Monsters of New Haven High - last update 4/02

I was thinking until dawn wendigo so not let huge just a strong average height or slightly taller human

I swear, this fucker should get promoted up the forum hierarchy.


Am I the only one who has his WW MC speed stats to be higher than the Windigo’s? My Werewolf is a soccer player with 25 speed (the end of Day 1), compared to Windigo’s stats at the beginning of the game (I saw that they had 20 speed).
Regardless, I do think that Windigo will be stronger than the Werewolf if they are properly fed. But those stats confuse me.

If you’re going to compare stats, be fair.

You judged the Wendigo’s stats at the beginning of the game, right? Then compare it to the Werewolves stats at the beginning of the game.

Of course you’re going to have a higher stat if you use your build at the end of Day 1, becuase you had time to improve your stats.

The Werewolf’s speed at the beginning of the game is 5. The Wendigo’s is 20. So the Wendigo is faster.

The Wendigo’s strength at the beginning of the game is 15. The Werewolf’s is 20. So the Werewolf is stronger.


Do you know the stats fit the Wendigo at the end of the demo?
My werewolf has this:

[details=Summary]Name: Warren Wolf
Gender: male
Species: werewolf
Powers: Enhanced strength, senses, reflexes, influence over animals, shapeshifting
Disadvantages: Must turn into a wolf at full moon, allergic to silver

Popular: 100% Loner: 0%
Conforming: 60% Rebellious: 40%
Trusting: 45% Guarded: 55%
Humanity: 15% Monstrosity: 85%
Legendary: 5% Mythical: 95%

Artemis: 0%
Victoria: 30%
Chantal: 35%
Benny: 20%
Taylor: 40%
Wendy: 5%
Sandy: 10%


Confidence: 10
Serenity: 15

Persuasion: 15

Cunning: 40

Strength: 40

Grace: 25

Speed: 30

Toughness: 30

Wilderness Lore: 25

Other Resources:

Wealth: 5

Magic Reserves: 10[/details]

Oh ok. But that’s not what I was asking.
What I was wondering is does the stats change depending on what sport your chose? I mean, different sport require different skills so to speak. It can’t be the same for everyone. IMO, football player has a lot more strenght compared to soccer player. I hope you understand what trying to say.
Keep in mind that the Werewolf MC is a athele, not a regual one.
I went back and replayed the game. I tried to tone down the training as much as I could and still hitted 25 speed at the end of Day 1.
Also I don’t know why the choice of swimsuit still affects your speed stat even tho I didn’t use it.

Oh ok. That anwsers my question.

The different sports doesn’t change your stats.

Impressive stats! So far I’ve only played as a Goblin and his stats are less than impressive :grin: Oh well, I guess it makes it more exciting. I imagine them being targeted as prey more easily than other monsters or humans. Since I am pretty sure those twins are planning something bad for my character :neutral_face:

Would Goblins be the weakest? What do you guys think?

They might be the weakest physically, but they are the most intelligent monster. Sashira said if they made their robot with military tech, then they might be the most powerful monster, matching the power of the entire pack of werewolf.

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Physically speaking, goblins are the weakest I think. They focus on the mind rather than the body like the others. The only other monster I think that’s weakest physically is the demon because they mostly use charm and illusions to handle situations but they could have some strength just in case.

Dear mother of God, how did you get your stats so high?

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I think as of right now the strongest Monsters are probably the Werewolf and maybeeee the Vampire (I’m still not sure how helpful the whole ‘army of servants’ thing will be,) and also the Wendigo.

Mid-game I’m guessing Artemis and Hunter will be slightly more powerful than us (just a feelin) but towards the end we’ll be stronger I’m thinking.

Also, (obviously depending on choices but lets say taking all the bestest choices,) towards the end game I’m guessing the Wendigo (if they eat their [soylent] Greens,) Goblin (because inventions) and perhaps the 'cubus will be the strongest.
But then again if you’re the leader of the pack and have tons of werewolf allies the Werewolf might be pretty strong too.
Urgh, it’s hard to decide, good thing I’m rooting for them Monster Hunters to kill us all halfway through! :smile:

I dont think artemis and hunter should be stronger then us at any point they are humans right? Idk if they are i might have missed something but if they are normal i think we should pummel them easily

Yeah but I assume they’ll get ‘monster hunter’ teaching, and I’m just guessing that they’ll get a [family monster hunting item, super secret monster book, amazing knowledge (etc.)] before we get our [Special secret power, training to become stronger that has a noticeable impact] and that stuff.

What I really mean is that I think they’ll get a ‘buff’ or an object or training before we do, or even if not will be stronger than us (without going Wendigo murderous) for at least a small part of the game.

It’d be pretty strange to have an enemy who’s always weaker than us, no?

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I’d also like to see this writer’s take on the the Hunters leading a “monster hunting mob”, especially if you have made provoking “monster-pride” types of decisions.

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I have a small idea of what they might do/ what might affect our chances of success (and the success of our allies too!) but we’ll just have to wait and see.

I’m not too sure what’ll happen if our relationship with them is ‘flirty’ or ‘friendly,’ but I assume it’ either be they refuse to fight us or kinda like the Red [person] in TLH

I don’t know, I just did. It seems that everything the werewolf do, raises their physical attributes.

I got this error when i decided to run on day 2 also there is another glitch where if you dont surf the internet as well as dont do anything except look at your self in the mirror


Don’t forget vampires having wealth and social power.