Cyberpolice (Minor Update: 19th of March 2024) (WIP)

No update today.

Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: Saturday(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington mid July.

Within schedule so far.


No update today.

Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: Sunday(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington mid July.

Not so much within schedule today. Weekend might be a bit busy too. Still, progress was made. New estimation: Sunday(or later if indeed busy this weekend)


Will it be more to the romance or just ons?

The one night stands are the majority of the romances, because I doubt I can write a good romance throughout the game. Iā€™ll put some lines here and there(including after-game scenes. Not sure about other romance-only scenes though), but the ONS are meant to be most of the content.


I noticed that, kind of sad. The characters really grow on you. Then again itā€™s cyberpunk no happy ending for us.

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So it wonā€™t be a option to be together at the end?

Depending on what happens during the game, it can be possible to be together at the end/after the end. Iā€™m not sure I totally understand the question, so I canā€™t really say the answer for certain.

I do intend to make small scenes that happen if youā€™re in a ā€œrelationshipā€, once the game is done. (supposing the character is alive, etc)

Depending on the character(and your previous choices, etc), it will describe a different kind of future that happens afterwards. Probably a few different variations for each character.

But I wonā€™t be making too much ā€œduring gameā€ romantic content, since itā€™s been really tough for me to write as has been evident this year. :stuck_out_tongue:


All these ā€œdepends onā€ hints are making me really interested in seeing where the story goes.


Well, whether they pay off or not will ā€œdepend onā€ if I can actually make the game the way Iā€™m envisioning or whether itā€™s impossible or just too much work, so take them with a grain of salt. :smiley:

I wonā€™t skimp out on the finales and endings though, no matter what. If I need to do something with less effort, itā€™ll be the mid game stuff that Iā€™ll be adding once the romances are done. But hopefully that wonā€™t be necessary.


No update today.

Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: Tuesday(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late July.

Unfortunately busy weekend. Replying to stuff here isnā€™t quite the same as concentrating on work. As annoying as it is, once again I have to push back the deadline. Soon to be four months, which is quite absurd. Still, itā€™s not like itā€™s the biggest time between updates, soā€¦ :smiley:


No update today.

Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: Tuesday(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late July.

Work continues tomorrow.


You could make the one night stands the starting point of a relationship. For example: if the MC has a one night stand with a character, they could agree to start dating at the end. Thatā€™s it. It will be an open ending.


Itā€™ll be kinda like that, but a bit different and a bit more elaborate. Depends heavily on the character though.


Any plans for future ons with non-romanceable characters? I kinda want Mariā€™s CEO for the lols


If things proceed well and I get a lot of stuff done, possibly. Iā€™ve referred to them as ā€œminor romancesā€. But thatā€™ll only happen once pretty much everything is done, so not for a long while at this rate.

If I do end up making them, Iā€™ll put up some polls to vote, probably 4 characters will be chosen. But again, donā€™t hold your breath, wonā€™t happen this year unless I really get into a good work routine. :stuck_out_tongue:


I hope you are considering Chief Chaska. God! I want her so much.


Hi, how are you doing? Take a break every now and then.

Regarding this matter, there are several where their games are more focused on the plot and at certain points in the story they add ā€œromantic contentā€ in a subtle but quite organic way. There are several IFs that could perhaps help you or serve as a reference in the way they handle the sentimental relationships of the characters with the MC (?). (I donā€™t know if perhaps they are the ones that would work best for you but Iā€™ll leave some recommendations that seem similar to your project direction on this topic).

  • I, the Forgotten One (How the autohor adds a POV of the romantic interest from the interaction he just had with MC, the scenes are small but quite satisfying and fit the context the main character is in).
  • Superstition Series by 13Leagues.

These are perhaps too much romance focusā€¦?

  • Infamous (The Valentineā€™s Special that are now public.
  • Fallen Hero Series

ā€œevident this yearā€ mmmhā€¦

YARN | I respectfully disagree. | Friends (1994) - S09E17 The One With the Memorial Service | Video gifs by quotes | ed14377f | ē“—

If you find it too difficult to add romance, you can add some commentary or short scenes of conversations between the protagonist and the characters when they are in their free time, outside of the murder investigation.

Itā€™s understandable that in the situation the MC is in, the investigation comes first (Or the report) and the romance is secondary, so it makes sense that the story is not focused in romance. Donā€™t distress yourself with the romantic content. :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

For me, Iā€™ll be happy with whatever decision you make. I trust you :saluting_face::muscle: (Iā€™m just an random on the internet and its your story, not mine hhahahahha.)



No update today.

Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: Wednesday(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late July.

Not great progress today, so deadline goes forward by a day again.

Wonā€™t be up to me, but the polls. And thatā€™s only a maybe, as I mentioned, and closer to release, so not relevant for a long while. :slight_smile:

If the previous poll was anything to consider, Chaska has a decent chance since she was pretty high up along with Sheriff Sarah-Lee.

(the previous poll is why Mari Badr was a RO in the first place. Originally it was supposed to be Bailey. Technically the ā€œconfirmationā€ poll had Chief Chaska barely below Mari Badr, but in the first poll the Sheriff was higher up, so who can say. Plus, that was over 2 years ago. And besides, some of the characters will have plenty of more screentime soon enough, which may change peopleā€™s opinions on who they like, so thinking too much on it is pretty pointless at the moment)

The problem is exactly that Iā€™m taking too many breaks in a sense. :stuck_out_tongue:

For example, I barely opened the editor today to work on anything. If I had sat for 8 hours trying to make it work but failed at it, I might agree, but itā€™s the opposite. Iā€™ve spent more time replying to posts and writing this daily update today than I did at finishing the scenes, which is beyond absurd. Itā€™s not due to being busy, but due to terrible time management skills and the difficulty of working from my home independently without any real outside pressure. At this point Iā€™m so used to delaying the deadlines on an almost daily basis that even that doesnā€™t give me the pressure to work. The simple fact is, Iā€™m awful at motivating myself to do the things I need to do when everything around me isnā€™t in flames and when I donā€™t have a pre-existing work routine. :unamused:

That said, I do try to create that work routine each day, and usually when it starts rolling it keeps rolling until an outside obligation stops it. The problem is always getting it going once itā€™s stopped.

Thanks for the suggestions. Iā€™ll look into them at some point.

Something like that is going to happen already, for non-romantic versions of that idea. I guess giving some dialogue choices to spin them into more romantic scenes might be doable.

Well, once the one night stands are done, Iā€™ll certainly take a long break from romantic content for a good while, thatā€™s for sure. :smiley:


Oh wow, Mari Badr won in the polls? I donā€™t know, she is so weird.


Maybe she won because people like her weirdness? I was a bit surprised too when it happened. But I guess it turned out fine, since people like the one night stand too.

If youā€™re curious for the exact results, hereā€™s a link to the second poll with the top four candidates from a long time ago. The original poll gave 3 votes so the spread was very different, in the second poll the Sheriff got the least, despite getting way more when there were 3 votes. (also, lots of more people have voted on it than I remember being the case originally, so the results do seem different from what they were originally)