I wonder how long the dragons can live? Can the MC’s baby dragon outlive the MC? What happen to dragon if MC dead?
Maybe they release it?
It becomes bitter and slaughters every dragon’s master.
Actually you are wrong.
It becomes dead and makes a nice piece of leather armour and/or purse for the ladies.
At the very least that’s what I would do with dragons. Masterless ones too I suppose.
It dies from heartbreak…
…or overjoy, if they didn’t get alone.
Edit: Alone!? Cor blimey, I meant along, all along.
Hmmm, then it turn into a wild one. I wonder if the MC can capture than get egg? Hohoho I wish one of the authors can answer us
Or do they sell them? So other countries can slaughter them and eat them? I read somewhere that Draconis meat was delicacy in some country.
… That’s a video game dude
What game? I wanna try it
This thread… has gotten so silent.
@honeymichie ? @Aera ? Anyone?
Well it got silent because @honeymichie is getting marry. This link i think. Tall tale of Draigs (WIP) formerly known as Drágóneer (WIP)
Not sure about the other author @Aera? That person it like a shadow random booming on thread. Wish she write another freaky game thou
The likes went up to 144 already.
[quote=“boredhypocrite, post:1330, topic:7611, full:true”]
I wonder how long the dragons can live?[/quote]
Well on my copied drafted notes its marked as 10,000. (As noted for a pending change)
No, the draconis has growth stages. I don’t have the copy at the moment. Will get back on that later.
Either the draconis is released or another drágóneer will take them in or an elder draconis adopts the draconis.
Yes, that is one option.
I like this option to be added. Yup, i like it.
What an imagination you have.
We are currently watching you all from the shadows…
Sorry for not logging in, busy with work since i had to do some out of the country business. As for Mikhail, he is just really busy with the wedding planning. Not sure if is blog is updated. We scheduled a meet up this coming weekend. So yeah expect some announcement/s after whatever we’re going to be talking about.
You have confirmed it I have to find som spotlights to light up all the shadows I’m not using
I know you wanna turn that frown upside down
Not sure which one of those alternatives are actually worse…
That second emoticon looks very tired
Hello, so there will be some strange changes. I’ll post them after i get home airport internet is buggy
The Doors’ “Strange People” popped into my brain when I read this…
Me: So…Aera how’s life going?
Me: Good,…good…
Here are some spelling errors and suggestions.
“Rest Logan,” Hilda gently urged Logan to rest. “Agurt and I will be here.” She kissed his temple.
Cut “Hilda gently urged Logan to rest”. This interrupts the dialogue and is too cluttered since you have an action at the very end as well.
Having, ‘“Rest Logan. Agurt and I will be here,” she said kissing his temple.’ will work fine without losing that gentle urging and keep a smooth flow of action (if that makes sense).
“Agurt?! Open the door.” A man bellowed before a knock followed.
You need an ‘!’ at the end of ‘door’. It keeps the urgency and shouting; also, it should also be ‘banged’ or something instead of knock. Bellowed is a strong action, but knock is MUCH weaker, and doesn’t work as well.
(This is a small thing, but you refer to the MC-the baby- as ‘it’ a few times and that kinda bothers me. Though that’s probably because I work with kids lol. Maybe ‘they/them’ would work better? Idk, I know this is just me nitpicking sorry)
Logan sniffled, “then where will I go? Mom and dad aren’t home.”
Capitalize Dad. From the kid’s POV, Mom and Dad are their names.
“Already the children are on your side Hilda.” Rubar chuckled,
the comma should follow Hilda, since that’s not the end of the dialogue. ‘Rubar chuckled’ SHOULD have a period at the end of it though.
Rubar released a hearty laugh, “right.”
Capitalize ‘Right’
Eighteen months had passed since the aqua village was burned. No one was found except for the two children. A young boy named Logan and an unnamed baby. The baby was later named [NAME].
This whole paragraph can be condensed.
“Eighteen months had passed sinced the aqua village was burned. No one survived except for two children: a boy named Logan and a baby, who was later named [NAME].”
You don’t need “Young boy”, it’s repetitive. ‘boy’ will suffice.
“I think practicing say da,da is enough.”
I think practicing SAYING da da is enough
Logan laughed, “told you so dad.”
Capitalize Told
The man looked disappointed, “owww.”
Capitalize ‘Ow’
You awoke to the soft humming of a bird. It was a sweet sound, soft and long.
You can cut that second sentence, it’s repetitive. Your readers can get the implication that it’s a sweet sound, just because you gave such a nice opening. Who doesn’t love waking up to the sound of birds? The first sentence is good, you don’t need to bog it down.
Your [eyes] still had star dust in them.
Nothing to really say here, I just really liked star dust. That’s cool!
Hilda released a heavy sigh. “I don’t know why he has a bottomless stomach.”
Either make it two sentences or rewrite it. Is Hilda saying she doesn’t know WHY he has such a bottomless stomach, or is she answering her own question? I can kinda see what you’re trying to say, but you need to revise it and make it clearer.
Hilda’s grin was pure sin, “I bet you’re thinking of something bad right now. […]"
Nothing wrong here, this just made me laugh.
Agurt released a belly laugh, “nah, the little fur balls won’t attack. […]"
Capitalize ‘Nah’
Logan stood, “come on [NAME].”
“dead egg collecting?”
“Don’t worry we’ll just clean the house and not the lawn.”
Comma after ‘worry’
"[…]tomorrow.” Logan stretched […]
Comma after tomorrow
“Why don’t you find a wife and get your own children to spoil, Rubar.” Agurt playfully chided.
New line
“[HORSENAME].” Logan repeated, “not a bad name.”
change to
“[HORSENAME],” Logan repeated. “Not a bad name.”
“I just want to impress the boys and girls.”
I think boys and girls should be changed to everyone, I know it’s to show which is the bisexual option but it’s an awkward thing for someone to say.
“I know, Hilda. I just thought about it you know. Never mind my ramblings.” Agurt laughed, his face transforming, all the edges softening making his look young. “we can’t have [NAME] be late on her first day attending school.”
New line
“Where is [NAME] horse?” Hilda asked as she hovered around you, clucking like a chicken trying to protect her chick.
New line
“Sure mom and don’t worry dad. […]"
Capitalize Mom and Dad