Cyberpolice (Minor Update: 19th of March 2024) (WIP)

I’m surprised that Mari got the most amount of votes, since she might be the killer all along. Or at least one of the suspects.


I mean… love conquers all :wink:


Personally I hate Mari Badr, I’d love it if she is the killer and I get to arrest her ass. I’d be also over the moon to use lethal force against her :joy:


We’ve all heard/read stories about serial killers receiving large amounts of (fan) mail in prison. Having that in mind, is it really that surprising that a “worldwide influencer/brand mascot/brand ambassador/potential serial killer” receives a large amount of votes?

  • Look at Mouse, he probably has (“allegedly”, but come on, we know) a (life-size) dakimakura of Mari Badr.

I imagine the nearest thing to that would unfollowing/unfriending her on all social media platforms. If you really want her to go off the rails, delete her social media accounts - and you’ve effectively ended her existence.


Some serial killers even get married in prison with those crazed fans

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No update today.

Got a bit done today, but not much. Maybe enough?

An interesting analysis for sure. :grin:

Maybe that makes it more interesting? :slight_smile:



Yeah, Mouse definitely being a female preferring bisexual kinda turns me off…Bioware did that one too many for my liking during my younger years. Having female preferring bisexuals who are very vocal about how much they like women and will tell you all about the women they have a crush on and/or their ex girlfriends…but who never mention a male crush or boyfriend.

When talking with him, I find he is actually very far from blank slate. I mean it seems to boy has got some pretty big goals of his own. It’s just that he masks his actual personality under a more servile veneer.

Not so much withdrawn as subdued, certainly when compared to some of the other emotionally stunted bad boys of fiction.

Well, yeah, at the moment the poor kid is essentially property.

I don’t agree with this one, see above.

How safe it is to romance him is debatable but, yeah, his real personality does seem to lean towards “bad boy”.


To be fair, Amribrat is a celebrity. An equivalent of Henry Cavill or any other famous people. Even if he is bi it makes sense for him to have a huge crush on a celebrity. There must be an explanation on why Amribrat is super popular to everyone.

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What’s that name of the female vp again? I kinda forgotten. I kinda wanna romance her.


Janice Brand, I think her name was? A joke was made about her being on brand or something like that. She’s listed in the last poll.



I see thank you.

There is also the aspect of romancing a famous celebrity sounds kinda exciting

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You dare touch Mousy Boy?! I got a life size dakimura of him.

No update today.

Some progress. Will probably get it done in time.

Nice to see some discussion going on here. Gets lonely sometimes when I’m the only one who posts day after day. :hugs:

Hmm, the intent with the Mari Badr stuff was more like to show a fan-idol infatuation kind of dynamic than a sexual one. Maybe I’ll need to reinforce it if it doesn’t come across like that. (forgot if he mentions other female interests)

Also, unless I’m mistaken, Mouse does imply a liking to Janice Brand’s secretary if you sit next to him and Carrington while waiting. Although, admittedly, that only happens in that node, and I may have written it a bit too vaguely for comedic purposes.

In any case, you probably have a point, so I’ll keep that in mind and see if I can slip in a comment or two during the major update rewrite, since Mouse is meant to be a ‘non-biased’ bisexual(well, omnisexual really).

Perhaps I can add it to the lunch-break scene with talk of relationships, since I did promise to add that one due to popular request. Seems like the logical place for it anyway. Hope the list of ‘things to add later on’ doesn’t get too large, though. :smiley:

Then again, to be fair, the fact is that all characters are omnisexual since it’s easier for me that way, plus it fits the cyberpunk-style pretty well, and lends for accessibiilty to the potential ROs due to the relatively low amount of options. Laziness on my part, really. :stuck_out_tongue:
(plus, of course, that stuff isn’t my forte so I like to play it safe when possible, which in this case means ‘imply things rather than say them out loud’. I might have to turn it into concrete examples when I start writing the romance stuff out more seriously, I suppose, but that’s a job for future me)

Also, interesting to see the different takes people have on the characters. It would be crude of me to say what I personally think of them, so I’ll stay silent(author is dead and all that. Kinda ironic after what I just said about Mouse above, I know :smiley: ).

Must be something that’s visible only off-screen. :innocent:


Does that mean we can ship them

Supposing I manage to implement the shipping into the game, of course. Granted, it’s only a thing on the “bonus” list when all the important stuff is done, but I think it could be a fun thing to add to ‘officially’ ship characters in a game since you can almost never do it anywhere despite there being a massive interest in people shipping characters in all media. :smiley:



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Imagine being able to romantically attach them together tho–


If you indeed manage to give us the possibility to ship other characters it would be very cool. Of all the stories that I read no one had this feature. For me at least it would be a first.

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No update today.

A bit more done. Looking good so far. If all else fails I’ll just post a smaller portion than all of the stuff I intended to, but we’ll see if I need to do that. Will probably have to stop working on Monday or Tuesday.

If at all possible I’ll at least do a basic version of it. I’ve obviously planned a complicated version of it but I doubt it’s feasible since I tend to vastly underestimate the effort in implementing stuff. :smiley:

Presumably it’ll end up being sort of like “Player initiates shipping stuff” with a choice, then later on with another choice “Player finishes shipping stuff”, which will hopefully give it enough screentime that it feels “legit” instead of a cheap cop-out.

The obvious problem here is, of course, that there’s a lot of characters to be shipped. I’ll have to cut out some of the craziest options, unfortunately, and focus on the “reasonable” ones. Like, only a handful of characters(probably the main three(Carr, Mouse, Stillwater)) that can be paired with a bunch each(2-4 choices per I’d imagine(with obviously pairings within the group itself)). Even then that’s a whole lot of stuff to write, probably 9 variants at least. Anyway, as with many other things, it’s not the focus but a bonus that I’ll implement if it’s simple enough(although, as you said, given that it’s very rare it might be cool to do it just because it’s unheard of :smiley: ).