Cyberpolice (Minor Update: 19th of March 2024) (WIP)

It’s better than Bioware used to be at least. Must have missed it as I usually maximise my time with Still. Stillwater is still more my type though.
The secretary is certainly presented as cute, which actually makes him a suspect for me. :sweat_smile:


Sounds like a nightmare

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No update today.

Didn’t work a second, unfortunately. Them’s the breaks.

It’s a time-old trope that the nice and helpful seeming people are always sinister and the bad guys, while the rude and obnoxious people come to help the hero. :wink:

Will it be the same here? Who knows…

A nightmare of my own making. :sleeping:


Well…the mc can already float the theories, maybe he’s the secret mastermind behind everything and using Janice as a puppet, or maybe they are in it together…who can say. :man_shrugging:

Plus he’s a hottie, that outright doubles the suspicion factor all on its own in detective media. :sweat_smile:

Beneath the polished veneer he’s probably just as much or perhaps even more of a “bad boy” than Stillwater and my younger mc. :smiling_imp:

That means “Balt” is probably on the level and totally honest then. :sweat:


No update today.

Doesn’t look good for the larger update, so it’ll be the smaller one it seems. Didn’t even have time to post about it yesterday. :laughing:

I’ll probably post it on Wednesday I’m guessing, since after that it’s holiday time.

Anything’s possible. :innocent:


I really like your story so far! I think it’s my favorite story, but I still have a little question:

will there be romance? don’t worry without it is also super good only i was wondering if you can start a romance later with a character and if there can be gay romance character is female and bisexual and i was wondering if you could start a romance with carr someday,i would be happy to hear an answer, but even without romance your story is perfect!.

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Thanks for the praise! Glad to hear you enjoyed it so much. I appreciate it! :slight_smile:

There’ll be romance later. See the “Major Update” in the title of the thread? Once that changes to a date, there’ll be romance and sub-plots in the game(both are missing currently). When that happens, you’ll have to restart your game, though, since that stuff will be added into the middle parts. It’ll be a few months until it’s done, I’m guessing.

Just to note, I’m not an expert on writing romance so the quality may be average at best. Essentially there will most likely be 4 romances, 2 males and 2 females, all of them are available to everyone. Stillwater, Mouse, and Carr are the ones that are almost certainly going to be chosen, but the second female character is still undecided.

You can scroll a few posts up to see a poll about what characters people want to be romanceable, if you are curious.
(Here’s a link to it: Cyberpolice (Minor Update: 28nd of November 2023) (WIP) - #520 by Tiavals )

Also, there’ll be one night stands relatively(1 month? 2 months?) soon to “test the waters” a bit on romance writing and the like, that’ll be added as the last thing before I start working on the “major update”.


thanks for the answer!
and i’m happy that there will be romace,I will wait for further updates!

Seems to me that based on the poll the only real contenders are, Mari Badr, Chief Chaska and Sheriff Sarah-Lee. But Mari is obviously heavily tied to only one of the major branches, the corporate one while the other two seem more branch-neutral.

All I’m saying is that if second female romance is the only thing up for consideration now, maybe the author could make a second, runoff election poll?

Based on the current poll Mari seems in the lead, but maybe that could change if there is a second, runoff election poll.

I do agree the Chief seems a fair choice for people into women since they’d also get a cute designer soldier. But that is just my opinion as someone who always plays gay male characters.

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Did someone mention the chief?

Oh hell ye, since the chief is my fav chara in here

No update today.

So little time, so much to do. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Well, the poll is there to just gauge interest rather than being the ultimate deciding factor. :slight_smile:

The thing that really matters is whether I feel like I can implement one of the options in a way that I feel is good enough. Even if someone won with overwhelming support, if I can’t write content for it that reaches a certain level of quality it doesn’t really matter. I doubt anyone wants a poorly done romance, least of all me since if I’m going to put effort into it, it better be worth it. Also, the “screen time” of the character in the “default path” matters too, since otherwise it’ll be biased toward certain branches which I don’t really like.

I suppose a second poll could be useful, but do keep in mind that I won’t be bound by it, so even if someone has the most votes I might end up disregarding it for other reasons.

To make it more meaningful, only one vote this time. Also, only the four most popular options(aside from Carrington who’ll be the other female romance option regardless, since it’s far easier to implement her as a romance due to her being around most of the time). The four candidates each are relevant enough in the “default path” that I can work with them, even if Mari Badr has more scenes in the corporate path(she does/will have bonus scenes in the City Hall path too, though less important and less often than in the corporate one, so it’s fine).

  • Mari Badr
  • Chief Chaska
  • Sheriff Sarah-Lee
  • Bailey
0 voters

Also, no arguing over the results. :innocent:

If the romances take less time to implement than I think(doubtful), I might add more so don’t lose hope even if your favorite doesn’t get chosen in the end. But that’ll happen after the entire project is done, if at all, so be patient.


No update today.

Alright, tomorrow’s the last day before my break. The update will be way smaller than I would’ve liked, but can’t do much about it. Simply put I couldn’t get most of it in the state it needs to be in to upload it, so I’ll have to cut out a lot as it’s unpolished.


Thats fine! It is good that you don’t compromise with the quality hehe.

On another note, will you make a tumblr?

No update today. (I really hate to say this)

Alright, so I guess it wasn’t such a good plan to think of posting an update just before leaving. :stuck_out_tongue:

Problem is, I really don’t like the idea of uploading an update as small as this when I wanted to do the much bigger one. Feels really lame, like admitting defeat perhaps? So instead I’ll wait on it until I get back and do it properly without being under the hurry of the season.

The fact is that since it’s full of branched consequences and the like, the amount of playable content for the average player is super little in the present fully complete version. Once I finalize and polish the incomplete parts, then it’ll be way better in terms of size. I want the differences to be “visible” to the player, and I think that’ll be way better in a bigger chunk rather than a small piece like this would’ve been. Especially since it really isn’t that much more work to do the rest(or so I think).

Sorry for any dashed expectations. I promise it’ll be worth the wait.

In any case I’ll be leaving as soon as I wake up, so this’ll be my final post for the year I’m guessing. If there are any questions, I’ll address them once I’m back. Not entirely sure when that is, but probably before the 9th of January.

To be honest, I’ve literally never used tumblr and don’t really know what it’s used for. Yes, I’m that much of a boomer. :smiley:

If it’s something where I need to host or organize it or spend any time on it, probably not, but if it’s something that doesn’t require any input from me, sure, I guess?

A short explanation of why it’d be useful in my case would be nice.

(a quick google search tells me that it’s used for blogging or such? That’s pretty much what I use my daily updates for, so if that’s the case I don’t really see the point :slight_smile: )

Edit: Oh, and the results of the second vote pretty much mirror those of the first one so everything I’ve said so far stands. I’ll think about what to do about it once the time is right.

PS Happy Holidays!


Replayed the demo after a very long time and got lots of new content as a result!
Absolutely love this game (and Stillwater) :smiley:
I’m looking forward to more of it and especially the implementation of ROs haha.

Only thing I’m wondering, is it possible to have some sort of “warning” when you type in a name that’s already in use? I chose to name my MC Evelyn and when I made her play cards with Stillwater and there was another one I laughed. That got confusing :joy:
But I was already too far to start anew just to change the name lol

Happy Holidays to you too!

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Yoo, Mari-Chan gang dabbing on those poor policemen and their chief. The corporation rules.

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By the way Merry Christmas


Merry crisis(and christmas)


Here’s the thing you requested!

I’m gonna go back to playing catch-up with the updates now.

Edit: Ah, yes. Here’s the second half. Something tells me I failed pretty hard with this one.

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