demon
Andromeda Six (romances are shallow as hell, but the overall story is cool)
Confines of the Crown

And thanks to @lo6otia and @RenataC, I am now playing (and almost done with):
Oathbreaker (it’s soooo good!)


In fear of getting off-topic about Wayhaven, I recommend asking the question in one of these two threads in the future :purple_heart:

Blood Moon is great.

I can’t in good conscience recommend The Shadow Society, because even though I loved it I haven’t heard anything about the rewrite or the new entry in ages, which is a pity. :frowning: Same for the Voice of Silverking WIP.


Voice of Silverking is on hiatus, but last I talked to her, she was going to continue it. For The Shadow Society… yeah. I don’t think it will ever be continued. And the way she was treated by certain… elements… really pissed me off.


I really think it was because certain individuals bullied the poor author due to “similarities” to Wayhaven :unamused:grown adults acting like children but whatever……


I think Wayhaven is obviously a captivating series (else it wouldn’t be as popular as it is) but a lot of the time I feel like people compare anything Supernatural that happens to be romance focused to it, which is a very wide net. It’s the whole “souls-like” debacle. Anything even remotely similar gets compared to the most well-known thing in its group. Bit of a shame when this happens, really, especially when people take it to the extreme in a community as close knit as this.


I recommend these ones, the list would be longer but some were already mentioned here.


Broken Fable
Path of Martial Arts: The Beginning
The Wight King
Mind Blind
The Operative: Fires of Revolution
Windmere Academy

Also Keeper of the Sun and Moon, Superstition and The Bastard of Camelot.

Spoiler memes for M's path:

charlie woo small



Ah, yes, the eros interruptus scene. :smile:


Oh, we’re still doing those. I thought they were over by the time of Book 2’s ending.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself. I agree with you on every point. Love the series and I hate feeling so frustrated about it. It kind of went from cute and slightly gritty to vexing and confusing. Perhaps B4 will be the Tell All book and we’ll be going, “Aha! That’s why things worked the way they did in B3.” I’d be pleasantly surprised, anyway.

You know, this demo had me really excited for this book. It really did. I loved the immediate jump into action, and the first peeks into the LI’s inner thoughts. I liked meeting Sin but how that trap was handled was a bit odd.

Once Sin appears, UB tells the MC to run. From a flying celestial? Whatever for?! So that the MC would be out in the open and Sin could just fly up and snatch them off the ground? They didn’t know about the barrier at that point. Better to surround the MC so that if Sin decided to do an aerial maneuver it would make it much harder. The worst part, though, is after UB tells the MC to run…the MC doesn’t run! Dialogue and action happens but there is never once any mention that the MC tried to book it out of there.

It was like that in the cave-in scene, too. Which, guilty pleasure, I really enjoyed. It felt tense and claustrophobic and I enjoyed the back-and-forth between Sin and the MC. I actually really like Sin’s concept—a tragic antihero; an unwilling bad guy. But, when Sin flew up and out of that “cave”, there was no mention of UB noticing…at all. UB was standing at the top of the hole looking down (probably not a good idea in case it caves in) but they didn’t notice when Sin flew out of there?

It sounds like Sera is aware of these things from her recent update post, so hopefully she enjoys that writing class and gets what she wants out of it.

I do like your suggestion to push Sin back in the story further, particularly out of the demo’s reach. And your plot write-up was great. Since Sin was in the demo, I figured that meant his handler was the super secret baddie we were waiting to be unspoiled for. Didn’t peg the auctioneer for a human, though. For sure thought he was going to be a supernatural himself. Maybe I missed this in Chapter 6, but I wasn’t thinking he was human at the time.

Wow! @SnowPhoniex @vera @JBento @EvilChani @Nazroth Thank you for this master IF list!

I'll check out the ones that were recommended twice, first

Sordwin, trilogy (x2)
Breach: The Archangel Job (x2)
Mecha Ace (x2)
A Mage Reborn, series (x2)
Pon Para, series
Werewolves, series
Out for Blood
Insert Rich Family Name
The Fernweh Saga (x2)
I, the Forgotten One (x1.5)
Keeper of the Sun and Moon

A Tale of Heroes
The Bureau (x2)
College Tennis: Origin Story
Defiled Hearts: The Barbarian
The Voice of Silverking
Replica: Between Universes (warning, this one is dark)
Broken Fable
Path of Martial Arts: The Beginning
The Wight King
Mind Blind (x2)
The Operative: Fires of Revolution
Windmere Academy (x1.5)

Non-choicescript games:
Aloners Redux
Wilder Ran
Wilder Badhur (you may like this one better… I prefer Ran)
Superstition (x2)
A Tale of Crowns
When the Night Comes
Cinderella Phenomenon
Tailor Tales (I only suggest the paid for version–the free version doesn’t have a lot of the romance scenes that get very steamy–but the storylines are really great, and it is now on Steam)
Ebon Light (I freaking LOVE this game)
Demonheart (another one that is awesome–and it has a sequel that is an old-style RPG)
Demonheart: Ice Demon
Andromeda Six (romances are shallow as hell, but the overall story is cool)
Confines of the Crown
Oathbreaker (it’s soooo good!)
The Bastard of Camelot

Have read:
Fallen Hero (but it’s been a few years and now the sequel is out so I better hop back in)
The Shadow Society (read this one! that piano scene :blush:)
Blood Moon (I recommend this! it’s a fast read and it’s fun. more branching than it initially feels at first glance.)

I hear ya. I wanted recommendations specifically from Wayhaven fans and I’m not sure how to drag everyone in this thread into those ones.


If that’s the case, I need to second the recommendation of the Sordwin series (besides being good, it has the added bonus that it gives you indications of what stat thresholds mean in the context of the game world) and Mind Blind (which is just perfection. When is this thing releasing, I miss Rosy… and using my crush on Rosy to send Nick into a spiral :laughing: ). I’d do it for Windmere as well, but it’s early enough on that project that you could probably afford to leave it for a while. I, the Forgotten One is also very good, it’s just not for me.


Can you second one game twice yourself? I recommend Mecha Ace for many newcomers because it’s not a part of series that is stuck in development limbo - I remember my sheer annoyance at being forced to wait for Wayhaven’s sequel and triquel and I admit, it served as an interest dampener for me.



Yes, yes you can.

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