Or use your new gravity powers to restart the entire trilogy and take new choices and alter it like that…
Heh I do love the idea of restarting the trilogy and having new choices you make. However, I don’t think gravity works that way so I’d instead ask/force Black Magic to send you back in time, forcing you to replay the entire trilogy in Super Romance Time Travel Mode!!!.At first the game appears to play out just as it did before but there’s points where you can use your fore-knowledge to change things.
In that scene where you pick your sidekicks you need to pick Sparrow. Or you can yell it out in the first fight. (Or at whatever point seems most appropriate). Then you say “Prodigal, your mother’s alive! Victon is your father! Forget your vendetta against me and let’s team up and deal with this. First we’ll go rescue your mother.then we’ll use her testimony to prevent all of the events from the games for taking place! And don’t use any of your powers unless you’re get infini-cancer and die!” ZOOOOM! Fast forward to everyone living happily ever after! Well apart from you never participating in the Hero Project, the anti-infinity sentiment still rising and Prodigal proving how completely incapable of being a good girlfriend she is.
Or if Jenny dies you can go back in time to save her life and get revenge on Jury at the same time. Only every time you try and save her something else happens to kill her, until you accept her getting shot and becoming part cyborg as the best result that can happen.
Or go back in time and throw yourself at Jury! Win him over to your side with the power of love, or lust, since he’s not undergone any of the character development he needs yet in order to switch sides. But I’d be all for a slow-burning be nicer to Jury playthrough, where the only differences are you’ve actually got friendlier choices with him, and a bit more banter.
Or go back in time and when you discover about Black Magic’s secret you do the right thing. You report Black Magic to the appropriate authorities and they send in some proper psychiatric care. Black Magic gets some much needed therapy.
Or… Lucky. Nope, no idea about what to do with Lucky in the slightest.
Go back all the way to Powered summer camp (or wherever it was you met Lucky) and arrange for your younger self to get interested in somebody else.
Bringing this over from the Psy High thread, @Jason_Miller and FG:
The jelly line was Prodigal. And I totally bought it (as well as finding it hilarious). She’s a sociopath, with no idea of how to behave normally in any situation, let alone a high-intensity one like finally hooking up with you. It made sense to me that she’d fall back on some “sexy” script from pop culture.
Original quote above for my own reference.
@Havenstone Oh! Thanks! Yes Prodigal makes complete sense to say that line. Prodigal was constantly saying odd things. I can definitely see her saying something she thinks is sexy but just comes across as weird.
She made Black Magic seem normal in comparison. Black Magic’s broken too but in a very different way. And still beats Prodigal for the most inappropriate seduction technique. (Unless Prodigal trying to blow up the city counts as an attempt at seducing you, then maybe Prodigal wins).
For some reason the idea of Prodigal trying to be a good girlfriend is inherently hilarious to me. She suddenly starts dating the person she spent most of her life trying to destroy, and I can’t imagine that is an easy transition to make. Sex is probably the only part of the phrase “healthy relationship” that she even understands.
On a related note, considering Prodigal’s use of “you ain’t ready for this jelly”, and her presumed knowledge of your MC’s internet browser history, I can imagine that cheesy lines are one of the least awkward things that will take place in a bedroom with her.
I don’t know maybe I’m different. I just don’t imagine any girl. No matter their personality. Saying that right before bed. It’s just not sexy. I agree her personality may be different and ark ward. Much like the shy girl in class who doesn’t say much. Once you get to the romantic part they tend take things a bit more seriously. It’s just that line didn’t ring funny or sexy. It’s easy to see why its popular.
I always thought of her as a good bad girl. That’s just my input though.
What about a guy? Could you have imagined a completely geeky, socially awkward guy whose only experience of the world is through the internet, and a whole bunch of old movies, songs and tv programmes? Could you imagine this imaginary guy saying something so out of place, clumsy and unsexy? Could you imagine him blurting out a song lyric from a sexy song (that he probably discovered you like from snooping on your internet browser history.)
Isn’t that actually the premise of a certain popular tv show in fact? Socially awkward geeks and the weird things they do?
I wouldn’t say that Prodigal is shy. Prodigal’s just got very little frame of reference for interacting with people. She’s had very little opportunity to actually do so. She did spend her entire life in a bunker with just her mother.And she’s always calling you weird things and saying chicken a lot.
I’ll admit I didn’t see Prodigal as sexy at all. Just weird, and awkward, obsessive and murderous. I like that she didn’t flip around and suddenly become sexy.
Black Magic’s the sexy character (though again has social issues), Lucky’s the boy/girl next door and as close to normal as you’re getting, Jury’s a douchebag, Jenny’s your best friend awesome action girl, and Prodigal’s that weirdo bunny-boiler you really should avoid.
Heh, I think that’s just such a wonderful point. And I can bet that Prodigal likely knows our browser history far better than we do. There’d have been some very awkward conversations, or some really weird seduction attempts.
Saying something like that ruins the romantic moment. If someone male/female is about to bed someone. Their hormones are rising in their body. Pulse races. It just seems so out of place. Like she’s not taking being taken to bed seriously. If she were taking it seriously. That would kill any lust mood.
We all have different preferences. I don’t mind her being the love-able Goof ball that she is. Not in the least. I just assumed there were certain situations where she would take a bit more seriously. Being attracted to another person and about to bed them is one. I just imagined a more intense direct situation. Perhaps where she throws the guy down ripping off his clothes.
Or she plays a humors tease. I don’t know. I enjoy humor. I really do. That came off kinda cheesy. It’s like saying the title of a hit song. In this situation we all know what jelly would imply. I just don’t see it pulling it off. Now if a guy said it. I’d imagine it would turn a girl’s mood off quickly.
There are tons of guys would fit the bio of only experience through life is through songs, tv programming and the internet. Actually many guys. I don’t know the overall story was solid though. It has three different stories on it. My only complaint the story’'s could have been a tad more detailed on the costume and the effects.
It’s nice to imagine in your head. Giving detail on what to imagine paints a better picture.
I wanted to save Prodigal, her’s was a great story and I romanced her too. Probably was my fvorite character in Heroes Rise. XD Her connection to you was just amazinnnggg.<33
I adored Prodigal’s character. And I just went through the game and romanced her.
My feelings changed as it progressed though xD
- Bedroom Saucy Scene I thought it presented a hilarious twist, so I thought “Hey, its worth a shot!” Since I thought Prodigal could be attractive in that super psycho nemesis way.
- But then it got to the aftermath of that, where Prodigal asks about meeting her Mum. “Oh. She seems…serious.”
- Then came the climax. Her death. When she says “I always loved you, chicken.” I just kinda had to ponder and piece together how she could have come to that. Like all the seemingly creepy-as photos and stuff. But in the end, I concluded she was just a female socially inept and psychologically scarred version of me.
PS, sorry that all came out a bit garbled.
I’m not sure if Zach said this because I think that there might be multiple people who have access to the Heroes Rise FaceBook but they replied to a post that talked about Prodigy and they said this “No
amount of infini healing could undo the infini damage prodigal did to herself! But she always has some tricks up her sleeve, doesn’t she?” I hope that this is a legit hint to something that might happen in the sequel as I was heart broken by her death.
Well see you later Chickens
~Necrotic Rose
I don’t keep up with the facebook page since I don’t have a facebook account, so thanks very much for keeping us informed over here.
I can’t comment on the rest of it but I’m sure other people will.
The biggest issue that I have with Prodigal being doomed from the get
go, is it completely over shadows all other playthroughs. How the heck am I supposed
to care about alternate endings, which would primarily be different romance
options, when I get to watch Prodigal die in my MC’s arms each and every time? Ever
since Heroes Rise: Prodigy, I felt oddly attached to Prodigal, not so much her,
but Sparrow her persona. (Even in her death she made it oddly Intimate.
“Oh MC’s name…”)
She took the role of a shy ani hero wannabe who came from a broken
home and looks up to you, and lets your grandma fuss over and love her. Fast
foreword to Herofall, you find out she was raised by the female hybrid of Joker
and Lex Luther, raised to obsess over your MC and had no love in her life, only
madness and violence.
How… much I wanted an ending for Prodigal where your MC got to BE
that source of comfort, but the 3 stories of accumulating tragedy snuffs out
any hope for a replay, for me at least. I don’t understand why it couldn’t have left
your MC waiting for Prodigy to return, even without hinting that they couldn’t
locate her body at the morgue or something, just not make it so final by
putting it flat out “But she never did.” It breaks my heart and sours
my whole experience.
We were only incompetent in the first game and that was fuel to Prodigal effectivly manipulatingredients every paRte of our hero career lol. Naw but Jury proved dependable after the Jenny incident
I kinda hope I CAN’T save her.
If only because that would make the crying stop.
Seriously though, it’s me wondering if I could save her that made her death more impactful than what could have been Jenny’s, because at least that one tells you upfront that it wasn’t avoidable. Meanwhile, with the other mistakes I made in the story (cough I hate those doors so much cough), and the achievement for romancing her made me wonder if I COULD have saved her.
That, and she’s my favorite character, period.
As an added notes, for reasons I don’t want to explain in a single post, I was already dedicated to ending the game romancing Lucky, so romancing Prodigal wasn’t an option to me, but I picked every single positive non-romance option I could with her. It made me smile more than it should when she said she was “Truly touched” after I told Jenny that Prodigal was “one of us”.
Then I failed to save her mom. Then she died.
Now I’m in a corner, crying harder than I should be.
You can Save Jenny though.
Jenny never died, though. She was injured, sure, but she stayed alive.
It’s possibleasy for Jenny to die if you meet certain requirements
You can’t create life. Black Magic just temporarily absorbed your power for a super spell. All her massively overpowered abilities. She would’ve been better as a supervillian.