Tall tale of Draigs (WIP) formerly known as Drágóneer (WIP)

Not sure why that post was originally flagged… Oh well, welcome to the storyline and all its illustrious fanatics (fans)

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That’s a forum software thing. It does that from time to time, when it doesn’t trust a new user for one reason or another.

yeah I got that on my first time for some reason

Hello everyone the update is on hold for now, the coder @Aera is busy with something called a CS Comp. I’m not that familiar with it, but that’s the PM I received. I do hope that CS Comp is not long? I do not know how to use/operate the choicescript, sorry. Thank you everyone. :ghost:


CS Comp will be until the end of the month, at least for anything coding wise. Its a competition held each year, for authors to write and submit their stories. Its a great community competition. Don’t worry, @Aera just does what she does best, coding. :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks @EmperorHeartless I’ll bug her next month then :ghost:

Maybe next year you can join in the the comp to. :smile:


And stuff like this :expressionless:

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Sorry it took me this long to read this but I will continue to help with the game as much as I can especially now that I’m free from all my responsibilities for the time being. I hope you get your life on track as smoothly as you can and come back soon! Can’t wait for you to come back to the game and discuss it with you again :smiley:


@Lordirish I shall think about it. It’s a wonderful way to encourage people to start their stories.

@orkwut I do hope you’ll be around to help out.

@Aera Will you look into the code? I think there is a bug in there somewhere.


It’s been a while since I last check in. Found out about honey last message he posted in the beta testing, good for him. I’ll continue to help out in the game.

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@Aera the CSComp thingy is done, so you up for some coding for Drágóneer?

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WHY!!! Can I at least have a day or two to relax :expressionless:


But it’s been pending for a month. I’m giving you a pleading look see :cry:


My children made me immune to puppy dog looks. :expressionless: I promise to code it after two days, for now it’s me time. :cookie: I’ll skype with you later, same schedule so you can pass me the files. :expressionless:


Update: Game link is taken down because we can’t edit it without removing it from dropbox. A bug on our end :cry:, but will restore it after a few weeks. Thank you everyone. :slight_smile:

Edit: Update will be posted on July 5, 2016 10pm (GMT+8) :slight_smile:


ey will you add phase 5 in that update?

Yes, it is included.


I’m sorry, but I cannot answer as to when the game can be completed or the date of finalization for I myself am unsure of the answer.


@Hugana Asking for release dates is against the forum rules, exactly because usually the authors do not know this, and it only puts unnecessary pressure on them. Please remember that in the future.