The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Three (WIP -FINAL DEMO)

I am forever disappointed that an M-mancer that threatens them with the fire extinguisher doesn’t get a comeback referring to “foam parties. You know, parties when we’re all covered in foam… and nothing else.”


It probably says a lot about me that one of my favourite scenes in N’s route is when M is teasing them about wanting to be the Detective’s entertainment at the warehouse, they say they only have honourable thoughts about the Detective, and you go “Hopefully not too honourable”, which turns N into a tomato and makes M have to steady themselves not to keel over from laughter.


I’ve noticed this as well. M really does come off as the one who’s best at combat. But then, Sera threw in that scene in b3 demo where M is just constantly getting smacked around by A and never getting a hit on A to remind us how awesome A is (another one of those situations where someone is shown to be “best” by making someone else completely incompetent even though we’ve repeatedly seen that’s not the case). Then again, UB is supposed to be the second best at an agency where any team is like ten bazillion times better than any stupid, worthless non-agency human could be, but the more I see them in action, the more laughable they become.

Seriously, I can see N suggesting sneaking around then going in and asking for the trappers to surrender. That’s N’s gig–they aren’t much for a fight, and would rather be nice (shown again in the scene at the beginning of b3 demo with the werewolves, where my MC yanked Nate back because he was trying to capitulate to the murderous werewolves). But A? Combat-specialist A? Did they seriously believe that strolling in and announcing who they were and demanding surrender when they were severely outnumbered was wise? Hell, M points it out with N, just like F points it out with A. And the thing is, M and F were right. If this is the by-the-book move for the Agency, it’s a freaking wonder they don’t always end with dead hostages because it’s utterly ridiculous. The whole point of “catching the enemy unaware” is to go in and neutralize them and get your target out, not to announce yourselves and expect everyone to bow down to your greatness and stop fighting.

That said, when the enemy is constantly tripping over branches, bushes, their own feet, your feet, and minuscule specks on the ground, I suppose it doesn’t take much to be labeled a “combat specialist.” The bar is pretty damned low. And there’s no consistency, either. A can toss a huge tree like it’s a grape, but can’t manage a handful of humans when it counts. Then, later, manages just fine against humans. I think we just have to accept that UB’s abilities as a whole will wax and wane as the plot demands. Same with their personalities and intelligence–especially where A and M are concerned. N and F are, at least, more consistent in their portrayals.

As for A, I agree about the plant scene, but there are a couple of others for A that are going for them (not the fireworks scene at the end of b2, which I found cringey). The scene where Falk wants to talk to the MC alone is one of them and his scene with Verda’s kid was another (I loved that kid telling him she didn’t want to work hard to be that tall and strong, lol, as well as A’s reaction). Oh yeah, the cologne-wearing at the sewer system was one that endeared him to me, as a reader. But if I were to just judge him on his interactions with the MC, there would pretty much be nothing going for him.

The first time I read this, I thought it said panties and I nearly fell off the couch.

That is one of my favorite scenes in N’s route, too. My N-mancer is going to team with M as much as possible to make N have choking fits!

Also meant to say that I agree with you that at least M has reasons for being a huge grump all the time, given their hypersenses. I had another thought, too, after going through the demo again earlier…

In the scene with M at the parents’ house, they make a comment about how protection is just another kind of prison. I highly doubt Sera meant for it to be relatable to M, but thinking about their memories being locked away from them–for their protection–I couldn’t help but wonder if M feels that way about their own situation. They say they don’t care (and they probably don’t), but having no memories is a kind of a prison, especially when M is surrounded by people who know about those memories in detail (UB and Rebecca). So not only does M have no memories, but their past is kept from them. As I said, I really doubt Sera meant for this to be attributed to M’s situation, but it fits all too well. And, if that was how M really felt deep down, it would only worsen their outlook on everything.

Figured I’d just edit this instead of adding another post.

Yeah, Sera has said that they all know (even F, despite him having not been with the team for a long time). M and the MC are the only ones who know nothing about M’s past.

Agreed. I just can’t figure out if the MC will be told in little tidbits (which seems to be the way Sera likes to have the other three vamps’ pasts given–with M, we get nothing, really, since M doesn’t know and isn’t eager to talk much about it) or if it’ll be a case of the crystals being destroyed and M getting their memories back in one fell swoop. In a way, I could almost see it being the latter, because it’d make a good b5 plot for the “angst” but I can’t see the plot being centered on M for all of the romances so that probably won’t happen. Plus, from what I read in the code for the demo, that would be seriously bad and M would be dangerous to everyone, including themselves, so I doubt it’d happen that way.

Maybe there’s some in between version where the MC finds out all of it due to… reasons.


Great, now you’ve put the thought in my head and I can’t make it go away. M with foam panties when, Sera?

I haven’t actually played the B3 demo yet, so I can’t comment on this, one way or another, except to note that we DO get plenty of PoV shifts, and there’s no way “M’s memories are locked away” isn’t going to be gotten into in detail, so maybe we’ll find out explicitly if this is the case (or not).

Is ALL of UB aware of what M’s locked memories are? IIRC, in B2 Rebecca and… A, I think? are the only ones that get panicky during the mirror house madness debriefing.

And now I’ve used both “explictly” and “debriefing” in a post about M, I’m sure they’re proud of me.


If you guys don’t follow the tumblr, I just want to let you know that, at the time of this writing, the two most recent posts are all about Bobby slamming, and they’re chef’s kiss.


Those were pretty awesome, but the Haley one rubbed me the wrong way, lol. I have no sympathy for the woman–who in the hell walks up and asks a question like she did when there is clearly tension between the two people at the table? Learn to read a room, Haley. The whole mess between the MC and Mason wouldn’t have happened if Haley had kept her damned mouth shut.

Throw in an intimidating MC and Haley clearly has no sense at all.


Just checked again, cos that one wasn’ there when I posted.

Refraining from commenting on the event, as I haven’t played the B3 demo.

Didn’t check the forum for a couple days, came back to people picking on my vampire. I might just have to throw hands (excepting the fact that objectively I actually agree with a lot of the comments.) I’m on my lunch break, so I’ll give a full response later tonight.

I also loved the Bobby roasting posts, so thanks @JBento for pointing them out. Characters roasting bobby in game are some if my favorite scenes.


Crap, Cat-Toes is back. Quick, everybody pretend they’re busy with something OTHER than saying A is annoying AF.

So, uh, about our mechanic’s bill on Hatchy’s chassis… You guys thinking we get a frequent customer discount, or nah?


Nice to know A has at least one dyed-in-the-wool fan. They deserve to have someone defending them while N isn’t around. :smile:


I don’t know if this might help the sorrow and frustration some A-mancers were having but if I recall correctly when I was still active in mishka’s tumblr one anonymous user asked Mishka about A’s “evasiveness” and why she’s the only one left that was not being physical with the detective then mishka I think answered “You never know what will happen and we’re still in the second book”. So yeah I wish we’ll get to see the anticipated A action in book 3.


Reading through all of your posts and seeing how much passion and fun you seem to be having legit makes me want to write my own CoG lol I love writing but putting any of it out there is kind of terrifying.


You should do it!!! I was absolutely terrified, but it’s working out. You will come to looooath spaces and tabs though, just a fair warning.


If it’s the coding, you can type /scenes at the end of wips to get an idea on how it’s done. Granted, everyone codes differently. Assuming you didn’t already know that.

other resources

Choice Script wiki

Basic ChoiceScript Guide



I could go after another guys but hell no I go after A. I fully accept the consequences.


The Wayhaven Chronicles Book 3 - Progress Report 1st June 2022

I know for those who might not have seen my update last week that you’re probably thinking this update is super early! That’s because it’s the Jubilee long Bank Holiday weekend here in the UK, so I wanted to get this out before that short break!

As well as get very happy about the fact Chapter 13’s writing is complete! :smiley:

It still needs editing, but I tend to do better at leaving editing for a bit before doing it. Coming back with fresh eyes to it definitely means I’m more effective, as well as giving my brain time to work on how I want to rewrite certain bits!

But it was also an awesome chapter as I finally got to reveal Nate/Nat’s long awaited [Redacted] endearment for the MC! We got in contact with a really lovely translator, who not only confirmed what I was hoping to use, but she was kind enough to offer other options as well! One of them had me really torn and almost changing my mind, but I ended up sticking with the original as it’s become so much a part of N’s character for me now.

I’m working on some editing on Chapter 8 for SpunkyCat today. So close to sorting out all the mess for that chapter! It’s a real struggle to get through it, but the end is in sight!

So when I get back next Monday, it means I’ll be straight onto Chapter 14! Aahhh!!

Chapter 14 is a big one again. It’s pretty much 4/5 different versions of it because it is the ‘date’ chapter with each love interest…Been looking forward to writing these scenes for a very loooong time!

Social media days will also be the week I get back, but I have gone ahead and scheduled in some of the Character Q&A asks for Patreon for the weekdays.

I hope you all have the most fantastic time! We’ll be offline, so I’ll update you all again on the Friday I get back! <3


My husband’s newest complaint (and a valid one at that):

Why does Tina get a police car (shown in the demo of b3) while the detective, who is supposedly higher ranking and should be seen as a professional, has to drive their piece of shit car?

Gotta say he’s right: it makes no sense.


I haven’t played the demo, but I take it Tina drives a police cruiser? I don’t think detectives are supposed to drive cruisers. Also, stop hating on Hatchy. :frowning: Hatchy’s the best. It already took two vampires to the carriage and it keeps on trucking. Most reliable character in the game.


Yeah, Tina drives a police cruiser. Detectives don’t drive marked cars, but for insurance and liability reasons, they should not be driving their own vehicle (that opens up a whole can of worms if something happens). The mayor and the captain should know that, but sentimentality over an icky piece of crap that barely runs trumps reality… Gods how I loathe that car!

Though I will agree that it is the most reliable character in the game–but that’s not saying much! :stuck_out_tongue:


I for one am emotionally attached to the car, at least in Areylia’s case. (For anyone who hasnt seen it, I posted a long ellaborate backstory for how Areylia ended up with the car in the general discussion thread.)

If I had to guess I would say its that the mayor is too cheap to pay for it, and the Captain isnt invested enough to fight it out.