(WIP) The Last Scion (Superhero)

Thanks so much for the update! I’m actually in the middle of doing some updates for this WIP, so I’ll switch over to cogdemos when that’s done.


Hello everyone! Here’s the Cogdemos link with the first 8 chapters of the game:
Cogdemos Link To The Last Scion!


Hooray! I’ve made your first post a wiki so you should now be able to edit it with the updated link.


This is so fun and has such a great Starfire feel (well, at least for my mc)!


I just finished reading this and I have to say for whatever reason, I’m getting All Star Superman vibes from this. I look forward to the day that you finish this WIP and seeing how it will all end.


Hey, really nice read so far! Im on chapter 5 and will continue reading after this post but i was hoping if you could give a brief explanation of stats? I understand a few of em but my interpretation is terrible.


Reading some of the posts on the MC going too fast being a superhero without any consequence(s) is kinda true and yes revising that part to possibly make him the first extraterrestrial would be pretty cool. Another idea could be to slowly/subtly reveal or hint that the main villain is also an extraterrestrial possibly from a planet similar to Utopia except their hierarchy is based on power. I feel like it would be in line with his ideals and kinda explain the secret to his powers while explaining why the earthlings aren’t too concerned with the MCs origins.

Besides that it’s pretty sweet to play an MC who’s pretty much just superman. GJ author, I’ll be following this :))


Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I don’t seem to have access to anything after chapter 1? I finish talking on the roof and then my only option is to play again. I’m logged in on both sites; is there something else I need to do to see the next chapters?

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I had a similar bug, i just reloaded a prior save (and maybe refreshed site) and i continued without any problem. I think it’s an issue with cogdemos seeing as how readers for other WiPs have this issue.


As near as I can tell, it’s a cogdemos bug? At least, going through the link in the first post in this thread I was able to get past Chapter 1.

You know, the funny thing is I’m only passingly familiar with Starfire, but now that you point it out, the MC can definitely have that vibe. Glad you’re enjoying the game!

I’m only passingly familiar with All Star Superman too, I’ll definitely have to add it to my reading list!

Thanks for your kind words! I’m definitely considering including a brief explanation of the stats, as well as possibly an NPC list, as there are quite a few characters you can run into throughout the game. As to your hidden text: no comment.


Another masterpiece discovered this is peak


I have a minor nit to pick. Wouldn’t the MC’s superhero name & identity be their real name & identity (even though it was stated that Utopians didn’t have “names”), and their human ones the fake ones? It felt a little strange when the game refer to the MC’s human name as their “real name.”

Other than that, I enjoyed the story immensely, especially Silenus’ and Poppet’s chapters. It was unfortunate that Whisper’s and Vector’s stories got combined into a single chapter. I was looking forward to learn their stories and get to know them like the other two.


Love how your wrote the fights like proper super hero fights. Building crumbling, the streets destroyed, flying, teleporting, intangibility. Most authors write superhero fights like their just normal dudes duking it out in a bar.


I don’t think that’s a nit pick, that’s a legitimate criticism! Clarifying exactly why the PC takes on a super hero name is something I’m contemplating as I revise the draft. As far as Vector & Whisper, I had considered giving them each their own chapter very early on, but I ultimately decided it might be a bit formulaic and bloated. Plus I did want at least a couple adventures where you see the Silent Order working as a team, dysfunctional as they are. You can wind up learning a bit of Whisper’s origin story, though, she just doesn’t get as much focus as Poppet and Silenus.

Thanks so much for your kind words! Writing a “flying brick” can get a bit tricky, as our hero does still wind up smacking people around a lot of the time (no heat vision or ice breath for this particular caped crusader). I tried to incorporate the environment and the ways your character can use their mobility during action sequences, and of course tried to make the villains a mix of people who just try to clobber you as well as ones that attack you in subtler, weirder ways.


Hoping you can expand on the questions I currently have.

  1. Are there any other superheroes outside of the city and/or in the world? If so, does the U.S. formally recognize them?

  2. Do any other superheroes, in or outside the city have powers, or are many, if not all powerless?

  3. In the Conqueror’s case, does the suit make the man?

  4. Considering the only one who could reasonably pose a continuous threat to the city and the heroes in it is the Conqueror, will there be an option at the end of the story to kill him, or at least disable him permanently.

  5. Who was the leader of the original Torchbearers?

  6. Will there be an option to change the superhero team name to something else, instead of the Torchbearers?

  7. Just how strong are the MC and the Conqueror compared to each other.


The answers to some of these would be spoilers, which is to say they’ll definitely be answered in the game itself.


I would assume as much, but whatever he can answer would be delightful.


Hey there!

As Alethia said, some of these questions I won’t answer because of spoilers.

  1. Yes, there are superheroes all over the world in this setting. The SIA only handles superhumans who operate on US soil long term, so, say, a Brazilian super hero showing up in New York to help fight off some random villain won’t get too much attention from them, but if that hero decides to stay in New York and keep helping out, then the US government will eventually pay them a visit. I think official hero teams like the Torchbearers operate in a wildly varying degree of legality, with some being basically a recognized arm of their home governments, and others acting completely outside the law.
  2. Superheroes are a mix in this setting, with characters who have “natural” powers such as the PC and Night Rider being somewhat rarer than characters like Khalkeus who rely on gadgets or training. They’re common enough that someone who can shoot lightning from their hands isn’t totally mind-blowing, but it is remarkable.
  3. No comment. :wink:
  4. No comment :wink:
  5. Agh, I don’t have my notes handy! I think I’d intended them to have been formed during or just before WWII, with Sgt. Thunder, a super-patriot type, being their leader.
  6. The team’s name is set as the Torchbearers. There’s a lot of light/fire/beacon symbolism in the whole thing, so I figured I’d keep the name set.
  7. I imagine them as being a bit like two heavyweight boxers in absolute tip-top shape. One might have a few pounds on the other, or maybe a bit longer reach, but both characters are solidly in the same weight class. The Conqueror has more experience than the MC which gives him an edge in your earlier battles, but in terms of raw strength and speed you’re pretty close together.

Damn, the game had a lot more content than I expected, it’s a real treat to play so far. Poppet was a much more interesting RO than I would have thought too.

One small thing I’m confused by: Toward our re-rematch with The Conqueror, I didn’t have the option to ask Oranges why he was siding with the Conqueror, despite having peacefully resolved things with him and him peacefully accepting arrest.

I’d have assumed it’s because I have to set him free but I did the same with Poppet and yet I had the option to ask her why she was on his side.

I think Conqueror’s biggest advantage over the MC is his unbreakable armor.


He also have a really good battle IQ. I imagine his more of a brain type than a brawl type but because he has an armor he was able to cover his weakness in the physical aspect by creating a battle suit like the MC in fallen hero. MC though probably hasn’t reach their ceiling.

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How fast is the our Scion and could they travel through space just on their terms?

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