Dare to Dream - Work in Progress

Fair enough. With all the origin stories, they mainly serve as exposition; I feel like the actual story doesn’t begin until you have joined one of the factions.

What choices did you make @AlexCosarca during the demo?

Spoilers with yellow below!

I sent the files that showed evidence my boss was stealing from the company, and I saw how he got beaten up. I kneed that robot into the balls, at the beginning, and he hit me a day later, and I as well destroyed a robot and ran away outside (at the end of the demo); those three choices I think were the most important so far..

I prefer Gauss rifles, personally. They have a cooler name. But railguns are just as cool in practice. :smiley:

Gauss rifles, like those on CS 1.6 zombie-mode servers I used to play ^^ those’d be good, although they send a quick blast killing everything around it, while the railgun only hits a certain target.

And rail guns are real there just huge
i could see them getting smaller in the future.

See, they say Gauss rifle, I think of that giant freaking gun from Fallout that turns everyone into green goo B-)

Me too
I love that game.

Is it the first fallout you’re speaking of? I didn’t see that there, and I finished the whole game. Three times. Because I love it as well :slight_smile:
EDIT: Mainly because I didn’t actually use any big guns; I sticked to normal ones AND I’ve beaten the game three times this way.

I think that big sniper rifle from Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Never played any of the others. ^^;

Just gotta get used to the sight being a little bit off. Once you get past that?
*BANG* Gibs.

I think ArchAngel is right, I think it’s just in 3 and New Vegas. I usually don’t use the bigger guns either, but man that thing knows how to cause trouble…

You guys should really try the first fallout; done in 1996, it’s a work of art. It’s done by Interplay though, not by Bethesda (or whoever made Fallout 3&New Vegas; can’t remember quite properly now). That’s what is the quintessence of the Fallout-style gaming ^^

Bethesda did 3. New Vegas was done by Obsidian, with help from some of 1 & 2’s developers, I believe.

I think There were people who worked on the original
Who work at Bethesda now
And I think the gauss rifle was in the one of the dlc’s for 3
But the brotherhood uses them in new Vegas
And you get a special one if you choose the wild wasteland perk.

I never played any of the computer ones but I think I would if I had the chance.

In the first fallout, the brotherhood didn’t have the gauss gun. But they had that cool anti-radiation armor; that’s why I joined them anyways. It’s amazing how I got to about 800 radiation, and I had absolutely no problem. Anyways…let’s get back to the topic, shall we?

Actually, you get an Alien Blaster if you have the Wild Wasteland perk, which replaces the Gauss rifle.

Anyway, ROBOTS! :smiley:

Yes, robots! Those things! :slight_smile: Although I have the feeling that we could all go on talking about fallout for another 4 or 5 pages. Alas…that will simply have to wait until later.

So I have been really working on tweaking the script for the whole game, really plotting out branching arcs instead of just a basic concepts board. I really want for this game to really be a different experience depending on the choices you make, which is turning out to be harder than I thought :smiley: But, alas, this is my goal. And I am getting better at figuring out choicescript and that is always good.

Now, throughout the game, there will be several missions you take part in. They can be slightly altered or even entirely different based on choices leading up to them throughout the game (especially which faction you are in…revolutionaries will have different missions than the Loyalists or PCM, but sometimes Loyalists might have the same mission, just from the opposite point of view.) Now, some big ones are:

An Assassination attempt.
Disarming a bomb.
Keeping Peace at/Inciting a riot
Vehicle chase across a city skyline
Combat including guns, hand to hand, blades, bows, etc.
Escaping a prison
And a couple more, but I don’t want to say anything too spoilery…

I wanted to open it up though to suggestions. Is there a certain type of mission you would like to see in the game? A certain way you think a mission maybe should play out? All thoughts are welcome.

I aprove

Your going to have your work cut out for you with all of these guns and weapons and missions variables.

Don’t I know it lol it will certainly prove interesting. I think one thing that will make it slightly easier is that it is going to play out mostly as an interactive novel than an actual game…what I mean is, there will be stats that change and affect certain events and outcomes, but it won’t be stat heavy. Since this is my first time with choicescript, I will be pleased if I can just get all the regular coding choices to work correctly :smiley:

I found the coding very easy to get
And this is coming from a guy with NO computer skill
It’s the growing complexity that gets you
if you keep things tidy and make sure you follow the instructions, and make a good chart of your stats and choices it’s pretty simple.
Stat multipliers
And variables
Seem to make up the vast majority of code

The thing that got me in trouble a lot was forgetting to delete the first comma when changing scenes in the mygame.js or the TABS the bloody tabs.