Community College Hero 2: Knowledge is Power (Would a Game Guide for CCH1 & 2 be helpful? post 1941)

[spoiler] Why would I EVER TURN HIM DOWN.

Thank you for confirming. It was one of those nagging things that I was like “…huh did I miss something here?”.

I also found his reaction to prisons to be interesting. I’m looking forward to learning more about his background. Maybe we can help Tolly get him to put the damn knives away when dealing with relative non-threats. :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder if his divorce was caused by a majority of their income going towards all the damn lawsuits he ended up with. I bet she was like “Hey, babe, can you take a Conflict Resolution course at Speck? These lawsuits are starting to add up…” [/spoiler]


Crook has no age. He’s old, far older than the earth itself, even older than the universe!


It’s official, Crook created the universe.


Crook comes from the Old Norse “krokr”.

Vikings spoke Old Norse.

Vikings discovered America.

Europeans conspired to make people forget about this.

You know who else conspires? The Illuminatis.

Crook is a Viking that discovered America and then founded the Illuminatis.


I’ll be forever cranky I can’t afford the 50$ patreon. Because my brain is dead-set on a name for a certain character it’s gnnnrrrrghhhh…
(though I don’t even know if that one would be available cause main npc)


Stoic and Quickie have been grabbed, but nothing is final until the moneh clears!

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I’ll never be able to afford it heavy sigh ah well, was a nice dream

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Not gonna lie, I kinda wanted to romance her. I had her pictured as this ginger hair all frazzled, be spectacled, bookish woman in her 30’s, nice but messy suit…I digress. Just, her character, and Stoic’s appealed the most to me. Tress was too much like Medusa, and Dirty Girl just felt like she tried too hard to be “different”. Uni was a bit too country for my taste, and Origami was just a kid. There’s Glitterbug (Or whatever her name is), who definitely has a strong cosplayer vibe, but might get into it a little too much. Worried she might start throwing balled up socks at people while yelling “Lightning bolt!” And Rain is too attached at the hip with her brother, Shine. Won’t lie though, kinda felt bad that our character was mean to Hi-Jinx. She seemed so fun.


[sigh] Me too, but unlike Hedonist, there’s no way in hell she’d ever do something as scummy as date as student while she’s still their instructor how dare she have moral fiber


So what happens if she isn’t teaching us anymore then…


I’ve re-opend the thread. Some PMs have been sent, and I’ve purged the last bit of conversation. If you want to expand on the issue of why this thread was closed, please send me a direct message, or an email, but do not continue the conversation here.

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Also, since this game has theme of trust and betrayal, i would like to hear who you (or your character) trust or don’t trust.

I’m about …I think a 10th into Issue 2. Right up to the part where Dr. Hover is floating off, and Tress refuses to listen to my order, making the problem worse. I see Crook going down a dark path, but Tress, honestly she’s too needy to be trustworthy. The second she feels she’s appreciated elsewhere, I can see her turning on me. I can see someone extorting Mob’s secret. Tolliver is undoubtedly not trustworthy, to me. She seems more like she’s trying to get us to unwittingly give her intel. Neither is Cap Cali, given how you were practically forced to give up your secrets.


You know, I’ve been thinking about Captain California. I hated him in the first game for the whole mind fuck thing but he’s actually the only useful professor (besides McCormick). People actually got stronger with his help. I mean I guess I’m still not crazy about him but I respect him to some degree.


I don’t trust anybody, to be honest. I’m very distrustful in general, and reading y’all’s theories have made me even more paranoid. I’m particularly distrustful of the students, especially the ones in our little gang, and the more “wholesome” characters like Dean Tolly and Jacob. I guess the only people I’m not wary of are the ones who can die in Issue 2, though that’d probably come back to bite me in the ass :cold_sweat:

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McCormick is best teacher. But in fairness, I thought Downfall was a pretty helpful teacher. She was straightforward in her intent too. “You people are definitely going to get hurt in this class. But it’ll teach you how to stay alive in the real world.”


Tolliver is undoubtedly not trustworthy, to me. She seems more like she’s trying to get us to unwittingly give us intel.

Hmm, good observation/theory. I don’t seem to remember anyone here talking about Tolliver much, besides her media class. I must say though, I like her style.

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Kind of. I appreciate her tough love approach, I understand where she’s coming from and I did legitimately like that she is being realistic with you about what its going to be like to fight villains but she purposely hurts students.

Its kind of like yeah if you’re going to go to college you’re not going to be working with 1+1 but you need a foundation in order to work your way up to calculus. Pretty awkward analogy but you get what I mean lol.

That’s the thing too, for all her “tough love” nobody actually learned anything useful but when Cap taught the class everyone’s powers got stronger, you could actually see a lot of improvement. I liked Downfall as a character but she didn’t really do much as a teacher.


My MC doesn’t trust anyone at savior or prestige (aside from Stunner), and while he hasn’t completely written off Nil he can’t shake his suspicion.As for speck the only professor he trusts is McCormick, that letter wasn’t enough to make him distrust her yet.

He’s kerping a close on on Crook since he’s not doing so good so the trust there is wary (until the guy fucks up royally). DG is in the same boat as Crook but he’s not as worried about her. Because of her apparent insecurity issues he doesn’t 100% trust Tress just as a precaution. Stoic is cool in his book so not much to say there. Wombat and Syn are 100% a ok in his book.

This is how he sees it. I’m of the mindset of always being suspicious until definitive evidence shows someone leaning to one side or the other. Except for two of 'em who i can’t bring myself to distrust.

She was actually in the first issue as one of the reporters interviewing the “Media team”.
Yeah, she definitely should have trained the students on how to handle specific situations, instead of just forcing you into an unwinnable situation (especially if you picked a certain “Class”).

Speaking of, 2 suggestions to the author:

1 - Free time for the players. Not a lot, so it doesn’t detour too much, but gives players a bit of breathing room to do things like improve their character, pursue romances, buy equipment, earn money, etc.

2 - Avoid shoehorned decisions. Example, Having 4 classes, but that “Class” determines whether or not you can even pass some classes. Like Detectives CANNOT earn an A on the Midterm w/o “extenuating” circumstances. Feels less like a Choice of and more like a punishment for playing a legit, but different way than you idealized.

These aren’t meant to sound rude or be attacks, by the by. I love the work, just those two things always had me curious.