The Wight King(WIP) - Chapter 6 added (12/01/2023)

word count: 101k

Update log

Update(06/03/2018): Big update since the revamping. Some informations below may be oudated (updated the story and lore thing, so it’s more accurate, and better written)

Update(12/05/2018): Chapter 1 finished.

Update(27/02/2019): Chapter 2 added (needs some rewriting).

Update(07/08/2019): Chapter 3 added.

Update(30/04/2020): Chapter 4 added.

Update(10/12/2021): Chapter 5 added.

Update(12/01/2023): Chapter 6 added.

The Wight King - Demo

Welcome to this thread for my WIP: The Wight King. This is a medieval, dark fantasy game in which you play as the Wight King, a powerful undead lord.

What is this game about? You can find a relatively spoiler-free summary below and some context.

The Story


After a rough awakening in what you’ll find to be your own tomb, you escape the templar order which was guarding your grave. Seeking answers, you eventually learn the truth of your new nature, you are undead, risen from your grave with full sentience but with fragmented memories.

And you are not any mere undead, you are the wight king, supreme lord of undeath, the ultimate undead being. You will have to assume your new role as ruler of the undead to survive, or submit under the blades of the templars and their self-appointed king. Recruit allies living and dead along the way. Be a merciful and wise leader of men, or be a dreadful tyrant, spreading chaos and misery in your wake. Master your new, dark powers, from necromancy to the powers of a wight king, and discover anew those you have forgotten.

The path to victory will be long and treacherous, for this age of darkness comes to an end. The great tides of war rise once more, and you may be the one to turn those tides when the time come. The path of a Wight King is full of sacrifices, and you might lose more than your humanity on the way.

Let the world tremble with every step, for whatever your path, you will scar it and defy fate itself.

The Setting


This story takes place in a setting of my own making.To begin with, a quick summary of the situation of this world:

In full swing of the new Age of Darkness, set in motion by the slow crumling of Aquilea, the mightiest empire of the continent, tensions run high between nations and people alike. Centuries of war have left empires exsanguinated, but eager for a final resolution to this conflict. Aquilea’s desperation turned to aggression as it conquered the southern lands of Velzar, threatening the borders of even the stormswept Kriegsgard to their east, and those of the radiant empire of Nevarra to their west.

This first book takes place in the country of Arkadia, a small kingdom ensconced between the great mountains of the Dragonjaw, and the monster-infested seas of the North.

Once independent, Arkadia had been subjected to centuries of humilation and degradation at the hands of the Aquilean empire. King Lionheart’s rebellion freed Arkadia from the tyrannical yoke of the Aquileans, heralded by what remained of the once mighty paladins who saw his cause as righteous. And for a time, there was peace, the King reigned justly and wisely assisted by those who once fought by his side.

Yet nothing good is ever meant to last. Betrayal struck the kingdom and as suddenly as it rose to reclaim its independence, it was brought back into the hands of Aquilea, under the rule of Lionheart’s son. Ten years since then, ten years of oppression, of theft, of tyranny.

But perhaps the death knell of this era, and this kingdom, shall come not from war, not from tyranny, not from inevitable collapse of a bloated and rotting empire, but in the form of the awakening of a certain undead king.

Old powers are stirring, and time has come to change this world.

Important posts:
There are some posts in which I explained bits of lore, and from now on I’ll try to link them here so that you can find them easily.

Elves, Dwarves and Orks

The Wight King(WIP) - Chapter 6 added (12/01/2023) - #4372 by bl00dragon

Druids, Shamans, Harbingers

The Wight King(WIP) - Chapter 6 added (12/01/2023) - #4755 by bl00dragon


Lore Dump the Second: Divinity – @nocifer on Tumblr

Divinity : First of all, the concept of divinity, the true nature and the essence of the gods. Sometimes it may seem matter of fact on the surface, yet divinity is a bit stranger than what it appears to be.

What makes a god divine? At which point can you consider a being is divine? Are the heroes of this world divine? Are the mighty dragons divine, masters of their form and immortal as they are?

It’s rare that all are in accordance on the definition of the word, or what entities can truly be considered gods. But all those who are broadly accepted as deities have one thing in common. They have transcended mortality and stepped into a realm of being wholly of their own, both physically and spiritually. Some from birth, other through ascension.

A god is a manifestation, or an incarnation, of forces or concepts of the universe. This influence gives them “Domain” over these things they manifest, but they are nothing so grand as the source of these things. They are much like us, pawns in a vaster game, invested with a certain amount of power but lacking for purpose except that they’ve taken for themselves.

Especially in the case of mortals who have found their own way to godhood, in which case they’ve grasped their domains for themselves, wrested them from the universe to claim dominion over them.

There can be many gods of the same domains, sometimes allied, sometimes opposed. Which often leads gods to unite in Pantheons, or mortals to lump them in together into them.

Orders: While gods take many different forms. There are three broad categories that gods existing within the realm of mortal perception may fall into.

  • First Order: Gods of the first order are also sometimes called “The Primordial Ones” or “Cosmic Gods”. They are the eldest and strangest of the gods, the least well known, if known at all. Or ever worshiped, for they were there long before there were mortals. Their domains are often wide-reaching concepts, like Death, Time, Chaos, Change, and other such vast and absolute concepts.
  • Second Order: Sometimes colloquially and somewhat ironically called “Old Gods” by the followers of Third Order gods and other recent forms of religion like Aquilean belief. Though a more appropriate name may be “The Primeval Ones”. It is said that they were first born with this world, spawning from the roiling seas, howling winds and scalding magma. But at first nothing more than powerful spirits, they watched the world that unfolded before them and slowly found their place within it. Some through nature, others through civilization. Many of them have domain on the Sea, Forests, Mountains, Plagues, and other natural things or sometimes, essential parts of civilization like Weaving, Smithing or Agriculture.
  • Third Order: Gods said to be of the Third Order are by far and large “The Ascended Ones”. For the most part, former mortals who have reached divinity through ascension, one way or another. Most of the time, not by design. They are the most relatable to mortals, and most known and worshiped by them. Their domains tend to include things that are essential and unique to mortal society. War, Authority, Law, Travel, Arts…

Ascension: The Path of Ascension might be one of the most coveted yet misunderstood process there is. Throughout mortal history, people of all kind and all horizons have sought it, in every single way possible, from magic to artistry, from battle to philosophy, infinite pathways to a goal that always seems out of reach.

There is no shortcut. The truth is, the road to enlightenment is paved with suffering. Every path untrodden, every step a trial, every turn another chance to fail. Shall you be found wanting, you will be broken. And join the legions of martyred and failed vessels piled along the way.

Godhood is seldom given, it is claimed, torn from the cold, uncaring grasp of the universe. Reach enlightenment through suffering.

Character List

The Wight King: The protagonist of our story, worse for wear after a decade of deathly slumber. But eager to remind the world why they feared the night.

Helena (Banshee): She carries herself as if unhindered by gravity. Breezy steps and easy smiles even as she shadows the wight king, as if by pure whimsy. Can anyone in this world truly be so free?

Dandelion (Wight Lord): The old knight has awakened once more with the coming of his new liege, torn between the eagerness to move his frozen carcass once more and the gnawing apprehension of serving yet another master. How can he not wonder if this one will be the same as the last?

Erzebet of Blackstone (Vampire): Reclusive despite herself, a young vampire seeks her purpose in the greater world beyond her gilded cage. As all of her nature, she has felt the coming of the new monarch of the living and the dead. And sees carried on their black wings, the hope of something more for herself and her own.

Cassius (???): He approaches!

Asterius Lucius Iudex (Templar Adjudicator): The mighty Asterius, keeper of the eastern wilds, adjudicator of the most utterly ungrateful and worthless land of Aquilea. His disdain for the templar hierachy is no secret, and the reason for his exile into this wretched region, his reputation and skill the only thing that guarantees him his prestigious but ultimately purposefully crippled position.

Lynvia Blackstone (Squire-Templar / Bann of Arkadia): Only remaining heir of the Blackstone, the young lady has much to live up for in her quest to reclaim what rightfully belongs to her. Displaying both unshakable determination and a seemingly unending capacity for seething hatred, she is regarded as both an excellent candidate for knighthood and an asset as unpredictable as she is dangerous if mishandled.

Anastasia Kazaryn (Templar Acolyte / Attendant): A former servant of the Blackstone family, having followed the lady she serves even in service of the templar order. No one worthy of notice.

Strom Walhardt (Knight-Exemplar / Commander of the Royal Guard): The legendary general has come far from home. Tired of war he turned his no less glorious maul to nobler pursuit. Or so it was believed, now against all his supposed principle, he is no more than a hound of the mad king.

All feedback is appreciated as well as help with removing typos from the game. Don’t hesitate to voice your thoughts and ask questions, be it about lore, story or whatever, I’ll be glad to answer you.

If you like what I do, you can also check out another of my stories:

Lore Glossary by Cicada

A list of posts talking about different things related to the lore of the game that @Cicada compiled.

Lore and Q&A compilation (The Wight King) - Google Docs

Disclaimer: Older posts are unreliable. In case of contradictions, the most recent post takes priority. If you have any question, do not hesitate to ask.

In case you want to support my work:

Old demo

Here’s the old demo with, currently, the prologue, and three chapters (you can check it out, though the writing does not represent my current skills as it’s several years old):

You may also find me and keep with updates at:


Seems an interesting story. I normally play the baddy in any game so its nice to go fully bad and kill everyone in my way.

There’s a lot of minor spelling errors, gramatical errors or just sentences that repeat the same word at the start but I wont go through all that here.

One big comment is that the 2nd to last choice I met which asks how I want to approach the waiting 20 soldiers is far to long. Make them more snappy and then have the rest of the writing occur once youve made that choice.

Also the game crashed when I selected my name as “Rose”. Is that the end of it so far?

Seems interesting though and with some polishing it could be a good tale. Not entirely sure what direction the story will be going though


Sounds interesting. Bugs: Your save slots is not working and I got error prisonbreak line 185: increasing indent not allowed when choosing any of the available names.

Interesting idea, do you plan to add gender selection at some point? Being called “they” is a bit…unsettling to me (though better than “he” I supposed :stuck_out_tongue:)


My game also crashed at that point, although Rose was not my choice.

I picked my own name and had no crashes, maybe everyone just needs to be named Elizabeth :laughing:


Not fair, mine crashed :frowning: But maybe because of the " ’ " on the “a”. I’ll try without it.
Edit: It Works! :slight_smile:


I swear im a good person but I just like playing the most evil of people


I got an error affer chosing a name and when i created my own character name

Ps: i click all of those names I got a error

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thats strange that didn’t happen when i played it…i guess it must be a error hm i try playing the game again and see if that happens to me.


I found out what was going on here it’s it’s you have to show Mercy too chose the names

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Knew there was still some left. I’ll go typo-slaying soon.[quote=“Maxmansung, post:2, topic:21293”]
Seems an interesting story. I normally play the baddy in any game so its nice to go fully bad and kill everyone in my way.

You’ll get plenty of occasions to do just that. Though it Will surely be gradual. Today one dead puppy, tomorrow the world.

I’ll see to it.

That’s not supposed to happen, it should work by tonight.[quote=“nocturne, post:3, topic:21293, full:true”]
Sounds interesting. Bugs: Your save slots is not working and I got error prisonbreak line 185: increasing indent not allowed when choosing any of the available names.

I know but you don’t need saves right now, so it Will have to wait, the name bug is strange, i’ll work on it as soon as i’m home.

Don’t worry that’s at the beginning ofchapter one. :wink:

what the ? I’ll check this out.

P.S. : Sorry for the lateness. That was a hell of a day. I curse the fool who decided to make us work till 7pm on wednesday plus work on sunday. Ther will be be retaliation !
I’m currently working on the name problem, sit tight, I’ll see what I can do. It would help if you told me precisely what happen when there’s an error.


Should be working now. Test it out please.

Now it works, but I still don’t see how the hell this was messing with the code, I’m really clueless…

I hereby decree that every character of this story is named Elizabeth.

I can’t have that can I ? And yes accents tend to mess with informatic languages as a whole :wink:[quote=“jonnyboy666, post:8, topic:21293, full:true”]
I swear im a good person but I just like playing the most evil of people

I get you jonnyboy. I remember my first paladin in D&D, loyal good but still muredering every evil-aligned characters that got in his sight, and justifying by : “That’s justice ! He provoked me with his red aura !”.


This seems like a very interesting concept and I can’t wait to see how it develops! There are some grammar mistakes and there’s also a bug I discovered when I decided to walk over to the adjudicator(?) to meet him halfway. The error says prisonbreak line 193: invalid indent, expected at least one line in ‘if’ true block.

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Again ? Sit tight…
EDIT: Are you sure it’s still doing that ? It seems to work fine on this end.
Please refresh the page and tell me if it works now.

Oh and if someone could be a dear and pm me the typos they find (especially in the first 3-4 scenes) that would help me greatly.

I’ll begin working on chapter one tomorrow if I’ve got the time, that’ll be an horrible week and about as horrible vacations what of the stupid who made that timesheet and who said : “hey ! They are not working their asses off quite enough ! Let’s give them homework on vacations ! After all vacations are made to work not to recuperate.”
Turns out both giving the bl00dragon homework and stealing his vacations makes him the grumpiest, AND oh so salty.

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attacking a lone warrior “twanty” against one is twenty:blush::grinning:

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wut ? Squires ! Prepare my typo-slaying spear !
EDIT: Typo slayed, get back to work now, my typo hounds !


this is just a theory but i believe it only douse the error whenever you choice to kill the first guard at the beginning of the game if you choice to show mercy to the guard it lets you choice your name and you can continue on with the story.

Eh, maybe.
It’s working now though.

yep you right it is fixed :clap: .

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