“The Emerald City” takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where your character heads into the ruins of Seattle. There, they encounter a dangerous enemy who has it out for the character for reasons unknown, a mysterious conspiracy that has to do with the city’s past, and a war between the city’s various factions that is slowly building towards a destructive climax.
Violence has always captivated the human mind. From the dawn of time, since the first flame was kindled, mankind has waged war upon itself, determined to eradicate those different, in opposition, or simply because they had the power to. Inevitably, humanity showcased its ultimate power in one amazing display that ended the world. But as the clock ran out for mankind, in Seattle lay a different story. Seattle clawed its way out of a beginning as a lumber town, rose to a powerhouse famous for gold, and built a thriving technology industry. With skyscrapers that would stand to the end of time and an economy that never faltered, Seattle was a beacon shining into the future, a diamond in the rough, an Emerald City. But despite persistent growth in the City of Goodwill, well, nothing can escape the human disease.
Welcome to the Emerald City, its border drawn by the line of the Cascade Mountain range. On the west coast of the former United States, stranded alone with hundreds of miles of uninhabited wasteland in ever direction, lies the remains of Seattle. In the decaying husk of what was once called the Emerald City, rival factions vie for power, some trying to defend the city’s inhabitants, while others want to rule or enslave them. These same factions will desire to use you to their own ends as a free agent, in order to promote their agendas, to either preserve or destroy the Emerald City. All the while something sinister moves in the background…
Abilities: Your character will have access to different choices of skills. If you want them to be a badass who specializes in Firearms, and gets into a fight every five seconds, the story can be told that way. If you want them to be a pacifist who solves everything with words and never has to fight, it can be told that way too. Abilities determine how your character progresses through the story, and so on and so forth.
Attitude: Your attitude determines how other characters will, at times, react to the player’s character. It also, in some cases, determines the player character’s own sanity-- and a character who goes insane, be it for any number of reasons, will be unable to trust what they experience or what happens to them.
Companions: During the course of the story you will slowly accumulate companions. Your relationship with each of them, and with each other, will have an impact on how certain situations play out. Most of them will be romance options.
Story: The plot will be branching in many places, and the choices that are made will determine the ultimate outcome, whether it be a positive outcome for the Emerald City, or a negative one.
Reason for lack of updates:
If you’ve been following this, you’ll notice this hasn’t been updated in over a month. The reasons is because I got kind of overly ambitious with this and started it before I had really gotten grips on CS, and thus there’s a quite a few mistakes, and it’s become a little difficult to work with. Also, I kind of fell out of love with the project. It’s pretty much on hold for the foreseeable future, and although I might had sporadic updates, there probably won’t be anything big. That’d only change if there was sudden, overwhelming interest in this.
I’ve been working on a different game, which I’ve invested a lot more time and effort into, more than Emerald City. So, if you really liked this, and would actually be interested in seeing more from me, keep a look out, because I’ll probably show off something else soon.
Current version: https://dashingdon.com/play/captainmjb/the-emerald-city/mygame/index.php?cb=41186