NANOWRIMO 2024 Support group

31,733 words into my story. It’s definitely not gonna end at 50k words, but it’ll be really nice if I can reach 50k by the 22nd (I started a bit early). Still, 30k is already a really good achievement, especially while in university. So giving myself credit where credit is due.


I intentionally took a long weekend, but instead of going back to writing on Tuesday, I spent all day dealing with some personal issues, and ended up sleeping through half the day today and only writing 300 words of something completely unrelated to my main WIP.

Keep hanging in there everyone. Congratulations to those continuing to make progress on their goals.


Today: 830
Total: 3,579

Does anyone else find it helpful to switch fonts every time they get stuck? For some reason that helps me change gears enough to keep going a little further.


Day 14
Today’s progress: 2,000 words
Total progress: 29,000 words

Almost halfway through the month, and honestly probably a little more than halfway through the productive days I’ll get this month. I’m definitely in line to hit my 40k goal, so I think I’ll keep going at this pace until Monday if I can, and then drop it back a little to be somewhat more ‘careful’ with the set of scenes I have after this. I don’t think I’ve been reckless with these ones, or anything, but having two designed to cover essentially the same material in different ways does mean I could plough forward a little bit faster.


Old Word Count: 18,086
New Word Count: 18,738
Words Written: 652
Current Chapter: Prologue

dipped out yesterday. then i didnt write much today. oh well, progress is progress. keep getting frustrated because i cant just blitz through at times.


Words today: 1240
Words this month: 10, 277

I wish I’d gotten more words today, but I am very pleased to have passed the 10k mark!


I have managed to write a sentence.


“I do, in fact, not know what it is that you mean, but I am fairly sure it is not my pancake recipe.”


Day 15
Today’s progress: 2,000 words
Total progress: 31,000 words

I’ve hit the end of the scenes where I really know what’s going on, meaning I’m into ‘needs an outline’ territory for the final, uh… seven in the chapter. Branching is really a pain sometimes, but I suppose this is what I get for having six ‘routes’ and a poly.

Fortunately I don’t think any of them should be too long, but I never really know that until I write them.


Just passed the 14k mark, though it was one of those days where I was confident I had just written 100,000 words and it instead was 1,000. Still, its coming along, and other than some pretty grim and terrible grammer errors it actually seems sort of fun so far, though this game is pretty minimalistic and I need to up the interactive elements to make it more replayable.

Oh, my gods, yes - I feel like it helps set the tone and mood of the story. I just wish I had more options for font when posting the game.

And what a good sentence.

You’re on your way!

So true; its the beauty and the horror of writing these, the branching I think.


Day 16
Today’s progress: 2,000 words
Total progress: 33,000 words

I have a goal of no words for tomorrow and Monday both. Tomorrow for editing and surgery prep, and Monday because, well, I’m having a surgery. It’s meant to be outpatient, meaning I’ll go home the same day it’s done, but considering I don’t even show up to the hospital until afternoon, I have this feeling it will take most of the day and into the evening.

Back in a few. Good luck in the meantime, everyone. :slight_smile:


Old Word Count: 18,738
New Word Count: 19,836
Words Written: 1,098
Current Chapter: Prologue

spent two days fucking around in minecraft with the boys. not an excuse but it was really fun. 95% done with the prologue outline, then it’s on to the next chapters.


Day 19
Today’s progress: 1,000 words
Total progress: 34,000 words

Well, I did indeed manage no words on both Sunday and Monday, haha. I don’t feel especially rested, to be honest, but progress shall continue, for now at a slower pace so I don’t burn myself out. I could halve what I’ve been doing so far and still make it to my goal if I’m being steady, so I think that is probably what I will do from here.


Added 281 words of NPC development to my little Wedding Crashers planning document. It was fun to think of what the different wedding guests would be like, and the opportunities for comedy and chaos that they could create.


Is there a goat involved? It doesn’t feel like true chaos until there is.


There’s a ferret at one of the weddings. Definitely gonna add a goat somewhere, now.


Day 20
Today’s progress: 1,000 words
Total progress: 35,000 words

I’m really glad I’ve dropped back the paces, because today just getting the 1,000 felt like a lot of effort. Hair-pulling amounts of effort. But it’s done, and now I’m going to do my best to just enjoy myself for the rest of the day. Maybe I’ll make cookies.


…I accidentally lost one third of what I’ve written this month. (A total of 15 words or so lost, that is.) And it is of course unrecoverable, because otherwise I wouldn’t count it lost.

On one hand, it’s just two lines. On the other… it’s a whooping 1/3 of what I’ve managed to write. :person_facepalming:


Ugh, I’m sorry. Sometimes the size of the loss (or of the scene to be written) is not at all proportionate to how much of an obstacle it becomes.


Truly sorry to hear that.

Goat plans?

The goat in Wedding Crashers will be a guest at the medieval-theme wedding and can be fed various items and/or freed from his post, either with epic knot-untying skills or by, uh, briefly borrowing the bride’s custom-made sword without getting caught. Might also fight a local goose—or worse, team up with 'em.


Words today: 1960
Words this month: 13,932

So I am way behind on my monthly goal, but today is the first day in almost a week where I met my word count goal! I’ve been working on a code heavy part of my project which always slows me down, but I put on my music today and just powered through about a third of the section. Hoping I can keep up this momentum through the end of the month.