NANOWRIMO 2024 Support group


Another year another month to reach or the canon goal of 50k or achieve our own personal goals. Feel free to join and tale your daily experience. And word count and memes.


Okay, I’ll bite!

I’ve actually got a bit of carryover progress from my work yesterday, but I’m going to count it, because I have a surgery scheduled this month, which means I almost certainly will not be making it to 50k. So I’m aiming for 40, and I’ll take whatever I get. :slight_smile:

Today’s progress: 4,000 words
Total progress: 4,000 words


Thanks for posting this thread! I’m excited to attempt some version of nano! I’m thinking like 20k words of a game, since I’m guessing it takes way longer to write ChoiceScript games than it does to write a regular novel… But let’s see! Most of all, I want to do a bit of writing every day (or let’s say 6/7 days per week because perfectionism is silly).

Excited to co-encourage with you folks!


I was pondering my goal during work, and my initial thought was 100 words/day BUT not for a specific project. I was thinking of working on a short IF story after the Halloween Jam ended, as an exercise in having a wardrobe system, but I also should work on my big main project again, and I wanna keep working on my Halloween Jam story… So 100 words a day of whichever of those three I feel like working on (though I should make sure that I do work on the main project and not just write the other two things each time). If I wanna use the NaNoWriMo site to track my progress, I’ll have to decide how much I wanna work on each one, in order to set each project’s goal. Right now I’m sleepy so I won’t be thinking too hard about that.


Depending how things go, I don’t know how much I’ll be writing drafts this month - probably none or little. But my goals are to submit two outlines (and hopefully get at least one greenlit, though that’s less under my control) and to carry on making blog posts in the lead-up to Honor Bound coming out.


Good luck everyone! I can’t dedicate the whole month either, so I’m not setting a goal before I see how much I can actually work, but I’ll be here cheering everyone.


My own goal is simply trying to end my jam entry that I couldn’t for being in hospital ans health stuff.

It is a flexible enough commitment.

Many people’s forget the really meaning of event. It is not per se get the 50k. Even if for many are.

The real goal like in a jam. Is make a planning and set a realistic goal for a deadline and then hit that in a month.

I am sure you can hit your goals again this month


But I’ll have to know what is a realistic goal first :stuck_out_tongue: (after my other obligations).

Looking forward to your game! And those adorable Euro-comic-esque character portraits, if they’re still going to be part of it.


Yeah, there will be some


Thank you for setting up this thread @poison_mara!

I’ve never participated in Nanowrimo before, and 50k seems very daunting to me, so I’m going to set my goal to 30k which I think is more realistic for me.

Good luck everyone!


I’m gonna do a scuffed Nanowrimo because I technically started writing my story on the 22nd of October, so I’m gonna aim for 50k total words in it by the 22nd of November. Up to about 21k right now I think, so almost halfway there!


Old Word Count: 9,384
New Word Count: 10,413
Words Written: 1,029
Current Chapter: Prologue.

finally getting off my ass and trying to work consistently on this project. i put out a post on the interest thread a long while back about a game where youre a mercenary set in the middle ages. well i did make a game on that but also not quite.

i always liked the mercenary aesthetic in games. jagged alliance, battle brothers, quasimorph. all games where you kill and fight, not for patriotism or the hope for a better world, but for cold hard cash. i also like deus ex-sure, youre an agent/fed instead of a mercenary but you still get sent out to do assignments. i also liked the more organized structure nature of unatco. so i went ahead and made a merc game.

the merc aesthetic could work in a multitude of settings. i had 4 potential ideas:

  1. hellenic age/ancient egypt times
  2. late middle ages
  3. urban fantasy
  4. sci-fi/cyberpunk dystopia

went with the last idea because it required the least worldbuilding and a conerning amount of my writing style is influence by william gibson (for better and worse) and phillip k. dick. the storys probably not gonna be groundbreaking, just a generic spat between two corporations. im mainly focusing on dialogue, action scenes, mechanics and branching, characters. yknow the little stuff.

im taking inspiration from night road and tin star. you do a mission, get back to home base so you can chill and chat up some characters. still dont know if i wanna go too crazy with branching cuz its my first project but ive been focusing hard on variations with the little things. ill probably put a pause on the writing once i finish two chapters to really sit down and plan out the rest of the story.

dont have a word count in mind, important thing is i keep writing everyday. range between 300 to 1500 words. writings slow because i keep getting hooked up over how stupid a thing i wrote looked or try to be too perfectionist with the prose.

idk if this game will ever be completed. could give up halfway through. could post the demo, get little interest and then vanish. but for now, i have a clear vision of the prologue, introductory chapter and a bit about the first mission. so i can at least finish all those. its at least something to kill time to during those lulls at work when i do fuck all.


What I keep telling myself when I’m stuck in that particular pitfall is “it needs to be edited later anyway, just put the general idea on paper”.

Editing a slog to something you feel good about is also an awesome feeling.


1743 words today. was planning to write more but my wrist really hurts so i don’t wanna force it. :face_with_thermometer:

i wanted to write 50k words this month but i don’t think my tendonitis will let me haha. so i’m shooting for 30k.


if you can do 1100 words a day you will do the 50k so you are doing really well.

I only could write 150 as meds blurry my vision and I have to be in bed most time. So I understand the stuggles. But deep down all we can write is a win. That is what Nano is about. I am not even native and many like me join because it represents more than what started out


Today I figured out the primary stats for my new project, and did most of the work on the secondary ones. It’s a lot more crunchy than my earlier games - it’s fun structuring things differently.

I likely won’t do much over the weekend as it’s busy, but I’ve made good progress.


Day 2
Today’s progress: 2,000 words
Total progress: 6,000 words

Today felt like work all the way through, for sure, but it wasn’t extremely frustrating work, at least. What I was writing felt like it was moving forward (albeit at the slow pace this series has), and there was interesting (for me) stuff in it. Here’s hoping things get a little smoother as I go.


For the first day of NaNoWriMo, I decided to work on the newest little project just as a treat. So, I ended up only adding words to the outline, nothing written in the actual game files yet. ~60 words, ignoring the fact that some were written past midnight for the sake of simplicity.


And here we go again…

Nov 1 count: 3121
Nov 2 (so far): 1717

I’m working on a project separate from my superhero stuff. As a long time GM/DM I thought I’d write a fantasy story for this month.


Just want to give a shout out to everyone taking part in this year’s NaNoWriMo. It’s hard work, sure. Whatever your goals are, though, keep at it—even if it’s just a word a day!

Back in NaNoWriMo 2019, I wrote a good chunk of Ghost Simulator’s first two chapters. It took way longer to finish writing and polishing the novel, but I kinda doubt I’d have done it without the feedback and support I got from that spurt.

I hope to see more NaNoWriMo-born projects! All the best, y’all!