Ghibli inspired WIP - Citadel of dancing Birds 05.12.23

This is a game that is inspired by Howls Moving Castle (book and movie) but I will also try and get that “ghibli vibe” in it. (However it will def be darker!)


You play someone from our world who ends up in another world! Since this is an aspect I greatly enjoyed in the book and was really sad they didnt include in the movie, there will be chances of jumping between the worlds (and of course becoming a magician too!).

What can you do:


-choose a job
-end up in another world!
-sign a contract (you really have no other choice)
-choose your favourite colleague!
-get to know your neighbour!
-choose your sexual orientation (with the option to choose to be aro or ace later because even a noisy neighbour cant know everything!)
-learn more about your magic (let me know how you liked that, I am unsure if I should keep that the way I have rn)
-already lose your apprenticeship?

Or check out my other WIPs:


Very interesting concept so far.


Cool, cool.

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Small update!

-added two more jobs
-choose if your MC is comfortable in their own skin
-learn a little bit about the world
-be cursed?


Oh, I love this so much :grinning: the writing style is lovely, the German partly bird surnames are cute. The premise to be a Wizard/Witch sounds amazing :heart: is Rupert one of the RO’s? And what’s with the one who pushed us into the river in our world :thinking: 12/10 :smiley:
I only found a error: when Rupert gives us (in my case) tea, it says the tea is really ‘god’ too. :smile:

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Glad you like it!
I copied the surnames from my other games because I love them so much haha.
I am so looking forward to writing the magic, but at the same time I am lowkey scared of messing up the soft worldbuilding of the book lol
Tbh so far I have zero ROS, i am making this up as I go, but Rupert will probably become one, yes! But there is some hidden agenda with him!
And who knows! Maybe you will met them while visiting our world
Thanks for spoting this! will be fixed in the next update

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Nothing wrong with that! I love Swedish ones myself.

Now there’s an image.

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Oh would you mind giving some examples? I always love some nice sounding surnames!

Tea, the god of this country. They go to war for a good tea… they are british actually (jk they arent lol)

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If you’re looking for real names, Behindthename is a better resource than I am (although fun fact, some Swedish surnames are actually German). I make them up half the time, although I assume you do as well :grinning:

(My number one fictional one I haven’t made up myself is Bertelsköld, it’s from one of my favourite books. Of the ones I’ve made up myself, I’m partial to Hagelstad and Vargenstjärna.)


Oh I actually use behindthename since years :joy: its so great!
(I can partly understand wolf in the second one! They sound really pretty!)

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Interesting. I’m not sure how my cafe worker is going to be helpful with wizardry but he can try. Hopefully we get some answers why wizards are needed soon when u are ready. Considering why wizards are needed so badly wouldn’t the mc be a target for bandits and the like.

Oh believe me every single one of those jobs is carefully choosen!

Lets say… Rupert knew MC was coming, how else could he have known your favourite colour and drink? And Erdien is a pretty safe country. Plus, this took much inspiration from both Howls moving Castles book and movie, so parts of the plot are pretty much copied but changed.


Does being cursed mean my parents are turning into pigs or do I have that infected arm?


Well pig parents would depend on the relationship MC has with them (which can be chosen if you choose Winter as a fav season!) but I had to laugh so hard and couldnt help but write something short, thank you for that


You blink. The pigs blink back, their hungry maws open and close in the air. You slowly turn around and sigh. You can feel their minds even in this form… angry at you, because of course this is your fault, like all bad things. Well, for once it seems they are correct.

“This is unfair, taking the fight to my home world!” you say aloud, before you chuckle, “But I suppose I should thank you… I have no love left for them, so you did me a favour.”

The curse so far is only noticable if you choose to tell Rupert about the stranger, but who knows what else there is?


That snippet reminds me of a story, but for the life of me I can’t recall which story, and that’s a super annoying position to be in! :sweat_smile:


Well I never seen or heard of that but it must be good to draw inspiration from it. The way u replied how he knew we were coming obviously shows we were summoned despite being a nobody but hey now our dull life is gonna get more exciting now

The movie is on Netflix, if you want to watch it! Its really cosy and one of my favs! The book shouldnt be too hard to find, but they do differ from each other!

Not you calling me out for writing an escapist fantasy…



-choose your favourite colleague!

-get to know your neighbour!

-choose your sexual orientation (with the option to choose to be aro or ace later because even a noisy neighbour cant know everything!)

-learn more about your magic (let me know how you liked that, I am unsure if I should keep that the way I have rn)

-already lose your apprenticeship?


Is there bird?

Sry my bad, birds yes.
With the next update.
I actually forgot to write my submagic lol

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