EDI from Mass Effect isn’t original either. Just another in a long stream of self aware AIs in sci fi.
It’s not just the concept that matters. But how you use it.
EDI from Mass Effect isn’t original either. Just another in a long stream of self aware AIs in sci fi.
It’s not just the concept that matters. But how you use it.
@wolfwriter20 Isn’t it just? Your idea reminded me of it, probably cause of the “what makes us human?” thingy at the end. It’s nice ta know you loved it.
What kind of character customisation do you have planned?
Like, what kind of stats, if any, are you planning on using?
This sounds brilliant to me, really looking foward to it. Also your idea reminds me a little of David Cage’s new ‘Kara’ demo: http://www.edge-online.com/news/gdc-2012-david-cage-shows-new-tech-demo
I think he said he was inspired partially by that earlier in the thread
Oh yeah.
I am very curious about that myself. It’s something I am really looking forward to discussing in the future. That is interesting that you would think you would play as a loyalist…it is certainly an interesting viewpoint for the game. My sister always plays a neutral character every time she tests it. She actually refuses to do anything else.
That concept is alluded to a little, but what actually happens is not explored in depth. The implementation of a new society would not really come to fruition until some time after the end of the game. I suppose that would be something that I could expand upon in the ‘what happens next’ I have scripted for the end of the game. Thank you!
This is very true, she isn’t. I am definitely aware that this whole concept of AI’s becoming aware and how they react to a human world is not exactly new by any means, but I really do feel that I am bringing a little something different to it with my game. I certainly like it, but I suppose it would be a bad sign if I didn’t. I hope you guys will enjoy it as well.
That is definitely one of the aspects that is still in progress…right now the stats are Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Charisma, and Stealth. The stat page also tracks your ‘loyalty’ to the different factions, which is based on decisions you make. Showing time and time again that you follow the same mindset as a faction will gain you loyalty with them, which will in turn provide bonuses. It also tracks your tendency towards violent actions compared to pacifist actions (as an opposed pair). This will give you access to special options every once in awhile through the game, but I do not know if I should say too much about it here. The names of the stats are basic right now, but I will probably adapt them to computer software/hardware names as Ramidel suggested, because that sounds pretty awesome.
It’s all good. Kara is very impressive, isn’t it? Thank you, and I’m glad you are looking forward to the game!
You mentioned you had the setup/intro completed. Can you clarify what this consists of? I don’t mind if you can’t say for spoiler reasons.
I am curious if individual ai will be able to network together for increased processing power. Imagine you sided with the robots; you would be able to share information or gain increased stats when fighting against humans which is something humans might not be able to match due to not being a robot but then again, networking could be dangerous with rebel ai connecting and introducing foreign concepts.
Rambling here. Carry on.
The intro is a couple of pages that describe the events of you becoming aware, talks about the status of Megaloids in society, and briefly describes the three laws. In my original script, I did not describe the three laws, but then I decided that not everyone playing would necessarily be aware of what the three laws are.
It is possible to link minimally, but it is difficult and generally avoided. Designed to be individuals, Megaloids typically avoid sharing consciousness with other Megaloids as this is seen as incredibly invasive. However, romantically involved Megaloids might do this to some extent, but it would be more of an intimate sharing of thoughts and memories than a stat booster.
How’s your pace in writing and coding
I was wondering if it could be possible to join the revoloution and be a double agent for the peace faction, and still overthrow the leader. I think that would be really awesome because then you could tell the peace faction everything and make sure the revoloution causes the minimal amount of damage, or just send it toppling down on itself. I dunno it’s something I would do. Please include it. Also, is there a leader for the peace faction? Lastly, this is kind of obvious but, can you name your character?
As far as what you talk about in the beginning about being a double agent, there is definitely options in which you can do that sort of thing. We talked about it earlier as a way to manipulate for personal gain, but it could also be used in the name of another cause. I do not want to go into too much details here as I want to avoid spoilers as much as possible. There is a leader for the peace faction, and you can name your character, but not at the beginning. In the beginning you are simply property and have been assigned a series of letters and numbers. However, after you join a faction and prove your loyalty, you may choose a name for yourself.
Okay, I think that I am ready to put up a link to the demo. Feel free to play it and then post thoughts about it here on this thread. I feel like I should post here that the game is quite dark and violent, which you will only see a portion of in the demo. There is also some use of mild language. I hope this does not deter anyone from playing, but I figured it was best to simply put that out there.
Some options are locked in the beginning because they are still in progress. Questions, comments, criticisms and corrections are not only welcome, but encouraged. I hope you enjoy Dare to Dream.
Odd. I’m not exactly a fan of the idea of the Peace Faction having a leader; I envisioned it as more of an ideology than a true faction, especially at first.
Got an error. When acting for the Human Alliance and trying to talk down the attackers…
Error: line 1291: Can’t fairAdd to non-percentile value: 0
Scene: secretary_origin
File: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/88932898/web/scene.js
Line: 2668
Stack: fairSubtract(0,25,1291)@http://dl.dropbox.com/u/88932898/web/scene.js:2668
evaluateExpr([object Array])@http://dl.dropbox.com/u/88932898/web/scene.js:2393
set(“revolutionloyalty %-25”)@http://dl.dropbox.com/u/88932898/web/scene.js:1270
runCommand(" *set revolutionloyalty %-25")@http://dl.dropbox.com/u/88932898/web/scene.js:306
safeCall(null,(function () {self.execute();}))@http://dl.dropbox.com/u/88932898/web/util.js:38
clearScreen((function () {self.execute();}))@http://dl.dropbox.com/u/88932898/web/ui.js:127
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; rv:13.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/13.0.1
Load time: 1342573040310
Persist: localstorage
Also get a similar error when trying to defend Steven.
It’s a faction. And a faction has to be organized by someone. While it is true that the idea of peace drives their motives, without a clear goal as a group, it wouldn’t really fit with the direction of the game.
I wish you had written the Meeka path first, so gender wouldn’t be an option yet, and noone would be forced to play as the opposite sex, but other than that, great writing. Very very good. This game is, I’m proud to say, now number one on my most anticipated list. Awesome new story on the way!!!
Ah. I had thought the game might work well with a neutral “please leave me the hell out of this war already, I’m trying to just make peace” path, but maybe that’s just me.
Yeah, sorry about that. The Adanna one was the only one I had worked most of the kinks out of. I will make sure that either Meeka or Korkoro will be the next to go up before the second Adanna origin. I’m glad you like it so much @Syndicate
I will take it into consideration. It could work, and its a good idea, it just goes against what I had scripted. So I’m just having to process the different idea.
… Wow. I haven’t even memorized your character’s boss’s name yet, and I already wanna nail him to the side of a skyscraper penthouse.
That’s some powerful hate right there, and he’s only been on two or three pages.
Very well written so far.
It has potential, but it feels like the human characters are all sadistic caricatures whose actions don’t really make any sense. They (and the announcement voice too) seem to all view the Megaloids not as robots, but as human slaves… Like, they know they’re human, but can’t bring themselves to admit it. Of course the problem with that is that they’re not human. They’re sentient robots.
The problem is that it doesn’t really feel like a story about a robot who gains sentience and free will, it feels like a story about being a slave where robots are an allegory for African people.
some are. Elizabeth is not. Dr. Williams isn’t really, either, but you don’t see a whole lot of him yet. In the origin parts, many humans will come across that way. Few will be understanding and respectful to Megaloids in the very beginning of everything.
I am glad that you like it so far. What did you choose regarding what to do with the documents? @Shoelip and @Syndicate I am curious what you chose as well.