Wah! This was so much fun! I don’t think it was too slow start at all! I felt immediately involved with the town with opening of a ghost stories. Then again, sitting around a bonfire with a group always makes me feel a sense of camaraderie. 
Okay! So, is the belief stat something we’d WANT to increase? At first, I was all for increasing it because, well, in the hospital when I didn’t initially believe Jack was there, he was all blurry and wispy and it made me feel kind of bad. But then I remembered how he tried to kill me and my sister (and how many times he killed me through other playthroughs
) and was all for increasing my disbelief just to get him GONE… assuming that there’s a relationship. 
Also, I became for increasing disbelief because I didn’t want to be all skittish like Andrew, and the belief stat had increased when I wanted to murder the boy… which generally doesn’t indicate a good thing… and because I kinda died when my belief increased exponentially (why DID it increase so much?)…
Then again, that may have had to do more with the fact that I ran away and left my sister in the blizzard. 
Oh, small counting error right here:
The world is getting darker. Is the sun setting?
Ah, you realise, somewhat belatedly. The sun had already set. The world isn’t getting darker. You’re just dying.
Speaking of dying, I love the scene that comes up when we die (plot point?). It makes me feel pretty satisfied with my death, tbh. 
Btw, like @RingoStar said, the MC freaked me out quite a few times with some of the choices… 
One more thing! When we call Jack out on his bluff about the quota (and both siblings are still alive…
), and it says that our relationship with him has increased but it doesn’t increase in the stats (omg, LOVE ME!
I LOVE Seraphina (even though she’s taken both my time and gingerbread cookies
) and Jack Frost (even… though… he has killed me… many times…), can’t wait to love Andrew and Cassie/Carrie, can’t wait to hate Mr. Anderson even more (how dare he try to give me detention before break)!