Way Walkers: University3--suggestions and feedback

Tis OKAY I’ll add it to the list lol


@WayWalkerLeigh You have no idea how much this path hurts me

Playing the enemy route with Jun is interesting.


Yeah it’s a very stark contrast compared to Sem



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pats head it’s okay, your head cannon is is true for you dont worry about any others


i feel pain only because of your twisted anti Jun paths

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well, it only happens when the MC is mean to Jun :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sem is not someone I would want as an enemy!

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But you can be proud to admit your enemy is sem.
“I have a very crafty, dangerous…and handsome enemy his name is sem…wait am I a bond villain?”
This is the badge you can wear.


honestly, neither is Jun, not really. XD

I’ll take my chances with Jun before Sem!

You know I might actually have to put a bit of thought into who would be worse to piss off.

Awww…Sem is too cute and funny and Jun is too adorable to make enemies of. :hugs:


and handsome


Easy Mc…piss off the Mc and you get a tiny untrained ball hit you to lul you into thinking your safe then later sem and jun get angry at you becuase the Mc said you beat them up but not to do anything about it becuase they don’t want to get you in trouble and that it’s fine…so jun and sem being protective get angry at you.
Edit: subtly is getting the big npcs on your side.

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If it helps, just imagine seeing them the first time without talking to them. Who would prefer to piss off more, Mr/Mrs ‘Goody two shoes’ or Mr ‘I could suck your blood with a snap of my fingers’ ? I’ll leave it up to you.

@MIGSey Jun can telepathically liquidate your brain.


The characters are so well-done. I’ll just take a moment to praise you cause so few authors are able to do that here.

So horayyy for @WayWalkerLeigh for actually making us wince when we make an enemy in a game! And also for making us go legit hardcore fanboy/girls for a glorified vampire that we only know through our avatar!



got to love it when being too Red makes your subconscious suggestions a touch TOO powerful…

#implant the suggestion to leave his post.
	Taking a breath, you draw-in energy from the air to fuel the spell, then gather it together into a strong, near insufferable suggestion to use the bathroom. With an exhale, you send the spell his way, praying it will work.

	*if (talent >= 40) or (((talent >= 35) or (montage >=40)) and ((major_ability = "Telepathy") or (major_ability = "Emotional Empathic")))
		The man stiffens immediately, his eyes growing wide in a sudden and all too obvious panic. He hops from foot to foot a few times, as if debating his ability to hold it, but then finally succumbs.
		*if (red >= 55)
			In a stumbling haste, the poor man waddles down the hallway away from you, leaving a slick trail of wetness behind him before disappearing around the corner. [i]Oh, ruddy Red he must have already had a full bladder! Well I guess that's what he gets for holding it. Ick.[/i] Putting a hand over your mouth to muffle your shocked gasp, you scurry for the door, and slip in unnoticed.
			*goto records_inside