Cyberpolice (Minor Update: 19th of March 2024) (WIP)

No update today.

So little time, so much to do. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Well, the poll is there to just gauge interest rather than being the ultimate deciding factor. :slight_smile:

The thing that really matters is whether I feel like I can implement one of the options in a way that I feel is good enough. Even if someone won with overwhelming support, if I can’t write content for it that reaches a certain level of quality it doesn’t really matter. I doubt anyone wants a poorly done romance, least of all me since if I’m going to put effort into it, it better be worth it. Also, the “screen time” of the character in the “default path” matters too, since otherwise it’ll be biased toward certain branches which I don’t really like.

I suppose a second poll could be useful, but do keep in mind that I won’t be bound by it, so even if someone has the most votes I might end up disregarding it for other reasons.

To make it more meaningful, only one vote this time. Also, only the four most popular options(aside from Carrington who’ll be the other female romance option regardless, since it’s far easier to implement her as a romance due to her being around most of the time). The four candidates each are relevant enough in the “default path” that I can work with them, even if Mari Badr has more scenes in the corporate path(she does/will have bonus scenes in the City Hall path too, though less important and less often than in the corporate one, so it’s fine).

  • Mari Badr
  • Chief Chaska
  • Sheriff Sarah-Lee
  • Bailey
0 voters

Also, no arguing over the results. :innocent:

If the romances take less time to implement than I think(doubtful), I might add more so don’t lose hope even if your favorite doesn’t get chosen in the end. But that’ll happen after the entire project is done, if at all, so be patient.