Tall tale of Draigs (WIP) formerly known as Drágóneer (WIP)

Easy to get over Ur dragon: steal a dragon egg

Hmm, That’s interesting…

I squealed a little when you mentioned Monster Hunter. My favourite game series of all time.

Dammit now I want to dress into Kushala armour and destroy every Dragoneer’s Dragon. Why? So I can carve out their dragon jewels and make G-class weapons.

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Bug? As i we just demand stuff for @Aera cool.

Probably since that person is coding so it is logical to say they are fine with bug reports?

@Aera code faster! :imp:

But what if the dragon inside won’t hatch?

Isn’t that for 3DS games only?

Not really…


Steal an infinite amount of egg s

Or believe that if you can’t have them no one can and destroy ALL the eggs but realize there’s one left and dragon finds it and then later kills you. Or something. I never read eragon

@Sammysam Thanks, I not know it has some for other platforms.

@weirguider isn’t it a little twisted that the player steals eggs and breaks it?

Its called strategy. Making sure the people you will eventually want to murder are not as well equipped as they could be.


Is it just me or did the cover of game made change? I thought update was on end of month? Did something else happening?

Has changed indeed, as for updates well… either you are wrong or a cover update isn’t really worth being called an update.

There are no updates. I will announce when I do make any major updates. Updates which are minor; I’ll not bother announcing since it has no effect on the game. But yes, the cover art did change and nothing else. I have no further instructions from @honeymichie because of this, so just wait for an update announcement :expressionless:


I want to see that videotape of the proposal now…


Aw, me too. So sweet. :blush:

Say, @Aera, is that a smile I see on you face? :grinning: I thought I saw one corner of the mouth twitch. :grin:

Thanks for working on this with @honeymichie, much appreciated. :blush:

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What happened to this thread…
…it was so innocent…

@Taylor_Enean Sadly, my phone is not allowing me to post emoticons other than that this one :expressionless: My email seems to only know this one as well :expressionless: I am smiling evilly at everyone.

@RyseAbove don’t know, probably the thread is dying? Or dragon games are fizzling? or people are getting crazy? take your pick of the day. :expressionless:

Again, no major updates yet, I’ll announce it when I do get the time to code.


It grew up and forgot how to child. :neutral_face:


Just dropping in to see what’s happening and finds the game link with 134 likes. Oh wow thanks guys. I’m still busy, but I’ll try to do stuff for the game. Right now I’m emailing @Aera instructions that is overdue. My bad. Anyways thanks guys and I’m just dropping in lols.


I will teach my dragon to only speak in third person


‘It appears your dragon have left a surprise in your boot this morning.’
‘Not another dead wolverine, we talked about this!’
‘Actually, your dragon seem to have left this one alive.’

A wolverine runs past, hissing inside the boot on its head, knocking things over and running into other things.

‘Really? REALLY!?’
‘You must ask your dragon, perhaps they can explain it,’ says your dragon and flies off.
