Dare to Dream - Work in Progress

Thank you! That means a lot :slight_smile:

Your welcome this game is in my top five games that I cant wait for

What choices did you make when you played through?

@Cagye: That’s incorrect. Homo sapiens sapiens in the Cro-magnon period (early modern humans) averaged roughly 5’6" in height. Neanderthals were about the same height (but much stockier). Homo erectus and Homo Heidelbergensis were larger than that, but these are separate species and not comparable.

Anyway, we’re derailing.

Great game, I found the ‘Run Diagnostics’ most amusing, looking forward to the next update.

I’ve noticed a few literacy errors, I would suggest, when you have the time, to carefully go over what you’ve done. If you like I could list the ones I’ve found here, or if you’re more concerned with content, there’s no rush :D. It’s all good.

@Ramidel Vaguely related and just curious (in case you or anyone else happens to know for certain); I recall reading–albeit a couple decades ago now!–a theory that the height of the average European was drastically reduced as a result of the Napoleonic wars, on account of all the recruiting sergeants seeking out only the tallest young men for their regiments (to appear all the more imposing on the battlefield) many of whom then perished in one battle or another before becoming fathers themselves. In essence, the “tall gene” was supposedly greatly reduced across Europe as a result. Any truth to this, is is it just another of those wild but unproven theories?

Sure, go ahead! The demo is just a rough draft, so it will definitely be reviewed and edited before the final product, but any errors you find would be most helpful in making this game as high of quality as possible.

“At last, the third law allows a robot such as yourself to protect your own existence…so long as it does not conflict with the first or second law.”

I assume you meant “And last…”

“It is my role as an Adanna to serve my human master’s, in whatever manner they should desire.”

“…human masters, in whichever” - although ‘whatever’ may be more appropriate depending on the tone you want for this sentence.

“It is not fair! I as a sentient being, have the right to choose whatever future I want for myself. Adanna or not, I reject their stereotype.”

“…choose whichever future…”

“That’s very loyal of you. Not many Megaloid in your position would probably see it that way.”

“…many Megaloids in your…” - this depends on hoe you want the plural of ‘Megaloid’ to work.

““Get in line, AJ-237,” the bulky Korkoro guard orders”

His(?) imperative ends in a comma.

“As soon as you are all standing in your proper place”

Not sure about this one, but I think it should be either “…in the proper place” or “…in your proper places”

“Shine their shoes, bring them coffee…life is hard for humans, and their wants are your commands! Have a pleasant day,”.

Sentence ends in a comma.

“His lip curls back in a menacing sneer and he barrels through the door, knocking AY-388 backwards with a rough shove as does so.”

“…shove as he does so.”

“Have a pleasant day,” she finishes, once again as an afterthought.

Ends in a comma.

"He was almost the same height as you, and he thrust his puffy enraged face right up into yours. "

In my opinion, this sentence needs tidying up. Maybe
"You notice he is almost the same height as you, as he thrusts his puffy enraged face right up into yours.

“Did you hear me, Tin Can?” Steven shouted again, pulling you back into the present. “Why is it there? How long has it been there? I bet it’s cold…”

“…Steven shouts again…”

“…being marched toward your individual charge center’s…”

“…charge centers…” or “…centres…” if your not American :stuck_out_tongue:

“The cities skyscrapers, once towering monuments to human culture and prosperity, are all but destroyed.”

“The cities’ skyscrapers…” - I think or maybe “The city skyscrapers…”? or maybe your right :confused:

"You see a human with a long scar across his face standing atop a mountain of slaughtered Megaloids, laughing a creul, haunting laugh… "


I’ve been pedantic with this, sorry. Some of them I’m not sure about and unfortunately, I didn’t make it to the end, it’s late (or early) here.

Question. Will you be able go upgrade the Meeka to have a manlier build, but not korkoro big? I don’t want my robot to be a hulking monster, but Id like him still masculine, but small like a regular sized human.

Gonna bring this back up top.

How close are you to a new update

Thank you, that is a big help. I will try to implement those when I review the Adanna section. If you find more, feel free to post.

I don’t really have plans to make Meeka more manlier, but I suppose it would not be a difficult thing for a player to choose something like that. I would probably implement is as a device that helps a player relate to their character more rather than a choice that will change how other characters respond to you.

Work has been unfortunately very slow. It has been a very busy last few weeks for me so not much work has gone into Dare to Dream. I am hoping for a new update in mid August, with one of the origin stories for a Korkoro completed.

Thank you everyone for your continued support!

Seems like an interactive “I, Robot”. It’s ashame I’m playing as a robot, I wanted to be Will Smith! No, really, the idea sounds nice, I’m wondering how it’ll be like when it’s done. I won’t play any demo, just to not spoil any part of the story without spoiling it all at once (which is, playing through it all at once).

Haha, okay I can understand that, not wanting to spoil anything ahead of time. You will probably have quite a bit of a wait for that, however.

@wolfwriter20, exactly. Waiting isn’t really a problem, as until its released, I’ll just code myself :smiley: . Good luck on coding it!


By the way, may I ask what’s the title’s connection with the game’s plot? Is it about the main character daring or not to dream they can be free?

wolfwriter hows an update coming along @wolfwriter20

@Zed I connect with Facebook so if I change my avatar on Facebook it changes here
@Zane look at his last reply to me he already stated

Strong writing style. I do agree with the guy who said the humans all seem way too agressive and treat the Megaloids too much like human slaves rather than appliances. But you can probably tune those things after you get further along.

“alot” should be “a lot”

Shift to past tense, starting with, “His face twisted in pain, and then his head slumped and his body grew still.” I realize you’re wrapping up the demo there, but you should keep tense consistent.