The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Three (WIP -FINAL DEMO)

That would be interesting, especially for A and M-mancers, since there’s nothing officially between them and the MC has plenty of reason to look elsewhere for… companionship. And I’ve said for a long time, I’d love to see the MC in A and M’s paths be able to go on dates with someone. Could have some pretty cool drama if the Trapper moved in after a fight with A or M, too. So the MC may be open to someone treating them nicely and showing genuine interest.

That said, I can’t see her doing that. Especially with F and N-mancers, many of whom are already in relationships with them. Unless it’s just light, one-way flirtation like we saw with Falk and some detectives, and Tane/Maaka in some situations.I think she’s very careful not to allow the MC to do anything that may be seen as betrayal, at this point, even in the two paths where there’s nothing to betray yet.

I’m wondering if, on a Tina path, they’ll go after her. Not sure how that would play into Verda’s path, though, unless it’s the Trapper going after Tina in that path (in a way that makes it seem they’re hitting on her to lure her in) and just outright grabbing Verda in his path. On the friend path… I have no clue. But I’m hoping the MC is able to trade themselves for whoever it is. If it’s Bobby, then he’s shit outta luck with most of my MCs, lol.


Love to see A’s and M’ reaction


Hi everyone, first time posting :relaxed:
I just wanted to chime in on the topic of Sin’s boss since I’ve just replayed the demo.
Specifically does anyone think they might be UB’s ex member?
Given that the gender of UB’s members is determined by the MC’s gender/orientation, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same for F’s predecessor, regardless of whether they are romanceable (like if you’re playing as a lesbian and like the idea of an entirely female squad of attractive vampire ladies, I don’t think the ex member will turn out to be a dude and ruin that fantasy lol, even if, unlike the others, they’re not a LI).
I don’t think the fact that they change gender depends on them potentially lightly flirting with the detective, since Falk and Sanja did just that but still had their genders predetermined. I also don’t expect more substantive side flirts in the future (such as Bobby, whose gender is also variable) because I recall Sera initially having plans to put an option to flirt with someone from Unit Alpha and then taking it out because she didn’t want to mislead the players into thinking it would be the start of a full blown romance.


Welcome inside, Lurker at the Threshold.


Dude… That’s an awesome theory I hope it’s true.

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Guys How old is the detective?

There is is no official age. The writer has only stated that they are at least 21.


What’s the status of the game? Is it near end ?

There’s a progress report every week on the author’s tumblr.

Dang I will be 18 forever in my heart. Even I am at least 21 in the game.


If they should to do that to me. Their plan would be successful

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Progress Report 13th May 2022

Ohhh! So much to tell you this week! :smiley:

Ok, so I know you guys are probably sick of me talking about the retreat by now, but it was SO amazing! I learnt an absolute ton, and it was so awesome to have someone explain it to you right there.

Reading writing advice in a book or online is fantastic, but it really does make a difference when you can have someone there explaining how you could adapt that into your own style of writing!

We did a class on character introductions, which was very timely as I was writing that at the time. But one piece of advice—about how your reader is more likely to remember a side character if they have at least a paragraph of interaction with them—made me rethink how I was writing it. So I went back this week and redid that, and now I LOVE it!

Not only will it help with that, but I got the chance to show a bit more of these new characters’ personalities in those moments because of that extended interaction (each of them got a choice set for the MC to choose from on how to introduce themself).

But one of the biggest things I had fun with there was one task we had where we had to do reversals. We had to take our love interest (I had to pick one) and take our antagonist (again, I had to pick just one, lol!) and flip them.

The love interest became the baddy, and the antagonist became the love interest.

It was…very interesting! Especially as I have been writing the characters for over half of my life, and these good guys have always been good guys, hehe!

I chose Adam/Ava, and I turned their past and their ‘trying to always choose the logical choice’ as their main traits to twist.

For the antagonist…well, that would be spoilery, hehe! I chose a baddy who is a bigger player later in the series.

But oh my word! We all remarked how disturbingly easy it was was to flip the traits around and make them baddies! But the class leader was saying that was kind of the point. Characters should always have that balance to them. If it was difficult to flip them, then you’ve made them unbalanced, and it’s a great way of seeing how to fix that.

I got Nai to read it, and I was seriously thrilled at how surprised she was that Adam/Ava still read like Adam/Ava. She was expecting them to be all baddy, but they were still them just scarily the baddy. If that makes sense? :smiley:

And with it being social media days this week, I typed up that scenario (minus a few super spoilery bits!) and have that scheduled as the Monthly Bonus Content #2 for you guys on Patreon later this month.

Hope you enjoy Adam/Ava in all their villainous glory, hehe! :smiley:

But yeah, I was super keen to get back to writing with all this new info in my head! So after social media days, I was back into like you wouldn’t believe! I’m actually going to finish two of the three split scene sections for this chapter by tomorrow!

Which means I might just be able to finish Chapter 12 next week!!!

Phew! That was a lot of blabbering in the update this week :smiley: I’m just still buzzing about the retreat and how well I’ve done this week!

Hope you all have the most amazing weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update you all again next week! <3


I’m glad you had fun on your retirement trip and congratulations on your learning

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My husband finally finished playing all four of his MCs through the end of the demo. I will soon be posting his thoughts (some of them are amusing), but he brought up the question below. We both had the same answer and are curious to see what others think.

Which do you think will happen first: in the LT, N will figure out (and be unable to turn a blind eye) to there being something between the MC and A, OR M will figure out they are falling for the MC?
  • N will realize first
  • M will realize first
  • They will realize about the same time

0 voters


M is just… so oblivious. Perhaps deliberately.


I actually hope it’s deliberate. Otherwise, if this goes on much longer, M is just going to look stupid instead of confused.

Of course, if it’s deliberate, then M just becomes an A clone that will have sex. But I’ve suspected for a while that that’s what we’re going to get from M.


At least with M you can have sex, not glance longingly and pine, pine, pine - I don’t know what happens in the third game yet, but for me friends with benefits run in the second book was fairly nice, until he started catching feelings and my MC suddenly started to affect his supersenses.


Needs a “this involves the LT route, and therefore I’m not touching it with a 50-foot pole” option.

EDIT: I just noticed, why is M in this question? id you mean A? M isn’t part of the love triangle. Leave M out of this mess.


Same! Why would I torture everyone involved when I can just spare them the pain by playing everyone’s route separately?


Because the question my husband posed was, “which one will stop being unbelievably stupid first: N in the LT (by realizing that something is going on between A and the MC) or M (in M’s route, by realizing that M actually wants to be with the MC for reasons other than banging).”

Both he and I figure N will be smarter than M and M will basically be a mirror of A’s never-ending angsty solo route with some sex thrown in to make it different. Given the answers to the poll, it seems most others think the same! Granted, my and his reasons are different: he thinks M is just too stupid to figure it out till it slaps them in the face and I think Sera just wants to drag things out as long or longer than things with A.

@Anna_B My husband had no interest in A or N’s solo route after seeing the way things were going (he laughed at the way A is so overwrought and found it hilarious instead of painful). So he went with F, M, and two different MCs for the LT (one male who is a total player who is hate-loving Ava and one female who is scared of her own shadow and started out leaning toward Nate but is drawn more and more to Adam).

F is, by far, his favorite, though. I think M is at the bottom of his list because he said, and I quote, “Morgan’s path is the only one where the LI doesn’t even vaguely love the MC and she’s got Ava’s level of resistance to it!” The funniest part is that he said Farah is far more physical than Morgan, really, and he suspects sex with Farah (and with N) will blow Morgan out of the water by far. His basis? Farah and his MC were dry humping at the carnival and again, before work in the b3 demo. He said he thinks Morgan wants to keep the sex with the MC hidden so she doesn’t ruin her ability to get some elsewhere. He also found the sex scenes with Morgan to be lame, but figures they’re meant to be and might have more impact toward the end when Morgan grows feelings.