Tall tale of Draigs (WIP) formerly known as Drágóneer (WIP)

Thanks i will look into them but i think most are already corrected at the new version. Which is not yet uploaded since i have some strange request with my coder regarding the stats screen and possible code/s changes which she is working on. Thanks for the correction/s and suggestion/s.

Sorry for some of the code errors. I’ve been trying to thinker with some of them.


“She’s going to be my future wife…” MC is a creeper. lol


MC just knows what he wants in life.


You spelled keeper wrong :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It’s accent. It’s Welsh. People get confused all the time.


I stand corrected then. Your accent is awesome and I’m gonna start saying it like that too!


Is that option showing only for the male or female or both? I’m just checking for something. Thanks

Huh? Creeper and keeper have different meaning. Or am I just not getting this?

Note: if the game link is not working then please wait for the update by next month thanks

Both, last I checked. :relaxed:

They are just being keepy. Er, creep. Creepy! Crikey. :expressionless:

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Jinxy was saying that the Mc saying: she’s gonna be my wife made the Mc a creeper. I said she/he spelled keeper wrong because such behavior obviously makes the Mc a keeper. Not even a teen yet and already knows what they want in life= keeper :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Edit: also please don’t change that option for the female mc. My girl knows what she wants and her brothers reaction is hilarious.

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@Taylor_Enean Thanks just wanted to check if the code is working properly. :slight_smile:

@Zsero Ah, I am still a little confused as to what you guys are talking about, but i think sort of get it now. I’m not really going to change anything yet, just wanted to know if that part of the story is working properly. Thanks :grin:


That sentence is changed on the next update.

My editor said that sentence is correct. Since the sentence is not an action of urgency rather the action the character Rubar is doing is calling Agurt’s attention. Bellowing and a simple knock is therefore correct.

Probably? But to be fair my nephew use the word it a lot then them/they. Which is why I use the word it. Also, to be honest most kids that I encounter use the word it a lot than they/them. It could be cultural thing?or could be how the English language is used to my country. I still prefer using the word it. Thanks for the suggestion thou, I’ll think it over, but for now I’ll still use the it word.

Whoops that is a slight code error. Forgot the an ! is supposed to be put on a code for the first letter to be capital, Thou, i think on the update we removed the code and changed it into just text instead. Made it more simple.

Will double check that with the editor.

The update has corrected it. So far i think? I’ll need to do a double check.

I did a quick check with the editor which he said it works fine, the humming can be interpreted as an annoying sound as well which is why the second sentence I had to clarify that the sound was in a way relaxing.

That part had a major re-write since it had some plot holes which will not go with the story.

Code error, thanks.

To tell you the truth its not an option to be a bi option. Also, I don’t think children age 10 will be using the term everyone, they would be referring to people as boys and girls. They could have the puppy love thing with the same sex, opposite sex, or both sex. I have yet to encounter a 10 year old to say they are attracted to everyone, They usually say I’m attracted to boys, girls, or boys and girls. Never hear them use everyone as of yet to refer to people that they are attracted to.


Hello guys, so I have something to announce that will make you all sad… hahaha maybe? Who knows? Anyway….

I just want to announce that Drágóneer and Blood Moon Prophecy will be continued by @M-D-M I have personal reasons for giving the story to this person. Her word is the official as well as @Aera word. I am having some difficulties with RL. As much as I would love to continue the game, I won’t really have the time which really saddens me. However, I’m really confident that those two crazy ladies will be able to continue this wonderful story/game world that I have created. Hopefully?

I would also like to add a thank you to those who tested the game privately you were all very helpful and thanks for allowing me to mess with your minds when I ask questions, yeah I’ll leave it at that. A special thank you to @orkwut for really breaking the game and giving the critics that really made me think about what parts of the story works and not works. I do hope that you’ll continue to help improve the game.

I will still check in from time to time when I get the free time, but that could be very berry hairy rarely. I’m like the weird once in a while mushroom. Lols Thanks again everyone and I’ll see you guys around after I get my life back on track.


Well… Crap. That wasn’t the author note I was hoping for…

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This really brings tears to my eyes reading this :sob: I really hope life gets better for you :blush: . As for the new Author welcome @M-D-M ! I really want to thank you for taking up this story, I couldn’t possibly bare(is that the right bare?) seeing this wonderful story become dormant. I’m really interested to see what direction you will take this story and I’ll be waiting here to read it. :blush:


Oh no, sorry to hear about your RL issues, but I know how it is (facing my own). I hope things improve for you and that we will see you return (be it to this or another game). You do great work. Take care of yourself and see you whenever the mushrooms align. :cry: :rose:

And thank you to @M-D-M for carrying on. :relaxed:


Maybe. Do you want to see the story naked? :slight_smile:


Simply love the story. So wish to see it fully ready and just start cracking away at it.

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Hi everyone, so I’m the one taking over my cousin’s game/s for the time being since he need to finalize some paper works regarding his impending marriage. There is no need to close this thread or any of the other games by Mikhail since he (honeymichie) is still going to check on the game/s progress from time to time. For the time being I’m going to be the author so the game won’t get stagnant……

Now in regards to the game/s. I Totally disagree with the closed testing, so I will make the games an open testing. Meaning, no private beta testing for now, but a public beta testing. Oh, before I forget the updates are scheduled next month. No date yet, but my goal is to mash-up the private links with the public links so everyone can play fairly and this will give me some insight as to what the difference is between the two links. (Honestly, it’s about seven game links being tested. Lols It has an untranslated and translated links. Meh, more work for me :disappointed_relieved:)

Okay, so that is all for now and I hope to make you happy with the changes I’m planning to implement for the game/s.

@RyseAbove @Taylor_Enean Don’t you guys’ worry, everything is going great with his life. Immigration papers is really taking too much of his time so he sort-of asked me to at least continue the game/s. He felt a little guilty for neglecting the game/s. Don’t you guys’ worry too much since the changes I’m planning to add won’t really divert much from the original story. I just added some things to cover up plot holes.

I’ll try to finish the game, but I’m not going to rush it. I’ll need to read up on the notes and drafted story progress by Mikhail so our ideas can blend rather than contrast with each other.


@M-D-M welcome to the forum! Also thank you for taking on this WIP. It’s a great one, and many people (including myself) would be upset to see it go. If you need any help you can always pm me or anyone of the other helpful regulars or mods.


Nice to meet ya @M-D-M☺

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