The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Three (WIP -FINAL DEMO)

Good to know I’m not the only one!

I will admit to being curious about book 3, but I know I’ll just be way to anxious for the release if I do. Like you said it’d leave me with more questions. Lol

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Can anyone tell me the canon age of the MC?

I don’t think there’s a specific age, but I always assumed mid-twenties


Yeah seems likely. Thank you! :slight_smile:

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The Author has only stated that the MC is at least 21. Other than that its left upto headcanon.


Ive always felt the Detective was in their early twenties, since ive felt like almost every character other than literal children and Douglas are older than them. Tina and Verda just seem older, even if Tina refuses to admit it. I also just feel like Bobby is the older of them and the Detective since they took advantage of them. It just seems like something someone older would do to someone a bit younger.


Tina feels like the same age and verda feels a year or two older.


While the MC’s age is fluid (same with Rebecca and Bobby (though Bobby is roughly around the same age as the MC, but was in a different year in school) due to their association with the MC), we do know Tina’s, Verda’s, and Douglas’ ages (Tina is 27, Verda is 33, and Douglas was 19 in the first two books, but has since turned 20 by the start of Book Three). :slight_smile: I agree that Bobby’s sliminess and the overall situation with the MC has me headcanoning(?) that they are the older one between the two.


Definitely Shakespeare I blame my theater class in highschool


I always just went with they were mid twenties. Maybe because that’s what age I am. Or because being a detective (even if it was rushed) at that age would lend credence to the surprise Unit Bravo has at him being detective “so young”.


So I replayed the demo and I gotta say I loved the interaction between Felix and Mason when you boldly flirt with Adam


The Wayhaven Chronicles - Progress Report 1st July 2022

Let me tell you something, guys…progress is ADDICTIVE!

Especially this much progress! :smiley:

So my plan this week was to get F’s chapter 14 version finished, do some more of untangling the mess of chapter 8 editing, and start on A’s chapter 14 version.

But instead, I finished F’s chapter, FINISHED editing the rest of Chapter 8 for SpunkyCat, and FINISHED A’s chapter 14 version.

Oh yes, that means I only have Nate/Nat’s version to complete and chapter 14 is done!!! And I’m going to be starting that the second I finish this update, hehe! :smiley:

I forgot how lovely it is to just have the LI and MC in a scene together. No others and no distractions (and no pesky interruptions to ruin any particularly close moments :wink: ). Things flow so well when I can just concentrate on the two. It should mean the scenes really help with connecting more with the LI’s again too. It’s been a while where it could just be them to progress those romances in a more romantic way than angsty action, lol!

Nate/Nat’s scene is the only one that does have a teensy bit of branching to it, so there’s two slightly different versions, but still with them being nice easy-ish scenes to write, that shouldn’t take too long. I’m really hoping I can get that done next week!

I’m trying not to get too excited about finishing it just because I know what’s to come. Chapter 15 and 16 are lead-ins to the ending, and once I hit Chapter 17, that’s actually the start of the endings with the big branching moment!

I think seeing that end in sight is definitely giving me that major boost. Though I do have to be a bit more careful as my hands are seriously suffering with an RSI flare up, and I forgot to take breaks this week to, you know, eat and drink and stuff, lol! But when you’re on a roll, you’re on a roll!

I’m actually buzzing I’m so pleased not only with the progress but with the scenes themselves! Some of the moments have me swooning, and laughing, and just so, so happy! Can’t wait for you guys to experience them!

Hope you all have the most amazing weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update you all again next Friday! :slight_smile:


That’s awesome! Take care of yourself though.


My God! Do you run on nuclear power?? Having so much done in such short time can’t be healthy. I’d love to see Book 3 finished and available soon, but not at the cost of your health. Take it easy.

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dedication :slight_smile:

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I hope my character becomes a vampire


iirc, you can but only on the epilogues in the seventh book rather than during the book series itself. I don’t know if it has change but that’s what I last read from Tumblr.


Do you know wheres the tumblr post?


Can’t tell if the “if” in these replies is more of a thing of wanting to keep us on our toes or it’s like a “if” wink wink

But my MC will go vamp in a heartbeat for any of those vamps… lol

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