You are the child of a human father and a mother from one of four interdimensional species. As the story progresses, you will travel to the unique living quarters of each people, learn about their culture and history, and make your own conclusions about what you discover. Along the way, you will meet new people, both human and nonhuman. Will you hold on to your humanity, or embrace your other, more warped, side? Or maybe you are just Too Different…
- Play as trans, cis, or non-binary.
- Choose the origin of your mother from four familiar species.
- Romance a childhood frenemy, quiet classmate, sassy A.I. helper, creepy priest, human-obsessed romance novelist, slam poet, or hacker.
- Discover the dark secrets behind W.A.R.P. and your birth.
NOTE: Because beta testing has concluded and I am submitting the game to Hosted Games, I have removed the public demo. Thank you for all the support!
W.A.R.P.: The World Authority of Rare Phenomena. Your father works for them. Everybody, including you and your father, lives underground in an unfathomably massive structure. Each of the Warped species have their own floors.
The Warped: Anything that came through the Warp. Non-humans.
The Warp: The name for the strange hole that appeared in your father’s room years ago.
"Waxies": Unofficial term for Warped species. They look similar to humans, anatomy-wise, but have a natural precognitive ability. Also have a lifespan equaling thousands of human years, but after about two hundred or so their flesh dries until they are unable to move at all, though they still technically live. Basically mummies.
"Weaks": The Warped’s term for humans.
"Weres": Canine-people. Very social. Basically werewolves. Also, before someone inevitably replies to say “um, actually, ‘were’ in Middle English meant ‘man’” I just chose it because it fits with the “W” theme.
"Wanderers": Pale, fanged. Must ingest blood. Heliophobic. Increased longevity. Basically vampires.
"Wispies": Transparent. Capable of levitation and technomanipulation. Natural empaths. Basically ghosts.
- Added a bunch of definitions to the compendium.
- Continued with the birthday party.
- Introduced Emil and Yelena to the protagonist.
- Added the protagonist’s uncle and cousin to the relationships page.
- Expanded the definitions on the relationships page.
- Fixed some spelling mistakes.
- Introduced a new character.
- MC is all grown up, now!
- The plot actually starts!
- Beginning of the Were storyline.
- If the MC is half-Were, then they will meet their extended family.
- A small update.
- Added reputation systems for all four species and W.A.R.P.
- Added section in stats menu to view your reputations.
- Breakfast with the Weres.
- Another small update.
- Finished the breakfast scene for both half-Were player characters and any other possible origin.
- Set-up for the rest of the Were chapter.
- Hunting scenes done for all player character backgrounds, but half-Were players get some extra content.
- Finished scenes for helping the Den-Mother.
- Added new quick-start option if you just want to play the new content and skip the prologue.
- All day one activities are complete.
- First romance thresholds available for Emil, Yelena, and Orisons (romantic interest exclusive to half-Were player characters).
- Added some easter eggs and more lore to the compendium.
- Dinner and final morning scenes completed for all backgrounds.
- Base of Were part completed.
- Beginning of Waxy part for half-mummies.
- Updated quick-start feature to show relationship stats for your uncle and cousin, as well as access to the Waxies part.
- Pseudo-dates finished for non-Waxy MC’s, including one with Orisons for Weres.
- One with Emil, too.
- Hey, also I’m not dead! Sorry for any delay.
- Day 1 in the Waxies lands is complete for both half Waxy and half other MCs.
- Meet the Waxy-exclusive romance option if you are half Waxy.
- I fixed some wording that was bugging me, also.
- Re-did the level selection mechanism. Every MC from every background will be able to access the levels that are available, now, including the content for when they are in a land not occupied by their mother’s people.
- Continuity fixes that arose from entirely reworking the level selection system.
- Day one of the mummy chapter is now complete for all MC backgrounds.
- Fixed a bad label and also a bug where the game would improperly check how many activities you have done if you are not half-Waxy.
- Base chapter for Waxies is now complete.
- This means for both half-Waxies and not half-Waxies.
- First half of the day for half-Wispy MCs completed.
- The Wispies chapter is actually accessible now, whoops!
- Added some extra things to the compendium. As you progress through the game, certain surveillance logs will be unlocked and reveal a little more about the Board and your father’s role in it.
- The first half of the day for Wispy MCs is complete, including romance… date… things with applicable characters.
- The first half of the day in the Wispy chapter, including romance scenes, is completed for all characters and player backgrounds.
- The entirety of day one of the Wispy chapter is complete for all MC backgrounds.
- Half-wispy MCs meet the Wispy RO in this update.
- Added all of Dread-Sight’s possible romance threshold conversations to the Wispy chapter.
- Went back and added some character descriptions to the compendium that I forgot.
- Base of Wispy chapter is complete.
- Removed a *finish in the Waxies chapter that would cause some issues.
- Edited the levels system to actually lock you out of parts you’ve already done.
- Added Larua romance interaction to the Waxy’s part.
- Added a description of Larua to the compendium after you meet her.
- Began the Wanderer’s part.
- First night of the Wanderer’s part is complete for all player backgrounds.
- First day of the Wanderer’s part is complete for all player backgrounds.
- Wanderer’s part complete.
- Added Abireth to the compendium after you meet her.
- The completion of the full public demo!
- Went back and added all remaining character interactions that were missing from some chapters.
Word count (including code):
First part - 17,601
Were’s part (completed) - 39,029
Waxy’s part (completed) - 34,191
Wispy’s part (completed) - 27,208
Wanderer’s part (completed) - 24,305
Total - 142,334