Dare to Dream - Work in Progress

No, the comic series that the movie was based on, it’s similar because The humans are utterly reliant on the robots for assistance.

@wolfwriter20 The details you’ve revealed so far is making the game shape up to be one awesome idea especially the focus on character interaction and dialogue.

Will there be some kind of corruption of AI? Perhaps a technology developed by a certain group as a weapon against robots? Makes the character go a little loopy and the player would see the words as being static and broken down with choices not being exactly as they are read? This could inspire a plot to restore your own AI or allow the player to go further into corruption. Maybe they are secure against corruption but something happens to crack that particular defense. Could even turn ‘normal’ robots against their own kind. I have no idea how exactly this would work but might be something to think about.

I am curious about how far along you are. Have you begun writing/coding yet or do you an estimated time frame? Sorry for pushing you along but I am excited to play this. :slight_smile:

I feel like, with what I have planned so far, things are probably worse than ever. Poverty is a serious problem and war is almost constant. People with money who have their own Megaloid servants (they are very expensive and usually owned by businesses) think that they live in an ideal world. Meanwhile the lower classes simply try to scrape by because they cannot even get a job because they have been replaced by simple robotics or Megaloids.

Thank you for clarifying. I had the same thought Shoelip did when you said Surrogates. I did not even know that movie was based on a comic series, I will have to look into that.

I like the idea about AI corruption. It is definitely something that would be a possibility in my game, as it was the introduction of a foreign code that invalidated the Laws to begin with. What if someone used a similar method but with malevolent intentions? It is definitely something to pursue…I am not sure either how to make that work, but I bet we can figure it out.

As for how far along I am, I have done quite a bit of planning and written a little bit of it in code to make sure I was doing it right. It is going to be quite awhile before the whole game is finished, but it is my goal to have a functioning demo of the introduction before August.

Hm. How idealistic do you want the revolution to be?

Or in other words, will the “revolution” path include opportunities for personal ambition and conquest, as well as fighting to liberate robots and kill all humans?

You can definitely exploit the Revolution path for personal gain. You can do that with all the ‘factions’, actually. I’ve had the idea that the player will have the opportunity, especially in the Revolution path, to be able to even go so far as overthrowing the current leader and establishing yourself as the leader of the revolution, if the player so chooses. Also, somewhat related to your question, I also intend to make it so just because you start off with one faction, this does not mean you will remain with said faction the entire game. Opportunities might present itself to even become a double agent, spying on the faction you work for and reporting to, say, the humans. I really do not want to box the player in a whole lot on ‘this is what you have to do’. Now, that means a lot of coding, for sure, but I think it is well worth it.

@Zed The basic premise of the film and the comic are the same. They’re both about a world where humans interact with the world through remote controlled robotic bodies. Nothing to do with AI. If I understand right, the game is all about AI. You aren’t playing a human who interacts with the world through a robotic body, you’re playing a sentient robot. So it really isn’t like The Surrogates at all.

@wolfwriter20 I am still wondering how human these robots look. Can they pass for human or are they clearly robots with a human-like shape?

Good point, as I said though, the one similarity is that without the robots, the humans would be helpless

While they are designed to be able to mimic complex human emotion and behavior, as well as physically resemble human genders, they could not pass for human. I picture them usually as a shiny, silvery metallic color in their natural state. They could potentially paint themselves different colors, but they still clearly not be human, even to the casual observer.

Hm. An interesting upgrade would be synthetic flesh.

Such that would allow them to pass as humans? That could prove very interesting…

Yep. That’s definitely a useful upgrade, especially for the harmony-with-humans crowd (and revolutionary assassins, and possibly loyalist “personal servants”). Of course, a good scanner could still pick you out.

I suddenly had an idea; instead of stats, you could use hardware and software upgrades, since a robot is ultimately defined by its equipment. (It is equipment, if you take the loyalist position.) Instead of a Charisma stat, you could have a Memetic Analysis Program, for example.

Sounds cool definently not the most original idea but has a cool point of view

How far are you in writing/coding dap far?

The romance options that are such a huge part of a lot of the games seams limited.

Ha, I see what you did there.

Overclocking your Processing Power (Intelligience) would be a good Upgrade.

@Cagye_bee Limited or possessed of the potential to be taken in a totally new direction?

I can respect your opinion on that. You are probably right that it is not the most original idea, and perhaps it is merely my pride as the author that makes me want to jump in and defend its originality. But you are correct, I have taken inspiration for the story from many sources, including books by Isaac Asimov (I, Robot in particular), EDI from Mass Effect, and also from KARA, the tech demo by Quantic Dream.

I actually have quite a web of romance options planned for the game. It is definitely an aspect I do not want to short-change, because one of the main points of the game is discovering what it means to be alive. Therefore, strong emotions such as love will certainly be an important focus.

As for where I am in coding, I have the setup/intro completed, and am currently working on the first chapter, which varies greatly depending on your choices in the intro. It is my goal to have a functioning demo of the intro and chapter 1 posted on this thread by the end of the month.

Aaaah, I have to play That Cheap and Sacred Thing againnnnn all my feelsssss~!
I think I should keep an eye on this. Looks good! I’m supportin’ youuuuuu~!
I got Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? for my birthday. It’s somewhere in my room, under all the dirty clothin’… now I just hafta find it…

just a question : will you influence the outcome or will things develop as usual so to say and you will,say,suffer for your actions (of siding with the humans if the robots win the war,or the opposite ).
I mean,this could be quite dramatic :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyway,I like the idea so good luck

I just played That Cheap and Sacred Thing. That was brilliant. Absolutely loved it.

You can absolutely lose the war, and the results will get wrapped up in an epilogue of sorts, detailing everything that happened as a result of choices you made throughout the game. That way you see what happens to your character, if still alive, to your romantic interest if you had one, and how the world has changed because of your influence.

I’m interested in what path(revelution coexist loyalist) most of us would take

I personally would take the loyalist based on the information I have do far.

I’m rather curious about what sort of society the robotic (race? species?) group could form. Would they model it upon human society, with all of its greed and vices, but familiar? Or would they form something totally new and alien, something that would be baffling to ourselves as a form of rebellion against the human order. It would be pretty nifty if you implemented such a direction into your game.

Unless that’s outside the scope of it, of course! Well, this looks like it’s shaping up to be a terrific game. I wish you luck!