The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Three (WIP -FINAL DEMO)

With all the “ifs” and avoidance (as well as the determination that the MC has to be human for the entire series), I don’t think I’d count on it being an option. Besides, it’s a very long way off, and she may change her mind several times before then.

But yeah, like you, my MCs (all four of them) would be all over this option, some more than others. One of them would be turned right now, if she had her way.


I’m primarily a M-mancer, but parting with F in any capacity just doesn’t sit well with me since when I’m not romancing him, he almost always ends up being my MC’s bestie


Yeah, F needs more family that will always be there. Really, they all need that. And once M finally realizes they’re in love, I don’t think they’d handle losing the MC well at all.


Thank you so much!

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No problem.

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The Wayhaven Chronicles - Progress Report 8th July 2022

Quick one this week because there’s work going on in our street on the electrics, which of course means the internet has been all over the place!

So I’m trying to get on and do this before it decides to cut out yet again.

Most importantly is that I will get Chapter 14 finished tomorrow!! Yessss!!! N’s scene is a little more intensive than I expected considering how smoothly the others went, but I will still manage finishing it tomorrow after what I can get done today!

Social media days were this week too! Had some interesting Tumblr asks, especially one which finally gave me the excuse to hint at something that I think maybe not everyone had guessed at concerning Adam/Ava…

Also had MAJOR fun writing the lake swimming Summer Scenario specials for Patreon! Have the titles and descriptors for those now:

7th July - ‘Forever is a long time…’ (Felix/Farah Summer Special)

A refreshing swim in the lake turns from flirtatious fun into something a while lot deeper…

14th July - ‘Murky Memories’ (Nate/Nat Summer Special)

Sometimes it feels as though the secrets N holds run even deeper than the depths of the lake…

21st July - ‘Is that a fish, or are you just happy to see me?’ (Mason/Morgan Summer Special)

The mission quickly becomes forgotten as M and the MC enjoy where they find themselves…

28th July - ‘What lies beneath…’ (Adam/Ava Summer Special)

What’s better than a refreshing swim?..Possibly a refreshing swim without the glaring gaze of a stoic vampire who isn’t pleased at the threats that might lie beneath the waters…

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and I hope this all posts okay! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update you all again next Friday!


In the words of George RR Martin, “how the fuck do you write so fast?”

I spend a week trying to write a paragraph, hating it, rewriting it, and constantly wondering if I should give up entirely.

Juggling between all those routes and trying to write a cohesive story? Goddamn…


This was just posted to Twitter; Book Three is now officially larger than Book Two.

I’m so happy for her! That sense of accomplishment must have her floating on cloud nine.


Based. At some point you just have to say “Fuck it, I’ll get it in post”.

Not that I would listen to my own advice… lol

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My advice, as a non professional writer.

First is definitely NOT to give up.

Instead just write, even if its only a couple words, write it.

Don’t worry about if its good, or makes sense, or is believable, that can be fixed later. But first you have to get something onto the page.

And if its one project that you’re stumped on? Work on something completely different. I do it, and I think a lot of people do that, we hit a wall, or a stumbling block, or we just aren’t in the mood for that project that day. It’s not cheating to work on something else, progress is progress.

Always remember, tomorrow is a new day, and a new day brings new chances to try again.


Also, while it might not be the most conducive for making sure the storyline is cohesive, if there’s a certain scene that you have ideas for writing, write the scene, even if it’s not what’s “next”. You can make things flow when you go back to fill in the blanks.


I can’t wait to get my hands… eyes?… on this book. I feel like it’s gonna be so good. Can’t wait to see how the romances are developing :heart_eyes:


Yeah I kinda hoped that at the end of book 1 MC turned into a Vamp. Too bad we are forced to stay a weak human. :confused:


Writing does take time. Please understand that writing or any art form are not mass producing products that could be produce at the demand of the audience. It is not easy and please respect the time and care that the author pour out into their creation.

If you want progress update, Miskha provide updates to their tumblr and in this forums. She seems to be doing a good pace in her development progress and it will be ready when it’s ready.


You say it like writing a book is easy, the author is doing his best to finish the game as soon as possible. And also please stop criticising the other vampire games just because you don’t like politics. :pensive:


The mc is not a weak human at all, it was stated that the mc is above average and stronger than some of the supernatural (in the book 2 during the combat training)


Heh I’ll admit I was a bit disappointed I couldn’t be a vampire sooner either but honestly it forces your mc to be more creative, smarter and stronger then they were already which is cool.


How long did It take Stephen King to write the book It?

King began writing It in 1980, and finished the book five years later.

for starters, there is this.

Second, there are no rules that say ‘‘You have to release a book in X amount of time’’. Stephen King may be fast when he writes, but that’s not the case for everyone else, nor should be. Everyone has their own way to write and others things that could come in the way of your writing.

A rushed novel for example could suffer more than one that took forever to be released. You can see it in Videos games, where when they are rushed: You end up with cut contents and half-baked scenes.

You are entitled to do so, just do it in the appropriate thread.

Yes, you did. You come off as ignorant and entitled. It takes time to make a Novel, and it takes time to write a choice of script game.

Even let’s say Seraphina writes her books in record times, once she hands it over to COG, it’s out of her hand when it would be released. They have a Queue and a lot of people are like her. Meaning, that they have to wait for the release of their product.

This means in this case, it isn’t Seraphina’s fault but COG being overwhelmed by the queue and how many titles that need to be released.

Be you a writer or a reader or a player, the only rule you need to remember is: BE PATIENT. If you can’t be patient, go read Comics books or something.


People are doing the math wrong. A CoG game isn’t “one” book. It’s several, to account for all the choices. And writing books involves no coding, which is a whole 'nother can of worms.


Uh… your posts keep being flagged because you keep being rude.

Or maybe if many other people (people enough to hide your comment) think that’s rude and disrespectful, maybe you should learn that the problem is you and the way you express your point of view?