Most heroes’ tales begin with a prophecy, a kidnapped princess, or perhaps a social-rejection sob story. It’s just the same thing over and over; you wonder how people don’t get sick of it. Such are the stereotypes–you’re not sure where yours falls into category, but it begins with you walking out of your house naked and consequently getting yourself exiled.
Playtest link: click here!
Greetings, fellow forum members! I, personally, have not been a member of the CoG forum for long, but I have always wanted to make my own ChoiceScript game and now here it is: the Masked Mirror. At first, I wasn’t planning on having this game beta tested at all, but after lurking in the forums for a bit I’ve decided that beta testing would be good for my game, since I don’t have much prior experience.
I’m open to constructive criticism and any ideas or suggestions you’d want to contribute. Also, I’d appreciate it if you alert me to any errors, especially grammatical ones. Some advice would also be greatly appreciated! I’ve been trying to work in a sneakier way for the player to give their gender, and I’ve also been trying to figure out which stats to incorporate into the game right now. My files are a bit of a mess as of the moment, because of all the unused stats and variables.
This game’s world is divided among 8 clans, and the PC belongs to one called the Clan of the Seers. They’re just an orphan with little to no influence on the world around them, until they get framed for stealing the Seers’ Source of Power, which gives the Clan its unique Abilities. They set off on an adventure that one day becomes a grand tale, but for now they’ll focus on staying in the Clan Elder’s good graces and getting the Source back. On your adventure, there will be six ROs, and that fact has been making me cry on the inside because three of them are gender flippable, and the codes are making my eyes bleed. You actually meet the first flippable in Chapter One, and I think some of the pronouns aren’t properly capitalized, though I’ve tried to fix them. Please let me know if there are any of those blasted things left!
tldr; this is my first game. Feedback is grandly appreciated!