NaNoWriMo 2021!

NaNoWriMo starts November 1st!

Who’s in?

What is your goal?

What is your NaNoWriMo forum handle?

Are you doing anything special to prepare or to carve out more writing time for yourself during NaNo?

Do you meet with anyone virtually or in-person?

Folks can find me on as EricSMoser. Send me a buddy invite! My goal is to finish Talon City in November, so that will be at least 40k-50k words, perhaps a bit more. (Even if I get close, the focused intensity of NaNo should give me a boost). To prepare, I’m outlining as many chapters as I can tonight so I don’t have to spend as much time brainstorming in November.

Good luck everyone!


Good luck to all the NaNoWriMo-ans this year!


I cleared away every bit of IRL schedule I can to make room for writing this month, and I’m excited to get started. I have a hard goal of around 35-40k words (against my usual monthly output of about 20k), but I secretly hope to be able to hit that lofty 50k. I’ll have to see how it turns out!

I don’t have a NaNo account, but I’ll be watching the forums with interest. Sometimes a sense of camaraderie is all it takes to get you over the finish line. Wish I could get together with a writer friend of mine, but sadly Covid is well and alive where I’m from, and I’d rather not take the risk.

Good luck to all of us!


I’m trying NaNo this year. Oddly, in spite of all the years I’ve spent writing, I’ve never actually considered doing it before. I’m not on the forums for that, but I do have the 50k goal in mind, and I’m going to try to frontload the first two thirds of the month to get there, and hopefully let myself taper off into my ‘normal’ pace of about 1,000 a day for the last ten days to finish it off. We’ll see how that goes; double my usual output is a daunting prospect, to say the least.

But if I manage it I should have another chapter (almost) finished for Asphodel, which would be really exciting.

Good luck everybody. :slight_smile:


Does it count as a victory if you write 50k words (excluding code) in your CoG WIP? :laughing:


I don’t think I can participate this year, but best of luck to everyone participating in NaNoWriMo.


Hell yeah it does! What would be an awesome month.


My handle is hazel_gold. I’m working on Turncoat Chronicle this month, but a lot of the work is planning, outlining, testing, and removing redundancies. I doubt I’ll get more than 10K words, if that. But TC is close to the finish line and I need this boost to bring it home.

My group is still doing virtual meetups a few times a week. This is good for me, because I don’t have to calculate travel times (or meal cost for cafes) into my evening writing. And my group has been following me working on this project, pretty much from the start.


Should join my city’s NaNo chapter. Might be nice now that we’re out of lockdown.

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I’m participating, though via Vampire Jam, not through the NaNoWriMo forum–I think that counts still.

My goal is a complete, edited, bug-free game with achievements, relationships, and chapter headings. I want to make it as good as I can make it, so I can legally make my mark on VtM IP in a way that’s out there in the ether forever. Bonus points if I win the contest and Paradox lets me get Bloodlines 2 moving.

For me, 99% of focus is negligence. So, my plan is not to eat, sleep, or bathe. Should help me get into my setting. I don’t meet with anyone, but I’ve been getting a lot of help, Spanish language especially, on my WiP thread.

Happy writing, all! :pen:


I am trying to beat a deep depression. And I hope writing will help me. I don’t expect to reach the 50k, but at least I have written 400 words today.

Cheers to the rest of you, and I hope you are having a better time than me.


Wait what is this?

Nanowrimo started as an American writing month experience, but now it is followed worldwide. 50k in a month is the usual goal.


Thank you, friend

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Every year, no matter how hard I try, I always come out of the gates already behind pace!

As of right now, I’ve cranked out 2,348 words thus far. I do have a writing jamboree with some friends on Saturday; that’s a day I should be able to crank out 4,000 words. We’re meeting from like 10am to 4pm and holding each other accountable to stay on task (but yes there is lunch and some chit chat woven in).


I am… not totally sure whether I’ll be able to keep up with tracking, and I need to sort out my project pages and stuff, but here I am. I’m going to be working on Royal Affairs and my new unannounced CoG project.


Today I wrote about 1’500 words without code. I am still depressed and unsure about them but I wrote them. it is a step further I guess.


It seems like I’m a little bit late to the party. Well, better late then never!

My goals for the month are work on chapter 6 (priority number 1), and possibly finish chapter 3 (editing, re-writing, and writing it, I got to get it finished) and lastly work on a certain character’s description.


So far, so good for me I think. I’ve managed about 8,000 words to date. I’m hoping that getting all 50k will nearly finish a chapter of my WIP, though that might be a tad optimistic. Still, it’d be a big step forward, and I’m feeling pretty good so far. Today’s words were especially difficult to push through, but I made it!


I am proud of everyone here.

Instead of working on the next scene for my Emigre project, I have decided to respond to feedback received and add to my Origins section… how many words this will be I do not know, but I think this will be the most productive use of my writing time for now.

Wish I was in a position to just concentrate on new words and able to focus on pure writing sessions.

Keep up the fight, everyone.