The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Three (WIP -FINAL DEMO)

That’s actually a cool way to go about it. And if I do that with mine, their histories fit even better (especially Dezh’s… colorful… past and questionable choice of employment while in college!).


I was just about to comment exactly that. I believe the town is kind of a blend of US and UK, maybe more UK culturally just based on the dialogue and spelling of certain words.

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So like, New England.

(kidding. i kinda vibe with it being in canada to explain some of the interchangeable americanisms and britishisms)


I think there’s too much possibility of triggerhappiness on the part of the detective for it to NOT be the US.
not!Murphy gets transferred to a facility “across the country”, which makes more sense in a larger country like the US.
Additionally, there’s mention of Bravo operating in Alaska - since the Agency has multiple facilities across the world, and presumably multiple teams assigned to each of them, it would make sense to keep things as local as possible.

In any of the car scenes, do we have any indication which side is the driver’s? That would settle it.


pretty sure its set physically in the US with some UK stuff blended in, which makes sense with the author being British and writing using UK English, it’s what i’d do with my writing anyway. The town of Wayhaven itself also feels very english to me. Like how Sex Education is set in Wales but there is some ‘Americanisms’ spread in there.


the police in the UK do not carry firearms, only batons.

I’ve always assumed that while it’s set in the real world, it takes place in some sort of fictional hybrid between the US and UK. In fact, I think the author stated somewhere on her tumblr that she intentionally left the country ambiguous so readers could imagine it to be anywhere (obviously there are some caveats to this, for example I can’t imagine it taking place really anywhere that’s not Western Europe, the US, Canada, or Australia/New Zealand).


Oh, I didn’t know that police don’t carry guns there. Up to this moment I always just assumed it took place somewhere in the U.K because at the start of each book it says "this book is written in British English.

I’m just going to pretend that in the Wayhaven universe police and detectives in U.K are allowed to carry because I like the idea of it being set over there. :joy:

Edit- I just read the tumblr post and the author says it’s not supposed to be set anywhere, but being from the U.K she made it more English than she meant too.


The Wayhaven Chronicles—25th April 2022

Oh man it was SO good starting on a fresh chapter last week! :smiley:

Especially 'cause it opens with F’s friend scene, and I love writing F in any form, hehe!

I did add in an unplanned chunk to the scene (4,500 words of unplanned…) , but that’s a pretty usual thing for me by now, especially in Book Three it seems!

But still, even with the unexpected bit, I managed to hit my goal for last week, early on in the week! Which means I started on the next scene a couple of days earlier than planned. That is always seriously motivating! I’m a very goal-orientated person, so it makes my heart happy to tick things off early, hehe!

Mind you, there was a bit in there that just…ohhhHhHHHHhh… clutches heart

Next scene is something very exciting though. Some characters and a concept I’ve been wanting to bring in for ages, as well as the BIG revelation I talked about before. I’ve been seriously eager to write this scene for soooo long!

It does split into 3 different scenes, but it shouldn’t be anywhere as intense as Chapter 11’s splits, so much easier (and quicker) to get through.

After that, I have yet more possible character introductions (possible because it’s a randomised scene on who you will get!), but I’m trying not to get too excited for that yet and focus on where I’m at which I already started on Friday afternoon!

Hope you all had the most wonderful weekend! I’ll update you all again soon! <3


give me the game i want to know when its came out :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

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Your speed is amazing and I pray it only improves:) Maintaining so many variables, characters, and story lines all while keeping to the major plot is admirable indeed:)

One thing I am interested in is the possibility of our MC getting more proficient or competent in dealing with supernatural entities/challenges as he or she gains more knowledge about them or learn to fight them? Will our MC be able to really hold his/her own in a tough situation in current game or future? May be even rescue or defend our RO or friends in unit bravo? That would enrich the storyline as well


This can end up working surprisingly stereotype-breaking if you play differently than intended. Another example is Cyberpunk 2077, where a male character is your BFF and is written in a very “bro-like” manner. If you play a woman like I did, you get a rare example of close fictional m/f friendship where no hints of romance are being pushed at you. It’s clearly not what the authors had in mind - but ended up being really refreshing.

In Wayhaven, I played a female detective in a romance with Morgan and I think it works similarly. The tough womanizer archetype is rare in female characters, and usually written differently (more delicate, more feminine, more submissive). Mind you, I’m not making a case that heteronormativity is a good thing in general, just pointing out a rare silver lining in situations when player can turn the narrative around.


Has Sanja got a thing for the detective?? Replaying book 1 and 2 again and during the interactions with her she seems, i don’t know, a little bit attracted to the MC maybe? My MC is male so I’m not sure it things are the same for female MC’s


I certainly got that vibe (also playing a male detective). Maybe it’s explored more in the friendship path?

She has a small (very small) thing for the detective if the detective is attracted to women I believe (regardless of the detective’s gender).


If We are talking about Sanja holding our arm… Well, I thought it was a cordial & friendly interaction.


Probably the detective in lore is very attractive :rofl:

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I sometimes worry about Sanja’s divination towards the detective’s and the ro’s fate in the story. She said that their love will last for eternity some said there will be an option about the mc becoming a vampire but what if they didn’t want to? Then their love will live on for eternity in the memory of their beloved?

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I believe Sera has said that this is a soulmate thing. So if the MC refuses to be turned, then the RO will still love them forever and not have that same connection with anyone. M will probably go back to screwing everything in sight but it won’t be the same, lol. And A can go back to moping.

I’ll see if I can dig up the asks from tumblr.


Speaking of which, the gender of the Trapper boss in the demo is determined by the Detective’s sexuality.

That could mean that the Trapper will try to seduce the Detective.