I just filed 'em like normal. I’m trying to go with the “peace” path.
Well the problem I have with it is that they treat them as human slaves instead of appliances. Like, the first time the original owner notices you not doing what you’re supposed to immediately he flies into a rage and attacks you… I mean… I don’t know about you but when my computer doesn’t do what I want it to I usually try to figure out why, not electrocute it at the risk of causing permanent damage to expensive hardware. Megaloids are sentient autonomous humanoid machines. They can’t be terribly cheap. They’re definitely not cheaper than human slaves were back in the day.
And I mean, the way they spent so much time tormenting them… It’s like… don’t they worry their bosses will notice that they’re wasting time damaging company property when they should be, yaknow… working?
Oh yeah, sorry I forgot. I chose the do nothing option with the documents then saves Elizabeth without killing asshole boss guy.
They are slaves. Humans fear them so deeply that most are openly aggressive toward Megaloids. And those electric wands that they use to jab Megaloids with are more of a reset button than something that would cause permanent damage. If you play an ending where you are taken by Seekers to become a Loyalist, they will use this device against you again to temporarily shut you down for transport.
Will there be humans help the Megaloids?
Some humans will, yes.
It’s just that, assuming this takes place in an English speaking country in the real world, that really doesn’t make any sense to me. Human slavery has been outlawed for centuries in all English speaking countries, so to make robots specifically for the purpose of being just like human slaves seems unbelievably idiotic. If everyone is so damned scared of them then why do they keep them around and taunt them constantly? Why don’t they fix the problems?
Human fear
I don’t think that I am explaining myself very well. I see where you are coming from though, although I worry you may be over thinking it. Some suspension of disbelief is required; while it does take place (somewhat) in real settings, it is supposed to be a fictional universe. So events that we know as fact may not have happened or are interpreted the same way, or perhaps with the Megaloids becoming aware and humans depending so much on robotics society broke down and history began repeating itself (which I think is far more likely.) Anyway, I hope that you will continue to play, and I hope that when things start panning out as the main story begins things will be clearer.
I just sent the message to Dr. Williams and um… wow… So does he regularly kill insane employees without hesitation? That seems like it’d usually be… illegal. Then again he also seems to have authority sentence prison time as well… I think this setting really needs a bit more (optional) exposition because it’s clearly very different from our current reality, and not just because of the sentient robots.
I still don’t get why people wouldn’t try to fix the buggy self aware robots instead of just living in fear of them, but whatever. It’s definitely interesting, even if a lot of it seems kind of implausible so I’ll look forward to updates.
Okay, I will definitely work on explaining the background for society/edit it slightly to make it not so extreme on the prejudice etc. It is supposed to be quite dark and so forth, but I certainly want it to be believable. That said, this is the first draft, so there is a lot of work to do
I just noticed your update about the error. I thought I had gotten all of those…came from me having actions have a negative effect on stats when you hadn’t necessarily increased said stat. Thank you.
Well, were the documents are concerned, (I assume you mean the incident regarding your boss stealing) I chose to get him fired, he obviously deserved it. But I did save his life. My character will believe in justice but prefers a peaceful resolution to issues unless absoloutley neccesary otherwise. I have to say I love the way your writing the game so far. Interested to see the other paths .
I’m really confused by the revolutionaries. They act at first like they don’t want to hurt you, but as soon as you try to talk about limiting the bloodshed they suddenly want to kill you… It seems like they’re psychotically obsessed with destroying all humans to the point instantly executing anyone who even questions them, but they have humans working with them…
Wait Is there a new update?
this game is looking sooooooooo promising
I think it is interesting that, so far, many choose to try and go a peaceful route, especially since this particular origin is designed to make revolution seem pretty good. I am interested to see if that continues. I’m glad you are enjoying it!
I can see that being a little confusing right now because you know absolutely nothing about the revolutionaries or their guiding principals. Don’t worry though, that is something that is explained later in the game.
Yes, I think it’s at the bottom of the last page. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/88932898/web/mygame/index.html
Thank you. What choices did you make in the demo? Were there things that you liked in particular, or things you disliked? I’m new to choicescript, so it has been a very interesting experience so far. I’m glad you like it.
Oh I thought there was a new update, I’ve already seen that
Oh ok. No, there has been nothing new. Any thoughts on the demo?
Good, very good.
replayed it more carefully this time and I have to say I really enjoyed it. I went almost all peaceful and betrayed the boss but went against killing him. I have to say that I am really afraid of the revolutionaries for some reason…