The Winter Child (WIP) [small update 2 Dec '16]

Thank you!:blush: It’s nice to see that I’m achieving what I set out to do.[quote=“dorothybraer19, post:39, topic:15947”]
So, is the belief stat something we’d WANT to increase?

Okay, time for a vague answer that may or may not answer your question! :wink:

Depending on what ending you are trying to get, the Belief stat may or may not be something you want to increase. I left hints all over the place to as to what exactly the Belief stat does (Jack going all fuzzy around the edges is one of them) and how to get it (Seeing is believing. Experiencing something? Well, it only makes you believe stronger.)

Just like in real life, it’s difficult to forget the existence of something once you’ve seen it, but it’s definitely possible.

Thank you! I’ve been working hard to make every scene unique. I want people to be able to play through for the nth time and still find something new. Even dying should be rewarding in it’s own way. :smiley:

Okay, thanks for pointing that out! (:joy::joy::joy: why do people want to date the homicidal winter spirit? it’s beyond my comprehension)

Poor Mr Anderson is my second favourite character :joy: grumpy old man just wants to lessen the workload of his old female friend

I nearly forgot! The counting error occurs because you’re walking through a blizzard and freezing to death, and therefore unable to keep very good track of your numbers.

That old saying is a sore point for Jack. Try not to bring it up with him, okay? No poking the all-powerful winter spirit. :grin:

This incarnation of Jack remind me a lot of Gig from Soul Nomad and the World Eaters/ Soul Cradle. Protag is bound to him in some way or other to prevent them from death? Homicidal, casual joker? Nicknames the protagonist? Massive power? Definitely not human? Trolls you? Kind of annoyed by your antics but sticks with you anyway? Has, in the past, behaved completely different from the self he usually shows around you in the main part of the game?

…Anyone? …Just me, okay!

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I just looked up Soul Nomad and the World Eaters… and woah, there are a lot of similarities :joy: It’s completely unintentional, though :slight_smile:

Okay, cracks knuckles It’s time to work on improving The Winter Child with all the nice feedback I’ve gotten. I’ll probably be able to make all the edits by around this time next week, then I’ll start working on writing that Chapter Three.

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Actually, no, not just you. ^_^;

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Oh, I saw this before!

You posted this a few months ago on dashingdon’s site, didn’t you? I was confused that there was no thread about it back then… and then one day it just disappeared all of a sudden.
I like most of the changes you made since then. But didn’t the blizzard scene use to be longer…?

Glad to see you didn’t give up on this. I’m really interested to see where this is going.
…and please tell me Andrew is a romance option.

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Seconded! He’s the one I’m looking forward to the most right now (Jack is second). :slight_smile:

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Gah. This was really fun to play, and Seraphina’s adorable, damnit! Kinda seems like it might be hard writing scenarios for Seraphina both being alive and dead, though.

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Oh gosh, somebody saw and played that early version of the game :confounded: I’m not sure to be flattered that you remembered and was interested enough to look for a thread, or mortified because the game sucked so much back then omg no

As for the Andrew romance thing…Honestly, I’ve been avoiding even mentioning romance so far because:

1.I have never written romance. Therefore, any romance I write is going to suck
2. how do i romance???
3.The MC is fourteen and romance is kind of the last thing on their mind right now

But romance seems to be something you guys really want! So I should at least try to write it, right? And I need to write stuff outside of my comfort zone anyway…

So it’s kind of up in the air.


Yes, yes it is. OTL

Seraphina being dead is something I really want to implement, though.

The choice of being able to continue playing without a character that would normally play a huge role was something I decided should be put in early on in writing The Winter Child.

I feel like it really puts the fate of the characters in your hands, no? Or maybe it doesn’t? :hushed: Do you feel like it’s unneeded?


If you have trouble writing romances, maybe you can get someone to help you or have us suggest stuff (e.g. scenarios) that you can use. The only other option I can think of is to read books with romance in them (not romance novels per se, more like YA stuff that features romance). Good luck.

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Well, I don’t think it’s unneeded, but I hope it doesn’t make Sera appear less/have a less important role, because again, she’s adorable, damnit!

ALso, if you let Sera die, will it be possible to try to bring her back from the dead?

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Really enjoying it so far. Start really pulled me in and I’m looking forward to more.

I went for the option of knowing that you wouldn’t make it but wanting to do everything to make sure your sister did and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Nice work!

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This seems to be a very promising start! I’m looking forward to your updates :slight_smile:

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You know, I kind hate to ask this, but no one else (that I’ve seen) has asked so might as well be me. You haven’t played Dragon Age: Inquisition before right? I could have handled the name being Sera (Seraphina I know) but then the personality matching the same named character from Inquisition? It could just be coincidence, but seeing as to how I poured some two hundred hours into that game over the course of a year, I have to ask.

P.S I am not criticizing the use of the name, I am just asking.

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I forgot that the name sera was a dragon age character

Yeah… pouring two hundred hours into a bioware game on eight different characters (Around 1000 hours) tends to burn names into your memory. That and I was addicted to that game all the way until Taken King and Fallout 4 came out. And don’t even get me started on how long I played Mass Effect one through three. (Hint, Twelve characters worth, across all three games.


Wait, how could you forget someone like Sera? She was one of the biggest romance teases outside of Scout Harding.

I also thought of it , but it should de a mere coincidence , right @Mystjerne ? :scream:

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If you played as a male or a straight woman cough cough