The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Three (WIP -FINAL DEMO)

According to wikipedia, King has written 66 books over 48 years, or about 1.3 books per year. The interval between Wayhaven 1 and 2 was two years, lessay this one comes out next year, for 3 books over 5 years, or about 0.6 books per year. If you adjust for coding, five romances, the Bobby/Douglas split, the Tina/Verda split, plot-specific splits (like if you manage to convince the Carnival to join or not), etc., Sera might be more productive than King.

For a lot less pay.


Which is ~1 100-1 400 pages per year, by a quick glance, which, if we go by the general rule of words per page, is ~275 000-420 000 words per year.


If you look at the wordcount per year, Seraphinite is actually on par with King. And King has editors, who do part of the job of making a book readable. Also games require more testing than books. (Of course you can skip testing, but then you’ll get complaints about bugs.)


I apologise for interrupting this, but I would like to inform everyone that the person who made the ignorant comments has been banned, so you can shift discussions to something else more lighthearted.


Well, the math was fun at least.

Card-carrying one. Literally.


Like what? Ohhh I know, when do you think Ava chastity belt will be broken? And do you think, we will ever charge her for the broken plant and furniture?

Oh wait, the agency pay for those right? Damn, there goes a chance to guilt trip her.

Also, what’s the link between ‘supernatural getting the plague’ and ‘The winged Chicken’?

Boo! nerd! :crazy_face:

…to be honest, I’m kinda way behind my Wayhaven stuff :sweat_smile: (kinda decided to drop by this thread for the first time just out of curiosity and saw the…uh…latest discussion)

So uh…you guys do you :upside_down_face:


I actually haven’t even finished book 2 :sweat_smile::disappointed_relieved:. It’s ok. Just did my earlier post so that you guys didn’t have to continue arguing with someone who just got banned. When I get around to completing book 2, I’ll get involved on here. Otherwise, ta ta for now :wave:t5:

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Are you waiting for the 3rd book to be released? beware of spoilers then.

When ISN’T applied math fun? :thinking:


It has its pluses.


It’s sad when you think that the only thing Adam/Ava touch are the plants and the furniture. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Actually, I really like Wayhaven (myself being a big Mason simp, sorry), but was the first time I posted in this thread, because of the rude person. Actually, that person was a troll, wasn’t?


ha ha imagine if that would be a line you could say!

A: As we have decided we should make sure to- Bump into desk and break it
MC: I’m starting to think you have a thing for inanimate objects :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
A: Don’t be ridiculous, this was just an accident!
F: You mean Another Accident, how many that make it?
M: 4 or 5 times that the agency had to send in a new desk for mc?
MC: Would you ‘Bump into me’ if I go catatonic?
A: :woman_facepalming:


I know I said I was going, but;

Why do you continue to haunt me with puns, Ramidel ?!?!

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This is genius, actually, and I love it.



The only reason I romance Adam is to have interactions like:

This is one of my favorites scenes in book 3 :rofl:


Oh, there are so many good lines! Did you try being taller with M? They get butthurt over 2 things: Mc being taller and larger chest :joy:

I’m an Ava fan, and won’t romance M, but I do their path just for these kinds of shenanigans…they are hilarious!

Oh and romance F she is a riot!

Then my mc proceed to go flat on the said desk, to poor A horror :rofl:


Don’t apologize! M is great! :heart: (In their own grumpy way. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: ) I genuinely love getting to explore the different dynamics you can have with them based on your MC’s personality traits. (I’m very weak to soft M™ though. :blush: )

That uh… that was not one of M’s finest moments, no. (I remember thinking ‘Oh no… You’re about to say something really dumb, aren’t you?’ followed by some major secondhand embarrassment. XD)

Today must really be a Wayhaven kind of day because there’s a pretty active thread on Reddit too. :slight_smile:


Join the club. Seriously, there’s a club. We have cookies…

I think we’re all weak to soft M. Mainly because it comes out of nowhere and smashes you in the head like a ton of cement blocks, leaving you with a confused look, going, “Wtf was that?”

Of course, the bakery scene also had that effect, but with a much less pleasant feeling following it, lol.


Hey! Funny thing, Wayhaven must be on everyones brain as we are talking about it over on the operative discord :smiley:

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Hi can someone enlighten me with Bobby’s route. Whenever I play her route she always mentions the kiss that we have to my RO during the blood thingie, but now she just never mentions it and my mc says she looks like she “cared”.

At the beginning, when selecting all your stats, you have to choose that you and Bobby kissed during your apartment when they visited you