The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Three (WIP -FINAL DEMO)

I dunno, it was pretty apparent to me by the end of book 2, and especially by the end of the demo in book 3, that M very much did have feelings for the MC. It’s even stated at the end of book 2, with slightly different dialogue options for if you have sex with them or not, that M isn’t sleeping around with anyone else since they met the detective in book one. N says it in his conversation with them in the sewer.

Arguably, I find M to be the most tender, especially by book 3. It’s just that they’re admittedly still a bit of an asshole in their actions because they refuse to accept their feelings. I like to think this goes deeper than just being stubborn. I think M knows deep down that something isn’t right with them. Something was altered but they can’t put their finger on what and they feel like a loaded gun that they’re afraid might misfire. This was kind of described in book two after the mirror maze at the carnival during the team meetup, where they said not to worry because they didn’t remember anything, but were still acting very off. Then after that, they went to one of the only places, the rooftop, that let them feel at peace.

I dunno, I think the subtle context clues are there, they can just be hard to find for some.


The rooftop scene isn’t even subtle about it. M’s take on their senses calming when the Detective is there and annoying them again after they’ve gone is literally “huh, weird”.

M’s not denying their feelings, they’re unaware they have them.


Did your MC have sex with M? From what I can tell from the code, those that choose not to sleep with M and/or are very open about wanting more get rewarded with more… softer… scenes (the ones who just want to screw are fine, too). My M-mancer had been in denial, and able to keep pretending she was just with Mason for sex, until the bakery scene–that hurt her pretty badly, to the point where she just got up and left, but it also made her aware she has fallen for him. But she’s going to try to keep hiding it because he says he just wants sex from her.

Really, I think those that held back on sleeping with M are gonna get way better scenes when it finally happens (and softer sweet scenes if they choose the no sex, no touchy route). Just like I think the MCs that are wimpier (afraid of everything like if they chose to move closer to M when Sin came for them) or constantly saying they want more get better scenes. Competency and emotional repression are punished, unless the MC doesn’t really care or notice that they care yet.

You have a point. I think more than it being feelings, though, it’s just instinct with me–they operate by the seat of their pants and follow their instincts, which make them plop on the arm of the chair where the MC sits or reach out and touch the MC gently in certain situations (like the “I don’t get what’s happening” scene in b3). Of course, instinct also drives them to announce to bloody strangers that the MC is a fucktoy, because that’s where M’s head is and they refuse to even consider anything else. And that’s where the whole repression thing comes in.

That’s also why me and my hubby feel that M is, in some ways, going to be worse than A when it comes to getting an actual relationship. Mostly because they seem so resistant to it.

With A, you have someone who fell in love at first sight and knows it, but fights it with everything they have. A is emotionally repressed, but not ignorant.

With M, you have someone who doesn’t want to have feelings, dismisses them when an anomaly of an emotion pops up, and fights like hell to stay focused on sex and nothing more. The funny part is that my husband said that he thinks M is just as emotionally repressed as A, which is something I never really considered and just figured they thought having feelings was like having the plague. But he agreed that, the more often M obviously softens like they did on the rooftop, or after the MC gets upset about the bakery incident, only to go “Durr, I don’t get this” the quicker M will look like a complete and utter moron. And maybe they’re supposed to look that way, given how Sera said they notice absolutely nothing around them, but given how M said at the end of b2 that they are observant, especially where the MC is concerned, something does not compute.


With my main MC and first playthrough, I did not. IRL I’m demisexual, so if both parties don’t feel that emotional connection, it just doesn’t click for me. But I think you’re right, I think the payoff will be honestly huge when it gets to the point where they convince their feelings to the MC.


Here’s (what I hope is) a good question, though: can Wayhaven vampires learn? Not in the sense of languages or instruments or picking up a new skill, but can they evolve, say, emotionally? Can they, in short, grow up? Or are they “stuck”? Natural vampires obviously can, because natural vampires start as literal babies, but what about turned ones?

Presumably, M had emotional development before they were turned, but those parts are locked away. Is that development they can do again? Or does vampirisation lock those processes out, and breaking M’s mental lock is not merely instrumental but sine qua non on getting them to process feelings that aren’t in their pants?


I hadn’t thought about it that way. I think, in general, turned vampires can evolve emotionally, just as humans can. It’s not like in typical vampire lore where, upon turning, the vampire loses their human soul or becomes a dead demon.

Granted, being immortal will have its own trials and tribulations, and different people would deal with it in different ways, which I think is shown well when A and N are contrasted. N longs for “human” things and having that contact because they miss being human, it seems. A, on the other hand, despises humans and anything to do with them, even though they risk their lives to keep them safe. A has grown more distant with time, whereas N has never lost that desire to feel connections.

F is much like N, except they don’t seem to understand certain things due to being raised in Echo World. F takes things in stride more so than any of them, but is also more aware of what’s going on around them.

M, on the other hand is very much like A–cold and standoffish, not giving a shit about anything human and not liking them much, either. A is more emotionally aware than M–this is one reason I get so damned mad at A, because they know they hurt the MC and are doing it on purpose to protect themselves from possible pain–but M’s hypersenses should allow them to pick up on things much the way F does. But M just really doesn’t care how anyone feels and sees no reason to behave any way other than hostile to most everyone because (apparently) being an asshole hasn’t kept them from getting sex from whomever they want.

I honestly see this as more of an M thing than a vampire thing, and not because of M’s memory wipe. It’s more of a choice or a habit than anything. M doesn’t want attachment, period, except for UB (not including the MC, because M wants no attachment to them at all). Sex is sex to them, it’s like scratching an itch and they have no desire for it to be more.

M has also never behaved as though it was more. In the last chapter of b2, when M is watching the MC before Rebecca shows up, they think that they only recently recognized they keep doing things with the MC they wouldn’t normally do. I really think that’s what the bakery scene was about–when M kisses the MC it’s totally different than usual, and that hits them, so they get pissed off and tell Haley the MC is nothing to them but sex (or wannabe sex). In that moment, it didn’t come off as confusion, it came off as a conscious decision to force the MC into the same box as the other billion people M has screwed–i.e., letting the MC know that they mean nothing, but mostly doing it for M’s own sake, to remind them of what they are (kinda like A’s tendency to immediately push away the MC when they get too close because it is shaking the foundations of A’s denial).

However, if what you’re saying is true, then there’s really no way for M to break that lock without getting their memories back. In that case, it’s not a choice but a physical/magical barrier that keeps them from having and acknowledging feelings for the MC.

And, really, if Sera intends to drag things out for M for another two books, then this is the only way it could make sense. It would also line up well with the misery of book 5–M getting their memories back may be a catalyst for other misery, or it may be one of the things the big bad of that book does to hurt the team and the MC. But that would mean M would be able to feel and acknowledge love for the MC.

I’ve believed all along it will be book 5 before we see M admit their feelings for the MC, and figured it will be book 6 before we see an actual relationship between M and the MC–if M’s ability to develop emotionally is dependent on getting their memories back, then at least it would be more believable (and more tolerable) than M just being an obtuse idiot for such a long time.


I don’t think Mason’s emotional problems have anything to do with their locked memories. It has more to do with the fact they’ve spent over feeling just lust for anyone their attracted to and otherwise only knows platonic love. So it doesn’t even occur to them they can feel romantic love.


The Wayhaven Chronicles—Update 27/May/2022

pterodactyl screaming Aahhhh! I wrote a scene this week that I was SO proud of and got me SO pumped like you wouldn’t believe!

It wasn’t even the original plan for the scene, hehe! :smiley:

I realised that the scene I had just didn’t have enough emotional punch to it for the LI split scenes afterwards (where there’s a lot of aftermath emotion happening) to make sense.

It was all right, but it just wasn’t… enough . And you know me and my angst, hehe!

But at about 3am one morning (which is when a lot of my best ideas form. Who needs sleep, right? :D) I thought of the most AMAZINGLY painful scene that would work.

And it did!

I was so excited by it that I had to share it with someone, so I made Nai read it even though it was completely out of context for her, and she had no idea what was happening, lol!

Not only does it have the weight to it that I needed, but it also shows a character off in a slightly different light—especially because that light can change again depending on your relationship and reactions with them!

Phew! So yeah, I was very pumped this week!

Chapter 13 is coming together sooooo smoothly. Not only am I already at the split scenes, but I’ve finished one and am almost finished with another! I’ll definitely get that scene done by tomorrow, and possibly another started, which means it’s possible I might be able to finish Chapter 13 next week!!!

Next week, I do have to take some time for sorting more of Chapter 8 for SpunkyCat, as well as starting on the Character Q&A questions for Patreon!

I had SO many awesome asks for the Character Q&A that I will definitely be doing one a day throughout the whole of June! Thank you so much to everyone who sent those in! I won’t be able to answer them all, but I will put any I don’t get to in a file ready for next time!

It’s the long Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend at the end of next week in the UK, so it’s a three-day week. But I’m really determined to get so much done in those days! It would be amazing to go into that break knowing I could come back to writing Chapter 14!!!

Hope you all have the most fantastic weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update you all again at the earlier day of Wednesday! <3


I think I’m a masochist for loving the love triangle route.


I think A’s romance-avoidant behavior makes much more sense in the triangle route. I’m certainly less frustrated with them there than in their own route. Dunno what I’m going to do when the drama gets going, though.


:joy: you totally are!

I was shocked how a wholesome heartwarming and fun story can turn so sad, dark and mentally draining. To write something so complex with so many flavors…I mean that’s pure talent!


Ironically in love triangle route ava tends to show affection more as well… atleast more than the solo route.


True. That line of theirs really got me - the “I wish I was the only one” bit. But then I remembered how they behave to my A-mancer, where they are the only one. :roll_eyes: Nice try, A.


Oh hahaha, you just reminded me of this ask:

Truly, all my thoughts are with the A-mancers.


It’s one of those times you wish we could break the fourth wall and go, “And if I was, I know you’d just behave even worse!”

Interestingly, the female MC my hubby put in the LT with Adam and Nate refused to date Nate at the end of b2 (his male LT-mancer is dating Nate to rub it in Ava’s face, lol) and she got way better scenes with Adam than his other one did with Ava. He was pissed and wanted to go back and change b2 answers to torment Ava more, lol. He’s enjoying the LT way too much–I think he may be a sadist…


That is interesting. I’m tempted to go back and change my choice, but no - it makes too much sense for that character to agree to date Nate. She’s attracted to him too, after all, and Adam doesn’t seem interested in a relationship.

I wouldn’t have a problem with dating two people at once (whenever A gets over themself), as long as both knew and were okay with it, but I have a feeling A and N aren’t going to swing that way. Must have DRAMA. :wink:


They’re not. Sera has confirmed it’s not a poly route.

Then there is only one way to settle this:

Rock paper scissors werewolves vampires. Best 3 out of 5.


Honestly, A suffers a lot that they have nothing going for them compared to M. M’s funnier, more honest, faster, and more agile. A’s supposed to be the combat specialist, but M’s the first to engage not!Murphy in every charge of the Bravos. I thought that maybe Sera had misspoke and meant that A is supposed to the TACTICAL specialist, but when they’re all pulling back because of the smell of the Detective’s blood, N is the one that comes up with “wash it away”, and M is the one figures out how to wash it away and is also the one that throws the debris through the roof, even though A is canonically the strongest (and we only see them use that exceptional-even-for-a-vampire strength once, and that’s to show off while pretending they’re not showing off). And, like, they’re both unarguably jerks, but at least M has the excuse that they’re a jerk because anyone near them turns their hyper-sensitive senses into a car alarm that keeps going off at THREE IN THE GODDAMN MORNING AND I’M NOT BITTER ABOUT IT ALL, NEIGHBOUR, NOT A SINGLE BIT.

For me, the only thing A has got going for them is the spider-plant scene, and that’s just not enough to sell them (even though the spider-plant scene is comedy gold).


I like M’s sense of humor, and I definitely find them more fun than A to hang out with, especially since the smoking is a thing of the past (in my games, at least). And that’s good because “hanging out” has more or less been the extent of my M romance so far and is all my detective has to look forward to for several more books, apparently. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’m occasionally tempted to just give up on A, but I always end up telling myself, “Just give it one more book…”