The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Three (WIP -FINAL DEMO)

Considering that we’re told right near the start of B1 that we’re doing the Captain’s job which HE isn’t doing because it’d interfere with his golfing, I think it’s safe to say that the Captain is absolutely not invested in anything regarding the department except in how it affects his public image.


I like that our detective has a little shit heap of a car. Its funny picturing them cruising around wayhaven and heading to crime scenes in a little banger that’s just about hanging together.


Keep up the good work, Dear Author!!! This is fantastic!

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The Wayhaven Chronicles - Progress Report - 10th June 2022

Busy week this week, but it’s nice when you have a busy week and get a ton done!

Monday I started on Chapter 14! The opening section isn’t too long before we get to the real purpose of the chapter, which is obviously getting to spend some proper time with the love interest! :smiley:

Breaking with my usual order, I’m actually starting with Mason/Morgan’s scene this time. There’s quite a bit of revelations in this one that I want to make sure to get right (also other ones depending on past choices the MC made so not knowing or knowing certain stuff), as well as a cameo from something that I’ve been really wanting to write in for some time. I’ll be getting onto starting M’s today, so I’m eager for that, hehe!

It was also social media days this week, and I had a blast with that! Had some really fun asks on Tumblr, and then some awesome ones as well for the Character Q&A on Patreon. The Unseen Scene on Patreon was also…interesting to write and finishes up a series that people have been really enjoying!

Nai’s also been working on a project which will be SUPER helpful. With there being so many variables in Wayhaven now, the book I was using just isn’t working now. So she’s working on a database where I should just be able to type in a keyword or book, etc, and it’ll pop up exactly what I need! That’ll help save me a ton of time!!

Next week though it’s just a full on writing week with maybe an afternoon/evening or two of editing for SpunkyCat. So close to finishing up Chapter 8 on that, then it’s smoother sailing for her edits after that!

Things really feel like there steaming along lately! I don’t know what it is, but things are just flowing so well, and the boost that gives to motivation is huge! :smiley:

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll update you all again next Friday! <3


Yezzz yezzzz M first! :heart: :heart: :heart::heart_eyes:

Appreciate the update~~ Hope you have an awesome week!


Sorry I know this has been asked but I forget and I can’t find it :person_facepalming: how many chapters are in this?

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I assume you mean the demo? Here’s the link:

It’s six chapters.


No… I meant the finished product guess I could have been more clear.

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It’s still in progress. Sera posts updates every Friday with an update on where she is in writing it.

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Yeah I figured that, I was just curious if she had an idea on how many chapters there would be.


I read somewhere that it would be about 20 chapters. I’m not sure if that’s still the plan though

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Yes she said exactly that, if I’m not mistaken between 19 to 21 chapters.


The Wayhaven Chronicles - Progress Report 17th June 2022

Oh my word, it’s a hot one here!

Hope everyone is staying cool if it’s hot where you are (or keeping warm if you’re on the other hemisphere! :D)

The plan was to get some editing in this week, but I skipped that because I was on SUCH a roll with writing!

On such a major roll in fact that I finished Mason/Morgan’s version of Chapter 14!!!

On Thursday I was doing so well that in the back of my mind I was thinking, ‘I might get this done this week…’, but I didn’t want to rush myself because I wanted to make sure and get everything in I wanted (as well as a couple of extra dialogue choice sets because, well you know, it’s me, hehe!)

So that means I can get a jumpstart on Adam/Ava’s early and begin it today!

Chapter 14, although a split version of the chapter so each love interest has their own chapter, is really lovely and straight forward after the intensity of the last few chapters! But I think it’s also needed for the reader, as A LOT has happened in the story at this point—not just with information, but to the actual MC, so some downtime is definitely needed for a bit.

There was also a major thing that I added in this week that meant a lot to me personally.

'[New Character] gathers three rats into his arms, their colours like an ombre: one flint black, the next a caramel-brown, and the last one a silver-grey.

He hugs them against his chest with a sigh of affection. The rats nuzzle against him, one of them wriggling to be free and scamper onto his shoulder.’

For anyone who’s been following me for quite some time might recognise this cameo…

Although I lost my boys a while ago now, I just really wanted a small part for them in the story. They were with me for so much of Wayhaven when they were with me, that it feels right to have them memorialised in there.

So yeah, it was a little bit of an emotional moment to write that, especially with M being their usual grumpy self in this scene too, lol!

For Adam/Ava’s version of Chapter 14, I’m a little ahead of myself again too, as I have a chunk of scene I cut from Chapter 11 for them to use in this chapter instead, so that’s nice! I’ve got to rewrite it to fit in with what’s happening here, but having that base is always a good jumping point!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update you all again next week! <3


The Wayhaven Chronicles - Progress Report 24th June 2022

A short and sweet update this week to give you a break from my usual excited rambling essays, hehe! :smiley:

So on Monday, I dived back into Mason/Morgan’s scene because I had thought last weekend on something I really wanted to add in. So it was only supposed to be just over 1,000 words to add on, but obviously ended up closer to 2,000 because, well, you know, that’s just how I work, lol!

It really needed to be in there, though. It’s a small bit but I think it adds a lot, especially to the end of the experience that they’ve both just had!

Then I was going to jump back into Adam/Ava’s, but for some reason Farah/Felix just kept calling to me. And I’m SO glad I went with that feeling! I’ve been having a blast writing F’s chapter version, hehe! It’s been flowing unbelievably easy, and I’ve barely had to look at the plan. It’s just working! :smiley:

There was one choice set that was just supposed to be a small thing—a simple choice that adds some flavour to the scene, not even really something to spend time on. But I went with how the feel was going and ended up adding these cute response scenes for each of the choices, and I love it so intensely much!

I’m taking Saturday off this weekend to spend some proper time with family, but Monday I will be diving straight back into F’s chapter version.

Editing for the final bit of Chapter 8 still needs doing, as well as Chapter 13’s, so I might slip that in between finishing F’s and starting A’s, which will for sure be next week because it’s just seriously powering out of me, hehe! :smiley:

I hope you all have the most fantastic weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update you all again next Friday! <3


As a hard core A and F Simp
Adam/Ava is slowly killing
my intimidating mc with a passion
I be sweet to them they run away
I flirt with them
they also run away got my mc usually named
(Violet or Sebastian) crying in a corner listening to My Chemical Romance

Felix/Farah is just the feel good energy I need after Adam/Ava completely destroys my mc in trying to top or bottom him/her
And the love triangle
is when I wanna torture myself on a Friday night
Stay strong my fellow Adam/Ava lovers we’ll get them even if it takes 5 years :skull::wine_glass:


I can’t help but feel the same way haha



Just wanted to drop in here and say just got the first two books on steam. Both really good, I was surprised by how much I liked these books.

I think I’m going to avoid playing this demo though and just wait for the next game to come out, cause I like doing that when there’s more than one (insert media type here) in a series.

I can’t wait to see where my detective and Nat go next!

Keep up the good work!


I’m the same. I can wait for the next book with a proper ending, but the demo would just leave me asking questions :joy:


Keep up the good work! @Seraphinite :smiley: