Mordred: Blood Cries Afar (WIP)

There’s a bit of a theme to this evening’s update. I’ve written up most of the brawl with Cynon at the banquet, and also added the final option if you decide to draw a knife on him earlier in the chapter.

Cynon was originally going to be a bit part, to give a name to a face before Mordred punched it. But I’m rather enjoying writing him, as an embodiment of the drunken violence that characterises so much of Dark Age society.

He might even make a reappearance in Chapter 3… assuming that you allow him to survive Chapter 1.

Choose wisely!


After playing through the WIP, I have to say you did a fantastic work on this. I’ve been interested in the legend of King Arthur and Merlin ever since I was a kid and to see a game based on it has completely made my day. And to play as Mordred is such a interesting idea so I’m eager to see what routes it will be possible for us to choose from in the story.

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@MichaelCrank Thanks! Glad to hear you enjoyed it. :slightly_smiling_face:



Id like to once again suggest that you leave the opinions in and continue like you are doing now, when you got time and feel like it you can always make these option work.
Btw could you perhaps distingusih opinions that end the game and ones that are just unfinished ? for example Complimenting Gawain is unfinished but doesnt end game like the Lancelot thing does.

@AlexanderGreater I’ve decided that streamlining the battle is the right decision. Writing additional paths through that scene would require a lot of extra work without adding significantly to the story. And there are practical limits on the time I have available.

All of the unfinished content should already
be marked as TBC. There’s no point in clicking on anything with that label, as it will either result in a gap in your story or bring the game to a close.


I’ve now finished the scene with Gawain, and the rest of the brawl at the banquet.

The next update will probably be some time next week.

Edit: Oh, and that brings us to 19,382 words. Chapter 1 is now about 75-80% done.



The problem is that cutting all of it will seem bit railroady. Imho Id say Have two paths combine content from Riding with Father and Riding with Father. so instead of having Shieldway, Bow, Ride with Father, Ride with Lancelot, Cut out Bow, Keep Shieldwall and Combine the Horse battle, I seriously doubt you cant combine these two paths.

Choice of games games are based on choice, so feeling railroady is never good thing. Send me material you have on those two paths and i can try to combine them.

BTW If Mordred is friendly with Lancelot and you plan for it to be possible for Mordred to Rise up because of Guinevre ( if i understood previous posts properly) Will it be possible for Mordred to Rise up to save Lancelot ?

I mean if Mordred has to die in battle at Cambrain Mordred dying to allow Guinevre and Lancelot to Live together…

Point being that if Mordred Has to die at Cambrai then players need to feel they accomplished something. NOT JUST BEFORE BATTLE. BUT BY THE BATTLE as well. because if Mordred can accomplish thing before the battle and then suddenly it goes. You die and accomplish nothing, it wont be recived well due to the contrast.

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I guess, my take on this project is that the journey to the battle is what makes the entirety worth it. The gamer/reader may know the beginning and ending points of the story but it is what can be accomplished between those points which matters.

Regarding this, my experience (limited as it is) leads me to believe, this is far from a forgone conclusion. I have yet to see the battle in its entirety, so final judgement will not be forthcoming until then but going to wide and losing the path forward entirely is as much of a danger as is railroading.

Railroading in a battle scene isn’t the cardinal sin railroading elsewhere is normally. The reason being is because a battle in CoG and Hosted Games is usually a devise used to further the story plot and points of development are normally achieved during interludes and social scenes.


@AlexanderGreater Community feedback is very welcome, and it’s great that you’re so enthusiastic about the game. At the same time, I’d prefer to avoid getting bogged down with protracted arguments once I’ve responded to comments.

On reflection, I don’t think the two mounted paths would have been anything more than unnecessary bloat. The player’s choices already branch out considerably during the battle, and that’s where their autonomy kicks in.

And, while realism can be a nebulous concept in a fantasy setting, it doesn’t seem particularly credible to have Mordred turn up on the battlefield and spontaneously decide which formation he’s going to join - he’d be allocated to a group in advance.

An ending where Guinevere and Lancelot end up together could be possible if that’s an outcome the player wants to pursue. I’ll need to flesh out their relationship when we get to that part of the story and make a call on whether it’s something that they’d still want or that would make sense for them.

The player’s decisions will also have an impact. It’s possible that your Mordred might have had relationships with either (or both) of them. They might not even both still be alive.

@Eiwynn That was pretty much my thinking as well. This game is maybe 90% about the journey and 10% about the destination. That said, there will definitely plenty be things that your Mordred can achieve. I’ll also be working to develop a range of epilogues which you can unlock in play.


again I totally agree I still support your decision to have Morded die at the end.


I just got idea.

Will you have both historical and Modern epilogue ?
Aside from what happens in next century or so i think many people would be interested how is Mordred character viewed in Context of Modern Day Arthurian literature.

I mean treacherous Mordred would be viewed Differently than Mordred who dies to save Lancelot and Guinevere.


There will almost certainly be a few hints in the epilogues about how your Mordred will be remembered. It’s difficult to say much more than that for the moment, since it will probably be at least a year until I get round to that part of the story.

One thing I found interesting when researching this is that Mordred seems to have been quite a heroic figure in the earliest Welsh legends, and only became a villain centuries later. Cultivating a positive reputation in your own lifetime isn’t necessarily going to protect your legacy if later storytellers decide that the narrative would work better if you were the villain.


Afraid I’m still working on that update. Writing’s been a bit of a slog recently, but i am (slowly) making progress. The ambition’s to have a first draft of Chapter 1 finished by the end of November.

Another question for my readers as I begin scoping out Chapter 2 - which characters would you be most interested in seeing when Mordred makes it to Camelot?

Arthur, Guinevere and Merlin are confirmed.

Pellinote and Lamorak seem strong candidates, because of their canonical interactions with Mordred and his family. I’m inclined to round things out by including Perceval and Dindrane as well.

Any other suggestions?

I also recall reading a passage in one of the Medieval chronicles where Mordred rescues a squire from some of the other knights in Camelot. It’s tempting to give the player a similar option here as well.


And we have an update! This one will see your Mordred leave Gododdin, bringing Chapter 1 to a close and setting the scene for the next chapter.

I’ve also made a few more edits elsewhere in the text.


Wow this sounds great! More Arthurian CoGs are always a plus in my book! I’m also quite the fan of Arthurian lore so I’ll be glad to help if and when I can. :smiley:

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@Personaddict07 Thanks! I’d definitely be interested in hearing any comments you might have from the lore (although I’m putting my own spin on some of it.)


Im way too excited to kill Arthur. Will there be an ending where Mordred becomes king, or will it be relatively true to the lore?

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Your Mordred will definitely have the option of ruling Britain before the Battle of Camlann. The most promising routes to power are either building enough trust with Arthur that he’s willing to make you regent while he’s away on campaign, or simply rebelling and declaring yourself king in his absence.

Probably best if I don’t commit just yet on whether Mordred will be able to survive Camlann. My current feeling is that a “happily ever after” ending where Mordred survives the battle, holds onto power and goes on to live a long and happy life afterwards wouldn’t be the best fit for this story (not that I’m saying that’s what you’re asking for). Mordred will definitely be able to work towards some sort of victory… but it will always come at a price.

I lost interest in Game of Thrones very quickly once they started copping out on character deaths. Similarly, I suspect this story would lose a lot of its punch if I were to do the same.


IMO every author has put their own spin on the Arthurian legends since it started so… yeah, I think any version you can come up with is considered fair play. :smiley:

I’ll surely read it and put in my comments.

  • Dayum. When you start off with Y Gododdin, you know you have a good story coming.
  • The italicized dialogue is somewhat of an eyesore. I suggest removing the italics.
  • “A night attack. Sneak in with a handful of men under cover of darkness, do enough damage to make them fear us and be out before the alarm has sounded.” you should have made Mordred say I only need 20 good men. xD
  • You call Lot a king here. Is he on equal ranking as Arthur, or is Arthur High King?
  • I’m curious. Why is Gawain younger? He’s the oldest of the Orkney brothers isn’t he?