Day 21
Today’s progress: 1,000 words
Total progress: 36,000 words
Still feels a bit like pulling teeth in this section. It’s not even that I don’t enjoy what I’m writing—I’m in the middle of the first proper scene for my game’s poly relationship, and it’s really neat for me, who has never written one before. I’m just struggling to write anything, be it on this project or anything else.
Congrads to everyone making progress - I’m a little behind myself, at around 27k now, but barring any family emergencies I think I’ll be able to get some good progress over the next few days. Wrote a few new scenes the last couple days after work, though kind of felt like the tone was a bit more slap stick than what I was aiming for . . . while I can always write, the quality definitely doesn’t always feel there. Kind of feel like if I force write after work its usually a bit rougher. Still, I’ll gladly take what progress I can grab. Next few days I should be able to write in the morning, which is usually my better time to write.
I met my halfway point on my goal! It’s a little late for that, but I got there, and I’m very happy with my progress today. If I have a couple more days like this I’ll catch back up in no time.
Day 22
Today’s progress: 1,000 words
Total progress: 37,000 words
Still slow going. But, I’m going, and that’s the important part. One nice thing is I’ll have considerably less to edit this Sunday, and might not melt my brain trying to do so. Anything over 10k words at once and my eyes start to glaze over a bit when looking for typos and things, I think.
And I make many, many typos. I am not a skilled typist, at all.
Worked on Wedding Crashers again, creating variables in startup and starting to build the stats page (84 words total). I’m hoping I’ll have the initial wardrobe set up and showing up properly in the stats page by the end of the month. I should also remember to do a lil writing for my main project as well, before the month ends.
I have failed! But I’ve failed while still achieving something. I guess I can extend my deadline to (unofficially) complete it by the end of the month. But 34k words ain’t bad, if I do say so myself.
Day 23
Today’s progress: 1,000 words
Total progress: 38,000 words
I have reached the conclusion that it really is time to replace the falling-apart sofa I am sitting on to do work. Lower back pain makes it hard to write.
Spent the last week or so rewriting code, so not much progress in terms of words-written. But I feel pretty good about it, even if I might not make 15,000 by the deadline.
Yesterday I wrote 416 words of mostly code for Wedding Crashers, creating the variables for specific outfits (dresses, a suit, a classic hoodie and jeans combo, and a penguin onesie! I think that’ll be fun to write reactions for) and assigning them slots in the PC’s wardrobe! Also tried writing some code for putting newly-bought outfits into empty wardrobe slots and for choosing to discard something from a full wardrobe to make room. Haven’t tested it yet though so we’ll see how successful I was later.
Day 25
Today’s progress: 1,000 words
Total progress: 39,000 words
I did an edit yesterday, and a little bit of forward progress today, which I’m happy with. Hopefully tomorrow’s progress means I’ll hit my goal for the month, and everything after that will just be gravy, as they say.
Tested and fixed up the code for setting up the initial wardrobe, adding an outfit to an available slot, and freeing up slots for new outfits. It is functional and that’s enough progress for the day!
Update: apparently it wasn’t enough progress because I worked on it a bit more, just adding a few more planned clothing options to the game file
Day 26
Today’s progress: 1,000 words
Total progress: 40,000 words
I’ve hit my goal. Very happy with progress this month, and I might give myself a day or two off just to rest. We’ll see how that goes. I also need to run all this stuff through some testing to make sure it all works, but it feels good to have hit this number for the first time all year.
Nice. I love me a dress up mini game, though omg, I’d say they are right up there with combat and adult scenes in terms of difficulty to code, at least for myself. Congrads on victory there!
And that’s the thing with nano - even if one doesn’t make it, you still walk away with something new created which is the best feeling in the world in my opinion.
I’m just over 40k myself too now . . . almost to the 50k mark. In someways I am really liking the story I am making, though there are a few awkward parts that I hope are outshined by all the good parts. Just a little more to go, though this game will only be half done at the end - but that’s still pretty far in my book. Thank you to everyone that’s cheered me on in one form or another and a billion cheers to each of you on meeting your writing goals for nano or otherwise!
I got a lot of words in today, but it took just about all my brain power, and I had to do it in three separate sittings. Still, this is basically the exact amount of words I needed today to finish my goal my the end of the month, so I’ll take it.